help changing new target delay time

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help changing new target delay time

#1 Post by kx9488 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:50 pm

hello :),
i am a new member here, so sorry if this has been posted somewhere else. i didn't find it.

i am wondering if it is at all possible to shorten the time between killing a target and attacking a new target.
( i have all of the delays set to zero.)
the only time my char finds a new target is if the fight last too long (stuck: melee must face front to attack) or when a dead body disappears.

Code: Select all

<option name="MAX_FIGHT_TIME"     value="1" />

Code: Select all

<option name="LOOT_PAUSE_AFTER"   value="0" />
the "problem" that i am experiencing is that the time spent on a dead corpse is greatly affecting the loot i can obtain over long hours...
right now it is profitable for me to farm in an area that i can kill mobs in 2-3 hits (with a dagger.. the hits are fast).
the duration of combat is only a few seconds, but the time it takes to find a new mob takes even longer. needless to say i could double my income if there was a way to skip the timer, when loot isn't present.

when the target dies... the dead body remains highlighted as an attackable target until the body disappears. my rogue tries to attack it 2-3 times after it dies and it says, in game:
"target dead"
"the target is dead. you are unable to attack"
"the target is dead. you are unable to attack"
until the body vanishes... then it moves on.

when there is loot to pick up, my character sometimes manages to send an attack after looting the body while it is disappearing. this means that it already checked for loot, recieved loot, and still tried to attack.

i noticed that if there is something left on the corpse, and the body is lootable still(junk item)... the body stays highlighted even though i have moved onto another target.
if i am playing manually the highlight-marker moves when i select a different mob.
i have no idea if that would have anything to do with the spead of selecting a new target, though this doesn't affect a new target being selected in any way currently.

i have "left click to cancel target" enabled in my game settings.
(interface settings>controls)

if there currently isn't a setting, or some script that someone knows of... would there be a way to efficiently add in a mouse click if loot isn't present to cancel a target, or upon a combat duration(since it keeps the target selected even after looting until it vanishes)? i'm not afraid of playing with times to get this to work properly. (also the click would have to be randomized on the game screen... the same exact spot after the same exact duration would look terrible to a GM)

possibly a better solution would be to have it look for a new target after the first "the target is dead. you are unable to attack" message.

any logical solution would be helpful, and please don't tell me to move to a spot that takes longer to kill if i'm killing to fast.
i could change the settings on my auto-loot addon to pick up all items and throw away ones i don't want, but this would only make the bodies go away faster... and only IF they had loot i didn't want.

-thanks in advance.

i used AutoHotKey, a different macro program, briefly to bot in a different game "LastChaos". there was a way to randomize button press durations and breaks in between pressing them.
this is a primative script for that program that has some randomizing in button press duration and how long the key was held, i'm wondering how to do similar things for micro macro for my waypoint file to deter detection, something like this would be used to make a random mouse click for my micro macro waypoint file.

Code: Select all

Random, STime, %Lower%, %Upper% 
Sleep %STime% 

	SetTitleMatchMode 2
	ControlSend , , {TAB Down}, LastChaos - Aeria Games & Entertainment 
	ControlSend , , {TAB Up}, LastChaos - Aeria Games & Entertainment
	ControlSend , , {2 Down}, LastChaos - Aeria Games & Entertainment
	ControlSend , , {2 Up}, LastChaos - Aeria Games & Entertainment
	ControlSend , , {3 Down}, LastChaos - Aeria Games & Entertainment
	ControlSend , , {3 Up}, LastChaos - Aeria Games & Entertainment
	ControlSend , , {3 Down}, LastChaos - Aeria Games & Entertainment
	ControlSend , , {3 Up}, LastChaos - Aeria Games & Entertainment

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Re: help changing new target delay time

#2 Post by rock5 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:08 pm

Your problem is the bot is not working as intended. It should be really fast. It should not wait for the body to disappear, so something basic is wrong.

Firstly, has the bot been updated properly? Do all your files in your 'rom' folder have green icons next to them?
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Re: help changing new target delay time

#3 Post by kx9488 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:21 pm

rock5 wrote:Your problem is the bot is not working as intended. It should be really fast. It should not wait for the body to disappear, so something basic is wrong.

Firstly, has the bot been updated properly? Do all your files in your 'rom' folder have green icons next to them?
that is awsome news, and thank you for your seedy reply! :)

i'm not sure that i am updating correctly

(skipped, path: c:\documents and settings\...\desktop\micromacro\scripts\addresses.lua)
"completed at revision:570"

right now the only thing without a green check is "addresses.lua" (micromacro>scripts>rom)

i went to the micromacro main folder and right clicked "SVN update" it did 2 revisions....
completed at revision: 17
folder still has yellow exclamation
Last edited by kx9488 on Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: help changing new target delay time

#4 Post by lisa » Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:45 pm

try doing SVN revert, this will force files to update to the version you last updated.
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Re: help changing new target delay time

#5 Post by kx9488 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:54 pm

lisa wrote:try doing SVN revert, this will force files to update to the version you last updated.

this bot actually still works even though i have updated and still have unresolved issues with "addresses.lua"

is there an up-to-date addresses.lua that i can paste into my folder so the bot works properly? or can someone link to the proper update method if tortoiseSVN isn't what i should be using.

i've also tried typing "rom/bot.lua update" in rombot... it seems to update itself with files but the exclamation point is still on my micromacro folder and the bot still runs as it did in my first post.

thanks again

current addresses.lua

Code: Select all

-- Auto-generated by update.lua
addresses = {
	camPtr_offset = 0x46C,
	camXUVec_offset = 0x128,
	camX_offset = 0x104,
	camYUVec_offset = 0x12C,
	camY_offset = 0x108,
	camZUVec_offset = 0x130,
	camZ_offset = 0x10C,
	castbar_offset = 0x25C,
	charAlive_offset = 0x224,
	charBattle_offset = 0x732,
	charPtrMounted_offset = 0x7C,
	charPtr_offset = 0x598,
	macro1_offset = 0x118,
	macro2_offset = 0x620,
	mousePtr_offset = 0x744,
	pawnAttackable_offset = 0x384,
	pawnClass1_offset = 0x2FC,
	pawnClass2_offset = 0x304,
	pawnDirXUVec_offset = 0x34,
	pawnDirYUVec_offset = 0x3C,
	pawnHP_offset = 0x2C8,
	pawnHarvesting_offset = 0x160,
	pawnId_offset = 0x14,
	pawnLevel2_offset = 0x308,
	pawnLevel_offset = 0x300,
	pawnMP2_offset = 0x2DC,
	pawnMP_offset = 0x2D4,
	pawnMaxHP_offset = 0x2D0,
	pawnMaxMP2_offset = 0x2E0,
	pawnMaxMP_offset = 0x2D8,
	pawnMount_offset = 0xC4,
	pawnName_offset = 0x290,
	pawnPetPtr_offset = 0x280,
	pawnRace_offset = 0x310,
	pawnTargetPtr_offset = 0x274,
	pawnType_offset = 0x18,
	pawnX_offset = 0x28,
	pawnY_offset = 0x2C,
	pawnZ_offset = 0x30,
	staticTablePtr = 0xA131A8,
	staticTableSize = 0xA131A4,
	staticbase_char = 0x9BC394,
	staticbase_macro = 0xA11AFC,
	staticpattern_char = 0x63D6C4,
	staticpattern_macro = 0x74DE55,
i found a larger addresses.lua in google but still have all of the same issues:

Code: Select all

-- Auto-generated by update.lua
addresses = {
	actionBarPtr = 0xA0C144,
	actionKeyId_offset = 0x10,
	actionKeyType_offset = 0xC,
	amountOffset = 0x10,
	boundStatusOffset = 0x40,
	camPtr_offset = 0x46C,
	camXUVec_offset = 0x128,
	camX_offset = 0x104,
	camYUVec_offset = 0x12C,
	camY_offset = 0x108,
	camZUVec_offset = 0x130,
	camZ_offset = 0x10C,
	castbar_offset = 0x25C,
	castingBarPtr = 0xA0C230,
	castingBar_offset = 0xC,
	charAlive_offset = 0x224,
	charBattle_offset = 0x732,
	charExp_address = 0x9B83D0,
	charMaxExpTable_address = 0xA04B58,
	charPtrMounted_offset = 0x7C,
	charPtr_offset = 0x598,
	coolDownOffset = 0xE8,
	durabilityOffset = 0x18,
	effectDuration_offset = 0x9C,
	effectIsMainFlag_offset = 0x90,
	effectType_offset = 0x94,
	eggPetAptitude_offset = 0x54,
	eggPetBaseAddress = 0x9D0EB0,
	eggPetCrafting_offset = 0x34,
	eggPetDex_offset = 0x68,
	eggPetEggId_offset = 0x20,
	eggPetExp_offset = 0x40,
	eggPetHerbalism_offset = 0xD8,
	eggPetInt_offset = 0x6C,
	eggPetLevel_offset = 0x2C,
	eggPetLoyalty_offset = 0x4C,
	eggPetMaxExpTablePtr = 0xA04DE4,
	eggPetMaxTP_offset = 0x48,
	eggPetMining_offset = 0xD0,
	eggPetNourishment_offset = 0x50,
	eggPetPetId_offset = 0x28,
	eggPetProducts_offset = 0x16C,
	eggPetSkills_offset = 0x7C,
	eggPetSta_offset = 0x64,
	eggPetStr_offset = 0x60,
	eggPetSummoned_offset = 0x38,
	eggPetTP_offset = 0x44,
	eggPetToolId_offset = 0xE4,
	eggPetTraining_offset = 0x58,
	eggPetWis_offset = 0x70,
	eggPetWoodworking_offset = 0xD4,
	hotkeysKey_offset = 0x54,
	hotkeysPtr = 0xA0D830,
	hotkeys_offset = 0x28,
	idCardNPCOffset = 0x364,
	idOffset = 0xC,
	idRecipeItemOffset = 0xF0,
	inUseOffset = 0x1C,
	inventoryBagIds = 0x9CD8CC,
	itemCountOffset = 0x10,
	itemInfoOffset = 0x10,
	loadingScreenPtr = 0xA0D940,
	loadingScreen_offset = 0xC,
	macro1_offset = 0x118,
	macro2_offset = 0x620,
	macroBody_offset = 0x118,
	macroIcon_offset = 0x14,
	macroId_offset = 0x10,
	macroName_offset = 0x18,
	macroSize = 0x508,
	maxDurabilityOffset = 0x15,
	maxStackOffset = 0x1C,
	moneyPtr = 0x9C9C3C,
	mousePtr_offset = 0x744,
	nameOffset = 0xC,
	pawnAttackable_offset = 0x384,
	pawnBuffsEnd_offset = 0x26C,
	pawnBuffsStart_offset = 0x268,
	pawnCasting_offset = 0x25C,
	pawnClass1_offset = 0x2FC,
	pawnClass2_offset = 0x304,
	pawnDirXUVec_offset = 0x34,
	pawnDirYUVec_offset = 0x3C,
	pawnEffectId_offset = 0x4,
	pawnEffectLevel_offset = 0x28,
	pawnEffectTimeLeft_offset = 0x14,
	pawnHP_offset = 0x2C8,
	pawnHarvesting_offset = 0x160,
	pawnId_offset = 0x14,
	pawnLevel2_offset = 0x308,
	pawnLevel_offset = 0x300,
	pawnLootable_offset = 0x388,
	pawnMP2_offset = 0x2DC,
	pawnMP_offset = 0x2D4,
	pawnMaxHP_offset = 0x2D0,
	pawnMaxMP2_offset = 0x2E0,
	pawnMaxMP_offset = 0x2D8,
	pawnMount_offset = 0xC4,
	pawnName_offset = 0x290,
	pawnPetPtr_offset = 0x280,
	pawnRace_offset = 0x310,
	pawnTargetPtr_offset = 0x274,
	pawnType_offset = 0x18,
	pawnX_offset = 0x28,
	pawnY_offset = 0x2C,
	pawnZ_offset = 0x30,
	ping_offset = 0x7A8,
	qualityBaseOffset = 0x40,
	qualityTierOffset = 0x16,
	realItemIdOffset = 0x98,
	rentBagBase = 0x9CE474,
	requiredLevelOffset = 0x58,
	skillAoEFlag_offset = 0xA4,
	skillAttackFlag_offset = 0xB4,
	skillBuffFlag_offset = 0xEC,
	skillCastTime_offset = 0xF4,
	skillClass_offset = 0x304,
	skillCooldown_offset = 0xE8,
	skillEffectStart_offset = 0x188,
	skillMaxLevel_offset = 0xF4,
	skillPassiveFlag_offset = 0x94,
	skillPercentMana_offset = 0xCC,
	skillPowerTypeUsed_offset = 0xC0,
	skillPower_offset = 0xC4,
	skillRangeAoE_offset = 0xA0,
	skillRange_offset = 0x9C,
	skillRequiredEffectFlag_offset = 0xD0,
	skillRequiredEffect_offset = 0xD4,
	skillRequiredEffectsStart_offset = 0x190,
	skillSelfBuffFlag_offset = 0xE0,
	skillTargetType_offset = 0x98,
	skillTypeFlag1_offset = 0xF0,
	skillTypeFlag2_offset = 0x2FE,
	skillTypeFlag3_offset = 0x2FF,
	skillTypeFlag4_offset = 0x314,
	skillTypeFlag5_offset = 0x315,
	skillTypeFlag6_offset = 0xBA,
	skillTypeFlag7_offset = 0x300,
	skillTypeFlag8_offset = 0xE4,
	skillTypeFlag9_offset = 0x274,
	skillsBase = 0x9C7EC8,
	staticEquipBase = 0x9B9C8C,
	staticInventory = 0x9C6C68,
	staticTablePtr = 0xA131A8,
	staticTableSize = 0xA131A4,
	staticbase_char = 0x9BC394,
	staticbase_macro = 0xA11AFC,
	staticpattern_char = 0x63D6C4,
	staticpattern_macro = 0x74DE55,
	tableDataStartPtrOffset = 0x1C,
	tableStartPtrOffset = 0x124,
	tablesBase = 0x9DAB24,
	tablesBaseOffset = 0x28,
	typeOffset = 0x78,
	valueOffset = 0x34,

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Re: help changing new target delay time

#6 Post by lisa » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:13 pm

tortoiseSVN is exactly what you want. right click the addresses.lua and then go to tortoisesvn, then click revert, after that it should have a green tick.

If the green tick changes when you try to use the bot then you have an issue with the way you launch the bot and it is trying to use update.lua which currently doesn't update to latest files.
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Re: help changing new target delay time

#7 Post by kx9488 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:23 pm

lisa wrote:tortoiseSVN is exactly what you want. right click the addresses.lua and then go to tortoisesvn, then click revert, after that it should have a green tick.

If the green tick changes when you try to use the bot then you have an issue with the way you launch the bot and it is trying to use update.lua which currently doesn't update to latest files.
idk what i am doing wrong, forgive me. this souds like an easy fix and somehow i'm messing it up... (

it seems like i've clicked all of the obvious options nothing fixed it :(


after revert i get a nill value

micromacro/scripts/rom/classes/player.lua:1721: attempt to preform arithmetic on field 'caster_offset' (a nil value)

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Re: help changing new target delay time

#8 Post by lisa » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:34 pm

The image you linked isn't pointing at revert, it's pointing at update to revision.
After clicking revert you should get a green tick on your file.
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Re: help changing new target delay time

#9 Post by kx9488 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:37 pm

lisa wrote:The image you linked isn't pointing at revert, it's pointing at update to revision.
After clicking revert you should get a green tick on your file.
i'm a jackass... i did manage to locate revert and get all green ticks but then i get a nil value ^
"micromacro/scripts/rom/classes/player.lua:1721: attempt to preform arithmetic on field 'caster_offset' (a nil value)"

if i then try rom/bot.lua update
then hit delete

my bot works and i again have conflicts with my addresses.lua and my bot tries to attack dead bodies still like in my original post

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Re: help changing new target delay time

#10 Post by rock5 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:42 pm

I suspect you are using a different version of the client because I believe update works at the moment and shouldn't change addresses.lua.

You need to find out what version of the bot last worked with your version. I'm not sure how to do this though.
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Re: help changing new target delay time

#11 Post by lisa » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:47 pm

don't use rom/bot.lua update
use rom/bot.lua

the update part of rombot isn't updating to current version and therefore is causing you address issues. Do revert again which should get you the green tick and then just run bot with rom/bot.lua
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Re: help changing new target delay time

#12 Post by kx9488 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:51 pm

rock5 wrote:I suspect you are using a different version of the client because I believe update works at the moment and shouldn't change addresses.lua.

You need to find out what version of the bot last worked with your version. I'm not sure how to do this though.

that's the thing, this is how the bot has always worked for me. the only thing that stopped me from creating this post when i started using the bot is the new membership activation policy... i just dealt with the delays as i waited for confirmation mail to get on the forums.. i then forgot about it. until recently ive seen other people botting my area with superior script (they don't wait for boddies to vanish to move on)

where can i get the up-to-date version? i found all of this via google and other tutorials


lisa wrote:don't use rom/bot.lua update
use rom/bot.lua

the update part of rombot isn't updating to current version and therefore is causing you address issues. Do revert again which should get you the green tick and then just run bot with rom/bot.lua
yes there aren't any confilcts according to tortioseSVN but after i revert i get nill value when it ry to run rombot
"micromacro/scripts/rom/classes/player.lua:1721: attempt to preform arithmetic on field 'caster_offset' (a nil value)"

i opened up programmer's notepad, here is line 1721:

Code: Select all

self.Casting = (debugAssert(memoryReadInt(getProc(), self.Address + addresses.castbar_offset), language[41]) ~= 0);
i don't even have a self buff in my profile added to skills section. i'm not sure why there is an error for "self.casting" line
where is the conflict in my profile?

Code: Select all

		<skill name="SCOUT_VAMPIRE_ARROWS" modifier="" hotkey="VK_2" priority="70" />	
		<skill name="ROGUE_SHADOWSTAB"     modifier="" hotkey="VK_4" priority="90" />
		<skill name="ROGUE_LOW_BLOW"       modifier="" hotkey="VK_5" priority="80" />
		<skill name="ROGUE_WOUND_ATTACK"   modifier="" hotkey="VK_6" priority="60" />
the self heal crap is commented out still

Code: Select all

		-- Additional Lua code to execute when casting a skill
		-- Note: arg1 contains the skill being used.
		-- i.e. arg1.Name will be the name of the skill being cast
		-- e.g.:
		--if( 15 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100 ) then
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_SOUL_SOURCE");
		--elseif( 25 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100 ) then
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_HOLY_AURA");
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_URGENT_HEAL");
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_URGENT_HEAL");
Last edited by kx9488 on Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: help changing new target delay time

#13 Post by lisa » Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:10 pm

try to use the addresses.lua attached instead.
rev 570
(4.5 KiB) Downloaded 84 times
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Re: help changing new target delay time

#14 Post by kx9488 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:16 pm

lisa wrote:try to use the addresses.lua attached instead.

but still same nill error

line 1721 in player.lua file :(

i grabbed the player.lua from here (
now i have this error instead with the player.lua file:

desktop/micromacro.............../player.lua:17 attempt to call global 'MemoryReadRepeat' (a nil value)

here is that line #17:

Code: Select all

local playerAddress = memoryReadRepeat("intptr", getProc(), addresses.staticbase_char, addresses.charPtr_offset);
i have no idea what this error would indicate :(

what is the most up-to-date source for rombot? ????

if i replace with those files is that it?

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Re: help changing new target delay time

#15 Post by rock5 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:27 am

When you say you updated it, what did you update? Because that line doesn't exist in my version. Did you right click the 'rom' folder and select 'SVN Update'? It looks like you have a really old version of the bot. I'm not surprised a version that old still has that loot pause problem. What version of the game client are you running? Maybe you just need to update the bot to a revision before the last big game patch.
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Re: help changing new target delay time

#16 Post by kx9488 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:31 am

rock5 wrote:When you say you updated it, what did you update? Because that line doesn't exist in my version. Did you right click the 'rom' folder and select 'SVN Update'? It looks like you have a really old version of the bot. I'm not surprised a version that old still has that loot pause problem. What version of the game client are you running? Maybe you just need to update the bot to a revision before the last big game patch.
yea... i have no friggin clue why i was getting errors.... i was sick of screwing around. i found the google trunk link... backed up my micromacro folder, then proceded to download every last file and replace mine from here

everything is fine and dandy now, ty rock and lisa for being patient and trying to help me.

i should have just did that in the first place... is there a DL link to those files on this site? there should be

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Re: help changing new target delay time

#17 Post by rock5 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:37 am

If you right click the rom folder and do a 'SVN Update' and all your files are green, that should be foolproof. I don't know why you were having issues.

There is a link in the main 'rombot' thread for a download but it's not always upto date. I definitely recommend using Tortoise SVN. It also helps with troubleshooting (usually :) ).
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Re: help changing new target delay time

#18 Post by kx9488 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:44 am

rock5 wrote:If you right click the rom folder and do a 'SVN Update' and all your files are green, that should be foolproof. I don't know why you were having issues.

There is a link in the main 'rombot' thread for a download but it's not always upto date. I definitely recommend using Tortoise SVN. It also helps with troubleshooting (usually :) ).
well the files were seriously out of date i think... the wierd thing is niether SVN or rom/bot.lua update would update the files to the files....

even stranger, now that everything is in great working order and up to date via that link ^ .... i still have conflicting files according to tortioseSVN.
i even ran SVN update on every folder and individual file that had an issue according to SVN.

the checkboxes arent all green, but the bot works perfectly... do you think my SVN is bad or something?

i mean my bot works fine... so it isn't a big deal, but something is wrong with SVN i think, anyone have a good version?

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Re: help changing new target delay time

#19 Post by lisa » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:06 am

right click your rom folder and click svn then relocate.

Code: Select all
I'd say your svn update address is just wrong.
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Re: help changing new target delay time

#20 Post by kx9488 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:21 am

lisa wrote:right click your rom folder and click svn then relocate.

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I'd say your svn update address is just wrong.
oddly enough the relocate is correct. :?:

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