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MicroMacro 2.x Online Manual
The MicroMacro 2 branch is currently under development and is subject to change.
Basic Info | How things work, configuration options, and other fun stuff. |
Tutorials & Examples | Everything you'll want to know to get started writing your own script. |
Events | The different events that can be triggered. |
Audio Module | Load and play sounds with OpenAL. |
Class Module | Create classes with support for object inheritance. |
Cli Module | For interfacing with the console. |
Clipper Module | Polygon clipping, merging, simplifying, and more. |
Filesystem Module | Functions for dealing with files and directories. |
Gamepad Module | Read input from gamepads and joysticks. |
Global Addon | Misc functions in global scope. |
Hash Module | Functions for 1-way hashing strings and files. |
Key Module | A table containing virtual key codes for use with keyboard and mouse related functions. |
Keyboard Module | Read keyboard input or send synthetic key presses. |
Log Module | Functions for interfacing with the global log file. |
Macro Module | The base module; controls the execution of your scripts. |
Math Addon | Additional math functions. |
Mouse Module | Read mouse input or send synthetic button presses & movement. |
Ncurses Module | Create Ncurses windows and display text in an advanced way. |
Network Module | Communicate with overs over standard network sockets |
Process Module | Interface with other processes & their allocated memory. |
Serial Module | Communicate over serial (COM) ports |
SQL Module | Query SQL relational databases. |
String Addon | Additional functions for working with text strings. |
System Module | Interfacing with the operating system. |
Table Addon | Additional functions for working with tables. |
Time Module | Anything dealing with timing & time values. |
Window Module | Interface with other windows. |
Cache Library | For caching simple key/value pairs |
HTTPD Library | Run a mini-webserver and use your web browser to interface with your scripts |
Neural Network Library | Simple, open-ended machine learning |
Timestamp Class | A library to aid in dealing with time values |
Timezone Class | A library used to lookup timezone offsets |
MicroMacro 1.x Online Manual
Mouse Control | Functions to control mouse movement and clicks |
Keyboard Control | Functions to control keyboard key presses and releases |
Process Functions | Functions to open, close, and find processes |
Memory Functions | Functions for reading and writing of memory |
Network Functions | Functions for sending and receiving data over TCP/IP |
Filesystem Functions | Functions for working with files and directories |
Timer Functions | Timer-related functions |
Misc. Functions | Misc. functions |
Sound Functions | Functions for loading and playing sounds |
Library | Various library information |
Modules | Information about the standard modules, and how to create your own. |
Virtual Keys | For use with keyboard related functions |