772 Changelog

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772 Changelog

#1 Post by rock5 » Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:15 am

Lots of interesting things here. Feel free to ask questions.

- Improved rbassist. When trying to run through mobs, it wont start fighting if you stop because you get stunned.
  • I previously added a feature that if you are running and don't stop and something attacks you, it doesn't fight back unless you stop. That way you can run through mobs without stopping. I noticed that if you stop because you get stunned then it starts to fight and you have to pause the script to run away. Now it also checks if you a holding down a forward key such a W or Up Arrow or pressing a mouse key. If so, it wont fight back if you don't let go. So you will be able to continue running past after the stun ends.
- Most currency values are gotten from memory now.

- Added support to skills for enemydodge, playerdodge, enemycritical and playerblock.
- Fixed bug in resume feature when trying to start in wander mode.

- Fixed resume feature when stopped at a waypoint, it now properly resumes from that waypoint instead of the next.

- When changing class it now clears target so you don't end up casting buffs on the npc.

- Improved Alive detection so it doesn't think you are dead if you sit while using rbassist.

- Fixed player hit time detection which stopped working at some point in the past.
  • I wasn't able to find a new address for this so now it works out the player last hit time by using the damage event.
- You can now open a dialog to choose the waypoint file to load by pressing Enter at the waypoint list.
  • Now that the stable version includes a open file dialog (you can select and start a script by pressing Enter at the prompt) I've included the option to select the waypoint file using the dialog. Just press Enter at the waypoint list.
    Note: There is a bug with the current versions of MicroMacro that causes keypresses not to work properly if the dialog is used. So I recommend not using the dialog until MM version 1.04.162 or later is released.
- Added profile option LOOT_JUMPING which allows you to jump while looting to avoid crouching.
  • This option is off by default so you will have to add it to your profile if you want to use it. If you only use this option then you wont notice much of an increase in looting speed as the bot still waits for the dead mob lootable flag to change to false. This can take up to 1500ms. You can loot earlier by reducing the allowed looting time by setting LOOT_TIME in your profile to a low value less than 1500. To have it loot without hardly stopping you can even make this 0. If you set LOOT_TIME to less time than it takes for the lootable flag to clear then it will try to loot twice every time. To have it not loot twice set LOOT_AGAIN to 0 in your profile. So for crazy fast looting set
    • LOOT_JUMPING="true"
    Warning: This feature may make you look like a bot to others so use with caution.
- Fixed some skills that were using option hpper which is not valid. Supposed to be maxhpper.
  • Bit of confusion here. hpper and maxhpper seem to be used interchangeably. Mostly maxhpper is used in skill.xml database so I changed them all to using it and mostly hpper is used in profiles so I changed them all to hpper. They should be the same but I wanted to cause as little trouble with existing profiles as possible.
- Eggpet class now no longer looks for aggro enemies before summoning pet.
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  • How to: copy and paste in micromacro
    • “They say hard work never hurt anybody, but I figure, why take the chance.”
          • Ronald Reagan

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