11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (http://www.runesofmagic.com)
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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#21 Post by Golden Eggs 4 my Pet » Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:37 pm

Hello Rock5,

This is a more detailed update that I planned on placing in a new thread before I read your reply (see my replies to your suggestions in red).

After updating RoM Bot today, I am still getting the yellow error message stating to update my "Ingamesfunctions" folder (screenshot pasted below) that I got before updating Rom Bot. Am I doing the updating correctly? See how I updated below:

My unfruitful order of operations after 4.05 patch:
  • 1.) Using TortoiseSVN (v1.7) - Performed the SVN Update (to Rom Bot v329, revision 675) for my "C:/.../micromacro/script/rom" folder.
    2.) Manually replaced* the "Ingamefunctions" folder (in the "C:/.../Runes of Magic/Interface/Addons" folder) with the now updated "Ingamefunctions" folder (from the "C:/.../micromacro/script/rom/devtools" folder).
    3.) Rebooted my system.
    4.) Logged into RoM, entered Miller's Ranch & moved to Jenna Miller.
    5.) Executed "Micromacro.exe" (v1.02 Beta) & then "rom/bot.lua" within its shell.
    6.) Pressed "Delete" key.
    7.) Results in "post SVN Update" screenshot below.
    8.) Performed a "rom/update.lua" update.
    9.) Repeated steps 3-6 above.
    10.) Results shown "post RoM Bot Update Lua" screenshot below.

I take it the error message "Unable to find 'qualityTierOffset' in module" that I am getting is because I performed the "rom/update.lua" procedure after you removed the "qualityTierOffset" section Wednesday night...
rock5 wrote:Oops, my bad again. The only reason update.lua worked for me is because I removed the "qualityTierOffset" section last night. So that should be the only bit in update.lua that needs fixing.
...& that this is unrelated to the error regarding the need to update the "Ingamefunctions" folder.
rock5 wrote:For the error message, you took the right steps. So maybe there are conflicted files? See if any files have red ot yellow icons next to them. Try right-clicking the 'rom' folder and doing a "TortoiseSVN/Revert".
All files & folders have green icons next to them (see "All Green" screenshot below). As for the TortoiseSVN "Revert" you want me to perform, I am unfarmiliar with it. How do I perform it?...I see the "Revert" option when I right click my "C:/.../micromacro/script/rom" folder & choose "TortoiseSVN", but when I do select it a blank window appears (see screencapture below). Forgive my ignorance, but I am not sure what to do from there.

I understand it's a holiday week end, but any reply with a solution or a statement of assurance to look into the issue when time permits, would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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All Green.jpg
TortoiseSVN Revert.jpg
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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#22 Post by ark2003 » Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:42 pm

same thing is happening to me. not sure what to try next

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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#23 Post by rock5 » Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:02 pm

Type this in the game and tell me what it prints,

Code: Select all

/script SendSystemChat(IGF_INSTALLED)
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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#24 Post by Golden Eggs 4 my Pet » Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:31 pm


Code: Select all

/script SendSystemChat(IGF_INSTALLED)
I typed above code ver batum in SAY (while in Millers Ranch & then again in Varanas) -> abosolutely nothing happened (that I could tell). No text was displayed in any chat window.

I inserted it in an in-game macro, placed macro on my action bar & clicked it -> abosolutely nothing happened (that I could tell).

(I doubt this was the case, but I am not connected to a printer if this somehow was intended to send something to my printer)

That help any?

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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#25 Post by ark2003 » Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:49 pm

On one game copy it prints true and on other it doesn't print anything. But same error in both cases

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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#26 Post by Golden Eggs 4 my Pet » Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:57 pm


I opened both "Ingamefunctions" files (one in RoM & the other under Micromacro) & each have the code printed below.
(They seem to be indenticle & state "1" as the IGF_INSTALLED flag.)

RoM Code below:

Code: Select all

IGF_INSTALLED = 1;	-- so we can detect if the addon is installed. The number is so we know what version is installed.
                    -- if any changes are made to any files in the 'ingamefunctions' folder, increment this number
					-- and change the check in 'settings.lua' to match this number.

-- read the tooltip values for a given item in the bag (bagid)
function igf_GetTooltip(_side, _bagid)

	if( _side ~= "Left"  and  _side ~= "Right" ) then
		_side = "Right";

	if( not _bagid ) then
		ChatFrame1:AddMessage("IGF: pls call igf_GetTooltip() with a valid bagid.");
		return false

	GameTooltip:ClearLines();			-- seems not to work, still sometimes old values there ???
	GameTooltip:SetBagItem(_bagid);		-- set tooltip for given bagid
--	GameTooltip:Show()		-- ok
--	GameTooltip:Hide()		-- ok

	-- tooltip values for one side
	local tt = {};
	for i=1,40,1 do
		local lineobj, text = nil, nil;
		lineobj = _G["GameTooltipText".._side..i];
		if(lineobj) then
			text = lineobj:GetText();
			lineobj:SetText("");		-- there was a problem with old values, so one more try to clear them

		-- set space if text is empty, because RoMScript can't handle back empty strings
		if (not text  or
			text == "") then
			text = " ";

		tt[i] = text;

	-- RoMScript can't handle tables, so we return single values
	return unpack(tt)

-- /script ReloadUI();
-- /script GameTooltip:SetBagItem(68);
-- /script igf_GetTooltip("Right", 68)


-- Parse from |Hitem:7efa5|h|cffffffff[Qufdsfdsickness I]|r|h
-- hmm, i wonder if we could get more information out of it than id, color and name.
function igf_parseItemLink(_itemlink)
	if _itemlink == "" or _itemlink == nil then

	local hf_itemlink = string.sub(_itemlink, 2);
	local id = tonumber(string.sub(_itemlink, 8, 12), 16);  -- Convert to decimal
	local color = string.sub(_itemlink, 19, 24);
	local name_parse_from = string.find(_itemlink, '[', 1, true);
	local name_parse_to = string.find(_itemlink, ']', 1, true);
	local name = "Error parsing name";
	if name_parse_from ~= nil and name_parse_to ~= nil then
		name = string.sub(_itemlink, name_parse_from+1, name_parse_to-1);
	return id, color, name;

function igf_getSlotData(_slotnr)
	local itemlink, bagid, icon, name, itemcount = GetBagItemLink(GetBagItemInfo(_slotnr)),GetBagItemInfo(_slotnr);

--	local _type, _data, _name = ParseHyperlink( itemLink );
	local itemid, color = igf_parseItemLink( itemlink );
	local tmp = { bagid = nil, icon = nil, name = nil, itemcount = nil, itemid = nil, color = nil };

	-- from GetBagItemInfo()
	if(bagid)		then tmp.bagid = bagid;			end
	if(icon)		then tmp.icon = icon;			end
	if(name)		then tmp.name = name;			end
	if(itemcount)	then tmp.itemcount = itemcount; end
	-- from GetBagItemLink()
	if(itemlink)	then tmp.itemlink = itemlink;	end
	if(color)		then tmp.color = color;			end
	if(itemid)		then tmp.itemid = itemid;		end

	-- also return empty slots, because they always have a bagid
	return tmp;

-- print Item-Ids, Bag-Ids der Taschen into the chat
-- just enter: '/script igf_printBagInfo()' into the ingame chat
function igf_printBagInfo(_maxslots)
    local occupiedSlots, totalSlots = GetBagCount()
    if(_maxslots) then totalSlots = _maxslots; end;

    for i = 1, totalSlots do
	    local itemdata = igf_getSlotData(i);
        if (itemdata.itemid) then


-- questname = name of quest
function igf_questStatus(_questname)
	local lowername=string.gsub(string.lower(_questname),"'","")
	local c = 1
	local getname = GetQuestRequest(c,-2)
	while getname ~= nil do
		if string.find(string.lower(getname), lowername) then -- Quest exists
			for i = 1, GetQuestRequest(c,-1) do -- for each goal
				__,getstatus = GetQuestRequest(c,i)
				if getstatus == 0 then -- check if not complete
					return "incomplete"
			return "complete"
		c = c + 1
		getname = GetQuestRequest(c,-2)
	return "not accepted"

local COMMAND_MACRO_NAME = "RB Command"
local ResultOutput
local commandMacro
local resultMacro

local function FindMacros()
	commandMacro = nil
	resultMacro = nil

	for m = 1, 48 do
		local icnum,name,body=GetMacroInfo(m)
		if name == COMMAND_MACRO_NAME then
			commandMacro = m
		elseif name == RESULT_MACRO_NAME then
			resultMacro = m
		if commandMacro and resultMacro then

	return commandMacro, resultMacro

-- Highjack this function for our use
-- F9 to trigger by default
function ToggleUI_TITLE()
	-- Check if macro numbers have been set
	if commandMacro == nil or resultMacro == nil then
		commandMacro, resultMacro = FindMacros()
	else -- Check if they've moved
		local __,cName=GetMacroInfo(commandMacro)
		local __,rName=GetMacroInfo(resultMacro)
		if cName ~= COMMAND_MACRO_NAME or rName ~= resultMacro then
			commandMacro, resultMacro = FindMacros()

	--Read command macro
	local icnum,name,body=GetMacroInfo(commandMacro)
	if string.find(body,"^/") then -- Should be slash command
		EditMacro(resultMacro, RESULT_MACRO_NAME ,7 , "")
	elseif body == "SendMore" then
		-- command macro to get the rest of the data from 'ResultOutput'
		-- Remove previously sent 255 char
		ResultOutput = string.sub(ResultOutput, 256)
		EditMacro(resultMacro, RESULT_MACRO_NAME ,7 , ResultOutput)
		-- The initial command macro
		ResultOutput = ''
		local func = loadstring("local a={".. body .. "} return a")
		local a = {}
		if func then
			a = func()
		for i = 1, #a do
			ResultOutput = ResultOutput .. tostring(a[i]) .. string.char(9)
		EditMacro(resultMacro, RESULT_MACRO_NAME ,7 , ResultOutput)
Micromacro code:

Code: Select all

IGF_INSTALLED = 1;	-- so we can detect if the addon is installed. The number is so we know what version is installed.
                    -- if any changes are made to any files in the 'ingamefunctions' folder, increment this number
					-- and change the check in 'settings.lua' to match this number.

-- read the tooltip values for a given item in the bag (bagid)
function igf_GetTooltip(_side, _bagid)

	if( _side ~= "Left"  and  _side ~= "Right" ) then
		_side = "Right";

	if( not _bagid ) then
		ChatFrame1:AddMessage("IGF: pls call igf_GetTooltip() with a valid bagid.");
		return false

	GameTooltip:ClearLines();			-- seems not to work, still sometimes old values there ???
	GameTooltip:SetBagItem(_bagid);		-- set tooltip for given bagid
--	GameTooltip:Show()		-- ok
--	GameTooltip:Hide()		-- ok

	-- tooltip values for one side
	local tt = {};
	for i=1,40,1 do
		local lineobj, text = nil, nil;
		lineobj = _G["GameTooltipText".._side..i];
		if(lineobj) then
			text = lineobj:GetText();
			lineobj:SetText("");		-- there was a problem with old values, so one more try to clear them

		-- set space if text is empty, because RoMScript can't handle back empty strings
		if (not text  or
			text == "") then
			text = " ";

		tt[i] = text;

	-- RoMScript can't handle tables, so we return single values
	return unpack(tt)

-- /script ReloadUI();
-- /script GameTooltip:SetBagItem(68);
-- /script igf_GetTooltip("Right", 68)


-- Parse from |Hitem:7efa5|h|cffffffff[Qufdsfdsickness I]|r|h
-- hmm, i wonder if we could get more information out of it than id, color and name.
function igf_parseItemLink(_itemlink)
	if _itemlink == "" or _itemlink == nil then

	local hf_itemlink = string.sub(_itemlink, 2);
	local id = tonumber(string.sub(_itemlink, 8, 12), 16);  -- Convert to decimal
	local color = string.sub(_itemlink, 19, 24);
	local name_parse_from = string.find(_itemlink, '[', 1, true);
	local name_parse_to = string.find(_itemlink, ']', 1, true);
	local name = "Error parsing name";
	if name_parse_from ~= nil and name_parse_to ~= nil then
		name = string.sub(_itemlink, name_parse_from+1, name_parse_to-1);
	return id, color, name;

function igf_getSlotData(_slotnr)
	local itemlink, bagid, icon, name, itemcount = GetBagItemLink(GetBagItemInfo(_slotnr)),GetBagItemInfo(_slotnr);

--	local _type, _data, _name = ParseHyperlink( itemLink );
	local itemid, color = igf_parseItemLink( itemlink );
	local tmp = { bagid = nil, icon = nil, name = nil, itemcount = nil, itemid = nil, color = nil };

	-- from GetBagItemInfo()
	if(bagid)		then tmp.bagid = bagid;			end
	if(icon)		then tmp.icon = icon;			end
	if(name)		then tmp.name = name;			end
	if(itemcount)	then tmp.itemcount = itemcount; end
	-- from GetBagItemLink()
	if(itemlink)	then tmp.itemlink = itemlink;	end
	if(color)		then tmp.color = color;			end
	if(itemid)		then tmp.itemid = itemid;		end

	-- also return empty slots, because they always have a bagid
	return tmp;

-- print Item-Ids, Bag-Ids der Taschen into the chat
-- just enter: '/script igf_printBagInfo()' into the ingame chat
function igf_printBagInfo(_maxslots)
    local occupiedSlots, totalSlots = GetBagCount()
    if(_maxslots) then totalSlots = _maxslots; end;

    for i = 1, totalSlots do
	    local itemdata = igf_getSlotData(i);
        if (itemdata.itemid) then


-- questname = name of quest
function igf_questStatus(_questname)
	local lowername=string.gsub(string.lower(_questname),"'","")
	local c = 1
	local getname = GetQuestRequest(c,-2)
	while getname ~= nil do
		if string.find(string.lower(getname), lowername) then -- Quest exists
			for i = 1, GetQuestRequest(c,-1) do -- for each goal
				__,getstatus = GetQuestRequest(c,i)
				if getstatus == 0 then -- check if not complete
					return "incomplete"
			return "complete"
		c = c + 1
		getname = GetQuestRequest(c,-2)
	return "not accepted"

local COMMAND_MACRO_NAME = "RB Command"
local ResultOutput
local commandMacro
local resultMacro

local function FindMacros()
	commandMacro = nil
	resultMacro = nil

	for m = 1, 48 do
		local icnum,name,body=GetMacroInfo(m)
		if name == COMMAND_MACRO_NAME then
			commandMacro = m
		elseif name == RESULT_MACRO_NAME then
			resultMacro = m
		if commandMacro and resultMacro then

	return commandMacro, resultMacro

-- Highjack this function for our use
-- F9 to trigger by default
function ToggleUI_TITLE()
	-- Check if macro numbers have been set
	if commandMacro == nil or resultMacro == nil then
		commandMacro, resultMacro = FindMacros()
	else -- Check if they've moved
		local __,cName=GetMacroInfo(commandMacro)
		local __,rName=GetMacroInfo(resultMacro)
		if cName ~= COMMAND_MACRO_NAME or rName ~= resultMacro then
			commandMacro, resultMacro = FindMacros()

	--Read command macro
	local icnum,name,body=GetMacroInfo(commandMacro)
	if string.find(body,"^/") then -- Should be slash command
		EditMacro(resultMacro, RESULT_MACRO_NAME ,7 , "")
	elseif body == "SendMore" then
		-- command macro to get the rest of the data from 'ResultOutput'
		-- Remove previously sent 255 char
		ResultOutput = string.sub(ResultOutput, 256)
		EditMacro(resultMacro, RESULT_MACRO_NAME ,7 , ResultOutput)
		-- The initial command macro
		ResultOutput = ''
		local func = loadstring("local a={".. body .. "} return a")
		local a = {}
		if func then
			a = func()
		for i = 1, #a do
			ResultOutput = ResultOutput .. tostring(a[i]) .. string.char(9)
		EditMacro(resultMacro, RESULT_MACRO_NAME ,7 , ResultOutput)

I hope that helps.

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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#27 Post by Golden Eggs 4 my Pet » Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:13 pm


Maybe the following helps with finding the issue with not recognizing my updated "Ingamesfunctions" file.

I just noticed that Rom Bot's splash/logo screen doesn't extract the revision # on my current set up (see pic below).

It says "RoM Bot version 3.29, Revision (UNKNOWN)".

Golden Eggs 4 My Pet
Take note of Revision (UNKNOWN)
Take note of Revision (UNKNOWN)
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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#28 Post by klassik1 » Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:10 pm

Well, ive tried the player:update() before the mount code... and its still not working. (i use 30 day mounts atm) ... and i've also tried moving the mount around and putting onto the hotkeys. so success... Im not sure whats needed.

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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#29 Post by Golden Eggs 4 my Pet » Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:04 pm


Props to AleixF, for helping me get my Rom Bot working again. His suggestion worked.

I had the same problem. The code in "settings.lua" is not recognizing my "ingamefunctions.lua" version. I just made a temporary fix in "settings.lua" to make it work: edit "settings.lua" file and just comment the last 3 lines as it's shown below.
(if someone has a better solution, please let me know)

Code: Select all

	local igf_version = RoMScript("IGF_INSTALLED")
	if igf_version then
		bot.IgfAddon = true;
		-- Check version
		--if igf_version ~= 1 then -- Change this value to match the value in "ingamefunctions.lua".
		--	error(language[1006], 0)
The variable IGF_INSTALLED is set to 1 in "ingamefunctions.lua". In previous versions it was set to TRUE and I had no problems. Now it seems the RoMScript("IGF_INSTALLED") is returning a BOOL, which is not a number as it's defined in "ingamefunctions.lua" (bug?), and it fails when comparing.

Enjoy it.
I suspected something such as this was the problem, but didn't know where to look to find the code or how to change it to make it work again. I was actually searching code in the "settings.lua" file to see if I could find a typo or something, when I took a break to check for any replies from you with an answer when I came across his post.

I assume you will be sending out another revision to officially repair this issue shortly.

Thank you for all your work.

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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#30 Post by ark2003 » Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:37 pm

Now I'm also able to run rombot with above changes.

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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#31 Post by lisa » Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:50 pm

You do realise that by dissabling the version check you are making it run with old code which can cause no end to issues that would be very difficult to try and determine because we expect you to have the current files and code.

If it is failing the version check for the ingamefunctions then there is an issue with how you are updating that folder.

1. SVN update micromacro/scripts/rom folder
2. SVN revert micromacro/scripts/rom folder
3. delete Runes of Magic/Interface/Addons/ingamefunctions folder
4. copy micromacro/scripts/rom/devtools/ingamefunctions folder to Runes of Magic/Interface/Addons folder
5. restart game

If you follow those steps then you shouldn't be getting any version check issues.
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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#32 Post by Pmaia » Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:17 pm

hello all i have problems with the micro macro
so its the next i buy a new pc with windows 7 64bits
i download the svn for that windows too
install teh runes client fresh new
and we i try to put micro macro it doesnt work
1st i dont find were r the post with the new version of the MM and the Rom folder :\
so if anyone can link me the localization it would be vry nice
other way wen i try to use the MM from the older pc and after udated with the svn for 64biits i got this

if some one know how to make it work plz tell me thanks
and here is the localizations of the program <br />i know the language are not the same but in my older pc it works fine and its diferent localizations
and here is the localizations of the program
i know the language are not the same but in my older pc it works fine and its diferent localizations
this is the micromacro error seems the folders dont match
this is the micromacro error seems the folders dont match

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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#33 Post by Golden Eggs 4 my Pet » Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:22 am

Hi Lisa,

In my previous posts to this thread, I did ask for direction on how to perform a "TortoiseSVN/Revert" (your step #2), but I did not get an answer yet & that is OK, being I am sure you all have other things to be doing on the holiday weekend rather than having to explain how to use software to the uninitiated. So without instruction on this, I can only make assumptions.

That being said, correct me if I am mistaken in my assumption that if I get a blank window that states "File list is empty" (see screenshot below) that all the files are fine (marked green after SVN Update - see screenshot below) and therefore are current, unmodified/uncorrupted & do not need reverting. If that is the case, then I am back to square one with no alternative but to use AleixF's work around. I have performed all 5 of your steps & I still get the yellow error message stating to update my "Ingamefunctions" folder.

I even deleted all the files & folders under ".../script/rom" and SVN updated the ".../script/rom" folder to get them back & recopied the "Ingamefunctions" folder back into the RoM/Interface/Addons folder & still got the message to update my "Ingamefunctions" folder.

Since the work around does actually work (even if only short lived) it is still better than where I was before. It makes the decision a no brainer until someone explains why my set up isn't working even after updating.


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All Green.jpg
TortoiseSVN Revert.jpg
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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#34 Post by lisa » Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:52 am

Did you compare the "date modified" for the files in
Runes of Magic/Interface/Addons/ingamefunctions

The image shows me when you last updated the files in rom/devtools/ingamefunctions but I can't tell if they were copied to the addons folder correctly.
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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#35 Post by Golden Eggs 4 my Pet » Sat Nov 26, 2011 1:59 am


I had to redo the SVN Update because I had modified some files (which changed some dates & times). I reran all your steps again & posted screenshots of the dates modified as well as the Rom Bot results. It still gives the same error message (language[1006]) (The Rom Bot screenshot is timestamped). I only Photo Shopped out my character name (for obvious reasons).

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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#36 Post by lisa » Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:59 am

delete folder
Runes of Magic/Interface/Addons/ingamefunctions_OLD
Even though the folder name is different the code will still be performed by the game.
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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#37 Post by Pmaia » Sat Nov 26, 2011 4:49 am

anyone can help me with my problem?

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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#38 Post by rock5 » Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:21 am

Pmaia wrote:anyone can help me with my problem?
notice that 'addresses.lua' has a yellow icon next to it. That means it's in a conflicted state. Right click it and select "TortoiseSVN/Revert".
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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#39 Post by ichmagbotsyay » Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:38 am

my bot still has a problem with targeting :(
i updated and reverted the rom folder and copied the new ingamefunctions to my addons and then restarted my game
the MM window says it successfully found the NPC and continues, but ingame, nothing happens -.-

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Golden Eggs 4 my Pet
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Re: 11/24/11 -- Problems with new revision: 675

#40 Post by Golden Eggs 4 my Pet » Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:22 am

Good Morning Lisa,

Oops, My bad. In my haste, I forgot to move that folder out of the Addons folder.

Rom Bot works fine now that I deleted that old conflicting folder. I didn't reboot my system. I just manually reverted the "settings.lua" file (uncommented those 3 lines under "Check version") saved it (file reverted back to green check marked again), closed RoM & relogged back in & all was well again. Well almost; the revision number on the RoM Bot splash/logo screen still says "(UNKNOWN)" (see screenshot). (Note: I posted an old screenshot to save time, but the look is exactly the same) Just figured I'd mention it in case it leads to other issues later. I'll take note if it displays the correct revision number after a reboot.

Thanks for your help :D

:D :D Golden Eggs 4 My Pet :D :D

P. S. FYI: Typing /script SendSystemChat(IGF_INSTALLED) in game now yields "1" (as it should)
:D :D Golden Eggs 4 My Pet :D :D

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