course of terror WP

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Re: course of terror WP

#441 Post by lisa » Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:36 am

I finally worked out the actual trouble with the killing summon thing and not clowns.
It was the distance to waypoint, I would never had thought that would be an issue, who cares how far it is to the next or last waypoint when you are killing a mob.

Anyway, this works perfectly.

Code: Select all

		local seal, sealtable = player:findNearestNameOrId(102368)
		if seal then
			local oldsetting = settings.profile.options.MAX_TARGET_DIST
			settings.profile.options.MAX_TARGET_DIST = 1500 -- because of issue of distance to WP....
			yrest(2000) -- wait for seal to really appear
			print("found: "..#sealtable.." lets kill them")
			for i = 1, #sealtable do
				player:target(sealtable[i]) -- kills the summoning portal and not the ghost clown.
				player:fight() -- might need to create fight function
				yrest(2000) -- give a couple of seconds for the clown to disappear.
			print("they should be dead")
			settings.profile.options.MAX_TARGET_DIST = oldsetting
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Re: course of terror WP

#442 Post by rock5 » Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:46 am

Hm... You're using a different id for the seal. Are you sure the issue wasn't that the id changed? Although I seem to remember a similar issue, was it with another minigame? Maybe survival.

Code: Select all

settings.profile.options.MAX_TARGET_DIST = 300        -- Or it wont attack trash mobs too far from the door.
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Re: course of terror WP

#443 Post by lisa » Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:16 pm

Yeah I posted earlier the ID was wrong/changed and it still wouldn't work, issue is the distance check to the waypoint in evaltargetdefault which seems to get used even when you don't use findenemy, I didn't do a full trace to look for how it gets used I just know it is checking distance to waypoint and since the file only has the 3 waypoints and the rest is all done by functions it was ALWAYS to far from waypoint and so wouldn't attack the seal, it would however respond to being attacked by the clowns.
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Re: course of terror WP

#444 Post by rock5 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 2:23 am

Ah I see.

If you make a working cot waypoint maybe you should start a new post for it. Then I can comment my first post saying it doesn't work anymore because you can't fly in cot anymore, and add a link to your working version.
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Re: course of terror WP

#445 Post by lisa » Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:49 am

I guess I can post what I am using at the moment, it requires to use models so you can just walk over the other tiles, only had 1 time where char didn't go into portal, just a tweak of cords really.

I haven't been making my code look pretty as I pretty much just use what I make and haven't posted, seems hardly anyone on forum is playing game anymore.

This is a very ugly looking butchered up version of cot_tele which works anyway lol
The whole pathing code is probably not needed but I used it to work on that type of coding, also makes it easier to look for agro, kill seal and then continue on the same path.
requires models to work
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Re: course of terror WP

#446 Post by beanybabe » Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:55 am

This version works for me. I am not using any model. Vary rarely it will get stuck and need you to get it moving again.
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Re: course of terror WP

#447 Post by lisa » Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:36 am

I had a look at player:fight and found the issue it is having.

Code: Select all

		-- check if aggro before attacking
		if( self.Battling == true  and				-- we have aggro
		    target.LastHP == 0 and		-- we haven't started attacking it yet
		    target.TargetPtr ~= self.Address and
			not target:targetIsFriend()) then	-- but not from that mob
				local enemy = player:findEnemy(true,nil,evalTargetDefault) -- find enemy
				if enemy and enemy.Address ~= self.TargetPtr then -- It's not the one we targeting
					cprintf(, language[36], target.Name); -- Aggro during first strike
					break_fight = true;
if you are in combat and have done no damage it looks for an enemy to kill (using evaltargetdefault) regardless of if you already have a target.

I am thinking I want a player:killTarget() =)

--=== Added ===--

I just added an arg to player:fight() and if the arg is true it doesn't do that code I posted, I'll test it out and not use that increase max distance code.
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Re: course of terror WP

#448 Post by beanybabe » Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:12 pm

I have been having some trouble with this older version of the wp when running several clients. It seems to just stop when looting a key. I have to move move it thru the exit door to get it to start again. I may try the newer version and see if it works.

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Re: course of terror WP

#449 Post by VLD » Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:47 am

Hey, everybody!
I have a problem with "cot" wp: sometimes if >summoning portal< before exit-portal, bot making next things: he stoping (destination found) before summoning portal, wait some seconds (how and any time with this portal), kill it and... sleeping! No, it's not "player: sleep", it's just waiting for something like forloadscreen. So, if I won't see this, bot will stay in this position all 15 minutes and leave from COT cose time out and will stay again...
And there is one more mistake which I seen in this wp - sometimes bot run to angle of [key]-stone and it makes error cose bot only run in one point all 15 minutes.

Of couse, much tanks for you for this wp, but really I think that it's too complicated with all this point's massives...
And have any ideas to fix mistakes which I posted?
*I use model

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Re: course of terror WP

#450 Post by Braziliano » Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:48 pm

I only run into issues if I run more than 15 clients.
Would you recommend using the ultra model folder?

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