Party Bot (questions/answers)

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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#161 Post by rock5 » Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:09 am

Wasn't there some similar issue that had something to do with the MM version? What version of MM are you using?
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#162 Post by WonderBoB » Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:29 am

I am using the MM version 1.02 Rom bot version 750, Also I made edits to my previous post, please have a look over and let me know what you think.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#163 Post by lisa » Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:08 am

WonderBoB wrote:I am using the MM version 1.02 Rom bot version 750
pretty sure we are upto 1.02 beta 6 for MM version

I don't understand why onleavecombat isn't working for you.

Code: Select all

			if player.Battling then
				if player:target(player:findEnemy(true, nil, evalTargetDefault)) then
					if heal then
So it either uses player:fight() which handles the onleavecombat or it uses healfight() which also handles the onleavecombat, so yeah that is weird, did you try adding a simple print to the onleavecombat section of your profile?

There is no usage for onleavecombat for a dedicated healer at this stage because it is something that is handled after you kill a mob, as in you target something and then it dies = "leaving combat" and since a dedicated healer would never target a mob then it would never do the onleavecombat code.

Onleavecombat should be working fine for a DPS or HEAL_FIGHT char.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#164 Post by WonderBoB » Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:25 am

You are correct, If the Party bot is set to Heal_Fight or DPS then yes it will run onLeaveCombat ... but as you said a dedicated healer will never "Leave Combat".
AS I noted in my previous post, I added a workaround for the pure Heal function. I posted the Code change a few posts back.

What I did was add the call to onLeaveCombat to the fight check that the heal function uses to make the pure heal function loot. Here is a snippet of the change I made for your reference, This is is a modification done to the party.lua

Code: Select all

if (not player.Battling) then

         if settings.profile.options.LOOT == true and
            settings.profile.options.LOOT_ALL == true then
            local Lootable = player:findEnemy(nil, nil, evalTargetLootable)
            if not Lootable then
               getNameFollow()   --includes mount/dismount code
               if player.TargetPtr ~= 0 then
               -- Fix for out of Combat checking while in pure Heal mode, edited by WonderBoB
               if( type( == "function" ) then
               local status,err = pcall(;
               if( status == false ) then
                  local msg = sprintf(language[85], err);
               -- End of fix
This is my fix to get the Heal only profile setting of the heal bot to load onLeaveCombat, It has turned out to work fairly well,

On the side note: your changes to the Party.lua version 751 I must assume that you are running the latest revision of MM. I have not updated MM as the last time I tried all the download links were broken.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#165 Post by lisa » Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:44 am

I added this simple print to healer profile for onleavecombat

Code: Select all

print("I am HEAL_FIGHT and leaving combat")

Code: Select all

Engaging enemy [Guardian Punisher] in combat.
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICE_BLADE    =>   Guardian Punisher (58006/202193)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICE_BLADE    =>   Guardian Punisher (0/202193)
I am HEAL_FIGHT and leaving combat
Clearing target.
Engaging enemy [Guardian Punisher] in combat.
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICE_BLADE    =>   Guardian Punisher (20947/202193)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICE_BLADE    =>   Guardian Punisher (0/202193)
I am HEAL_FIGHT and leaving combat
Party member 1 has the name of DPS
Engaging enemy [Guardian Punisher] in combat.
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICE_BLADE    =>   Guardian Punisher (64013/207285)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICE_BLADE    =>   Guardian Punisher (0/207285)
I am HEAL_FIGHT and leaving combat
We didn't move to the loot!? Root buff? Missing 'click to move' option
Clearing target.
Engaging enemy [Guardian Punisher] in combat.
Moving in | Suggested range: 180 | Distance: 195
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICE_BLADE    =>   Guardian Punisher (123132/207285)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICE_BLADE    =>   Guardian Punisher (99576/207285)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_URGENT_HEAL  =>   DPS (45416/54038)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICE_BLADE    =>   * Failed to cast *
I am HEAL_FIGHT and leaving combat
Engaging enemy [Guardian Punisher] in combat.
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICE_BLADE    =>   Guardian Punisher (64716/202193)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICE_BLADE    =>   Guardian Punisher (0/202193)
I am HEAL_FIGHT and leaving combat
Clearing target.
Picking up sigil "Talent Sigil"
So yeah I got no idea what you guys are on about, onleavecombat works fine for me.

this is my profile party settings

Code: Select all

		<!-- Party Bot options  -->
		 <option name="PARTY"			value="true" /> 
		 <option name="PARTY_ICONS"		value="false" /> 
		 <option name="PARTY_INSTANCE"	value="true" /> 
		 <option name="PARTY_FOLLOW_NAME" value="DPS" /> 
		 <option name="ICON_FIGHT"		value="false" />
		<!-- Healing options -->
		 <option name="HEAL_FIGHT"		value="true" />
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#166 Post by WonderBoB » Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:00 am

Okay, I guess I am not explaining myself properly, The Partyheal settings in my profile is for Heal ONLY no combat so in the healers profile the Heal_fight is set to "false". As I am wanting my healer to follow the dps and heal and loot and do nothing else.

Here is the setup:
DPS kills and loots
Healer Heals and loots
The area I am harvesting in drops Mysterious Bags
so I worked it out this way >>>

I added the following code To my dps and healer Profile :

Code: Select all

		print(" I just left combat")
	    if player:findNearestNameOrId("107217") then
        yrest(500) -- If not enough time to pick up bag, increase it.
Now with the healer in pure heal mode I do not want it to attack anything as it will die, But I do need the Healer to load the onLeaveCombat after each fight to check for Mysterious Bags, But by default the Party.lua only does a player.battling() call to check for loot, but since the lootall() function does not check for Mysterious bags and gift bags that drop in the new zones.

So what I did is added the following code to the party.lua File under the Heal() function because I do not want the bot ins Heal_Fight mode:

Code: Select all

		if (not player.Battling) then

			if settings.profile.options.LOOT == true and
				settings.profile.options.LOOT_ALL == true then
				local Lootable = player:findEnemy(nil, nil, evalTargetLootable)
				if not Lootable then
					getNameFollow()   --includes mount/dismount code
					if player.TargetPtr ~= 0 then
					-- Fix for out of Combat checking while in pure Heal mode, edited by WonderBoB
					if( type( == "function" ) then
					local status,err = pcall(;
					if( status == false ) then
						local msg = sprintf(language[85], err);
					-- End of fix
Now This change works Fine for what I am wanting the heal bot to do.... here is my question:

Is there a better way to do this or can this change be put into the offical update of the Party.lua as making this change every time the Party.lua is updated would be painful to say the least.

I am willing to learn and new with lua code, and the inner workings of the rom bot. Thank you Lisa and Rock I have learned a lot from the both of you!
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#167 Post by lisa » Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:08 am

There is no usage for onleavecombat for a dedicated healer at this stage because it is something that is handled after you kill a mob, as in you target something and then it dies = "leaving combat" and since a dedicated healer would never target a mob then it would never do the onleavecombat code.
What you have done is added the onleavecombat to anytime a party member is not in combat and there is something to loot, so it is more of a "onloot" event.

Probably the easiest work around for the mysterious bags is just to add in a function call, if the function exists then it would do the code, you could then just add the function to your profile onload.

Something like this

Code: Select all

				if not Lootable then
					getNameFollow()   --includes mount/dismount code
					if player.TargetPtr ~= 0 then
					if onLoot then onLoot() end
Then in your profile onload have

Code: Select all

function onLoot()
    if player:findNearestNameOrId("107217") then
        yrest(500) -- If not enough time to pick up bag, increase it.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#168 Post by WonderBoB » Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:58 am

That works great thank you!
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#169 Post by abron1 » Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:14 pm

man have downloaded ever party.lua on this page and i still crash man. i would love to have this feature but it won't work for me. can you do me an favor and post the latest party.lua file so i can make sure i have the right one. if you have the time..

Code: Select all

-- warden pet healing
	if havewarden then
		for k,v in pairs(petmemberpawn) do
			-- no repeat loop so just 1 heal and will heal again next time round, keeps players as priority.
			if v.HP/v.MaxHP*100 > 10 and 70 > v.HP/v.MaxHP*100 then -- Alive and under 80% hp
				if player.Class1 == CLASS_PRIEST then
					if 180 > distance(v.X,v.Z,player.X,player.Z) then
						SlashCommand("/script CastSpellByName(\""..GetIdName(491147).."\");");
						cprintf(cli.yellow, "Heal Pet Skill: %s\t %s\n",GetIdName(491147),v.Name);
				elseif player.Class1 == CLASS_DRUID then
					if 230 > distance(v.X,v.Z,player.X,player.Z) then
						SlashCommand("/script CastSpellByName(\""..GetIdName(493528).."\");");
						cprintf(cli.yellow, "Heal Pet Skill: %s\t %s\n",GetIdName(493528),v.Name);
i downloaded the one you said with the prints but i still crashes. does id not being found have anything to do with the crashing? and again there is red around the warden pet code in note padd++. starting from

Code: Select all

 if player.Class1 == CLASS_PRIEST then
until the end of that piece of code

Code: Select all

Party member 1 has the name of My Warden
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>   My Healer (61859/61859)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>   My Warden (118625/118625)
Clearing target.
Clearing target.
Party member 1 has the name of My Warden
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>   My Healer (61859/61859)
Not in game. Waiting till you reenter game... Continuing.
Player address changed: 0x8D14600
Ranged skill found: MAGE_LIGHTNING
Maximum range of range attack skills is less than COMBAT_DISTANCE 235. Reducing
COMBAT_DISTANCE setting to 225.
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>   My Warden (118625/118625)
Id 1107296256 not found
Id 1107296256 not found
Id 1097284046 not found
Id 1056423407 not found
Id 1 not found
Id 1106771968 not found
Id 1134297088 not found
Id 1143209984 not found
Id 49278976 not found
Id 1107296256 not found
Id 1107296256 not found
Id 1097284046 not found
Id 1056423407 not found
Id 1 not found
Id 1106771968 not found
Id 1134297088 not found
Id 1143209984 not found
Id 49278976 not found
Id 1107296256 not found
Id 1107296256 not found
Id 1097284046 not found
Id 1056423407 not found
Id 1 not found
Id 1106771968 not found
Id 1134297088 not found
Id 1143209984 not found
Id 49278976 not found
Use MACRO: PRIEST_WAVE_ARMOR   =>   My Warden (118625/118625)
Clearing target.
Id 99 not found
Id 99 not found
Id 99 not found
Party member 1 has the name of My Warden
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>   My Healer (61859/61859)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_WAVE_ARMOR   =>   My Healer (61859/61859)
Clearing target.
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>   My Warden (115815/118625)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_WAVE_ARMOR   =>   My Warden (115816/118625)
Engaging enemy [Sugon Armored Beast] in combat.
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL       =>   Sugon Armored Beast (202275/202275)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_BONE_CHILL   =>   Sugon Armored Beast (177102/202275)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICEWIND_BLADE=>   Sugon Armored Beast (142090/202275)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_FROST_SCARS  =>   Sugon Armored Beast (142090/202275)
Taking too long to damage target, breaking sequence...
Clearing target.
Use MACRO: PRIEST_REGENERATE   =>   Sugon Armored Beast (0/202275)
Engaging enemy [Sugon Armored Beast] in combat.
Moving in | Suggested range: 225 | Distance: 225
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL       =>   Sugon Armored Beast (202275/202275)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_FROST_SCARS  =>   Sugon Armored Beast (178829/202275)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_WAVE_ARMOR   =>   My Healer (61859/61859)
Clearing target.
Party member 1 has the name of My Warden
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>   My Healer (61859/61859)
Engaging enemy [Sugon Armored Beast] in combat.
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL       =>   Sugon Armored Beast (202275/202275)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_FROST_SCARS  =>   Sugon Armored Beast (112418/202275)
Use MACRO: MAGE_LIGHTNING      =>   Sugon Armored Beast (103032/202275)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_BONE_CHILL   =>   Sugon Armored Beast (103032/202275)
Heal Pet Skill: Urgent Heal      Chiron the Centaur
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL       =>   Sugon Armored Beast (18848/202275)
Heal Pet Skill: Urgent Heal      Chiron the Centaur
Engaging enemy [Sugon Armored Beast] in combat.
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL       =>   Sugon Armored Beast (108402/202275)
Use MACRO: MAGE_LIGHTNING      =>   Sugon Armored Beast (50716/202275)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_BONE_CHILL   =>   * Failed to cast *
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>   My Warden (118625/118625)
Party member 1 has the name of My Warden
12:56am - bad argum
ent #1 to 'memoryWriteBytePtr' ((null))
and notice if the healer is fighting it aslo says to long with no damage break but the mob is not dead and its still fighting it.

Code: Select all

Engaging enemy [Sugon Armored Beast] in combat.
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL       =>   Sugon Armored Beast (202275/202275)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_BONE_CHILL   =>   Sugon Armored Beast (177102/202275)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_ICEWIND_BLADE=>   Sugon Armored Beast (142090/202275)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_FROST_SCARS  =>   Sugon Armored Beast (142090/202275)
Taking too long to damage target, breaking sequence...
Clearing target.
as you can see i am trying my best to trouble shoot this as best i can with little know how about coding. to thanks for all your help

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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#170 Post by lisa » Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:24 pm

profile option

Code: Select all

<option name="MAX_FIGHT_TIME"     	value="30" />	
looks like yours is set to around 4 or 5, needs to be much higher.

As to the crashes, someone else said their's crashed when healer got to far away from the other char, I don't understand how that could make the game crash.

The id not found issue is a very old one which I thought was "fixed" a long time ago, well fixed to the point it became rare. The Id's in your prints arn't even real ID's though so I don't know what is calling the GetIdName function with those as an argument.

Basically something is calling GetIdName(itemId) and with those numbers as itemId, so in the warden pet heal it has GetIdName(491147) which is the ID of a heal skill. So somewhere else in your code you have something doing

Code: Select all

In party.lua there are only 4 times with GetIdName and they are all to do with the warden pet heal.

My suguestion, try using the default profile and just change the party options and see if it crashes.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#171 Post by lisa » Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:25 pm

Looks like I managed to recreate the game crashing, it is a deep seeded issue that has actually been in the bot for a while but it was only increased with this new way I am getting the party member info, I'll do some more testing and if it holds up I will commit it later today.
Not going to post it for testing as I had to change 6 or 7 files.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#172 Post by lisa » Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:12 pm

commited rev 752, make sure to do SVN revert aswell.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#173 Post by rock5 » Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:17 am

I swear Lisa, sometimes I think you don't think things through. Why limit onLoot to only with party use? You don't think that it would be useful to others as well? Just saying.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#174 Post by lisa » Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:46 am

rock5 wrote:I swear Lisa, sometimes I think you don't think things through. Why limit onLoot to only with party use? You don't think that it would be useful to others as well? Just saying.
Made me LOL

generally people use onleavecombat to handle any looting code they want to do, which works fine. If I was going to do an onloot function for the entire bot I would have done it in player:loot or player:lootall and added it as an actual profile event.

There is no reason it still can't be done, true?

The little function usage I added for party bot is because partyhealer never targets anything so it never actually triggers the onleavecombat event. It was small but adds a lot of options for the party bot which would have normally been very hard to add in, normal rombot has been able to have this purely be using onleavecombat.

So I didn't see the need to change the default rombot when it already does what is needed.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#175 Post by rock5 » Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:15 am

lisa wrote:There is no reason it still can't be done, true?
lisa wrote:The little function usage I added for party bot is because partyhealer never targets anything so it never actually triggers the onleavecombat event.
But what if a user want to do something after every combat but don't want it to loot. :shock:

Just kidding, don't worry about it.

You know you could have just used the onLeaveCombat event. Although maybe the onLoot gives some extra needed versatility. By 'use' I mean call the onLeaveCombat event instead of onLoot.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#176 Post by lisa » Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:44 am

rock5 wrote:You know you could have just used the onLeaveCombat event. Although maybe the onLoot gives some extra needed versatility. By 'use' I mean call the onLeaveCombat event instead of onLoot.
no because it would be called after the mob was killed and then again for where onLoot is. No point calling the same event twice for every time you kill a mob. It is only the partyhealer that never does onleavecombat, anything that attacks a mob still does it as usual.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#177 Post by lisa » Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:59 am

spoke to soon anyway, had a crash after about 2 hours.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#178 Post by abron1 » Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:16 am

well lisa i thank you for your efforts but i still crash and it keep spamming buffs for some reason

Code: Select all

Clearing target.
Party member 1 has the name of My  Warden
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>  My  Priest (61859/61859)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>   My  Warden (97020/97020)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_GROUP_HEAL   =>   My  Warden (97020/97020)
Party member 1 has the name of My  Warden
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>  My  Priest (61859/61859)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_HEALING_SALVE=>   My  Warden (97020/97020)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_WAVE_ARMOR   =>  My  Priest (61859/61859)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_SOUL_BOND    =>  My  Priest (61859/61859)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_AMPLIFIED_ATT=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_GRACE_OF_LIFE=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_AMPLIFIED_ATT=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_GRACE_OF_LIFE=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_AMPLIFIED_ATT=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_GRACE_OF_LIFE=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Party member 1 has the name of My  Warden
Use MACRO: PRIEST_AMPLIFIED_ATT=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_GRACE_OF_LIFE=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_AMPLIFIED_ATT=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_GRACE_OF_LIFE=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_AMPLIFIED_ATT=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_GRACE_OF_LIFE=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_AMPLIFIED_ATT=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_GRACE_OF_LIFE=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_AMPLIFIED_ATT=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
Use MACRO: PRIEST_GRACE_OF_LIFE=>   My  Warden (89905/89905)
om/functions.lua:321: bad argument #1 to 'memoryWriteBytePtr' ((null))

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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#179 Post by lisa » Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:27 am

Basically come round a full circle, what was happening was some objects at different places around the world would have the InParty bit as true even though they weren't even a mob or player, so the code I had would add them to the player table and then treat them as a player. I didn't expect this and the reason I never crashed for so long was in the area I was testing there weren't any objects like this.

So in 2 minds, I can either go back to the way I got the party info or add in some "type" checks for the object and go from there. To be honest I feel like just going back to the previous code and save myself the hassle.
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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

#180 Post by abron1 » Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:34 am

Well lisa i thank you for your effort and at least we know what the problem was and if you have time in the future then you can take it from there. That new zone has been a pain for the bot ever since it came out. so again thank you for trying and i will be happy with what ever you decide..

I am just glad it wasn't me or my computer screwing things up lol

And i can say i have solo'd with healer and warden pet the new instances (on easy of course) and have gotten all my set skills from the other instances with this feature so don't get discouraged its a great feature and i really enjoy usng it.
Last edited by abron1 on Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:41 am, edited 3 times in total.

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