Question about PartyHealer and Mysterious Bags

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Question about PartyHealer and Mysterious Bags

#1 Post by WonderBoB » Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:42 am

I was torn between making a new topic and posting this in the Partybot topic, but here goes, I have a DPS that kills and a Healer that follows to keep the DPS alive. Here comes my issue, In the onleaveCombat() function of both profiles I have the following code:

Code: Select all

        if player:findNearestNameOrId("107217") then
        yrest(500) -- If not enough time to pick up bag, increase it.
Now when a Mysterious bag drops The dps (running a waypoint file) will go over and try to pick up the bag once and then ignores it if it doesn't belong to him, the Healer will some times try and get the bag but most of the time will Ignore it. Here is the twist, If I run the DPS with Wander instead of a waypoint file the Healer will go mad insane trying to loot everything and will actually try and loot the Mysterious bag every time combat ends.

Is there a way I can see if the partyhealer is properly detecting "IN Combat" status when my dps engages a target or is there some other reason the Healer will only run the <onLeaveCombat> scripts sometimes?
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Re: Question about PartyHealer and Mysterious Bags

#2 Post by lisa » Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:44 pm

Both partydps and partyhealer should be doing the profiles onleavecombat when ever they leave combat, being in a party though if any other party members are fighting something then you are still in combat even if you just killed a mob.

Easiest way to test is to simply put a print in the onleavecombat

Code: Select all

print(" I just left combat")
or if you want it posted to the game screen because you don't look at the party member MM windows then do

Code: Select all

sendPartyChat("I just left combat")
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Re: Question about PartyHealer and Mysterious Bags

#3 Post by WonderBoB » Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:02 pm

Okay I tested, the bots and placed the I left combat in my onleavecombat section of both bots, the partyhealerdps bot only leaves combat when it is directly attacked and the dps bot kills that target other wise it does not detect that the party is in combat.

Upon further investigation the Party bot is not reading the Combat status from the other players in the group. Also Found that no matter what is set in the player profile on the option

Code: Select all

<option name="PARTY_ICONS"			value="false" /> 
The bot will still mark targets.

Here is a dump of my party table:

Code: Select all

Command> PartyTable() table.print(partymemberpawn)
Party member 1 has the name of Partyleader
table: 0525CA98
1:      table: 0525DC18
        GUID:   2277
        MaxMP:  36440
        Guild:  <UNKNOWN>
        MaxHP:  26754
        Mana:   36440
        LastDamage:     25.388
        Lootable:       false
        Race:   0
        Alive:  true
        Focus:  0
        MaxEnergy:      0
        Attackable:     false
        Rage:   0
        Type:   1
        MaxMP2: 1
        Id:     1001
        Harvesting:     false
        Casting:        false
        MaxFocus:       0
        DirectionY:     0.019410178822159
        Direction:      1.3034336215403
        MP:     36440
        Level2: 56
        TargetIcon:     true
        MP2:    1
        Speed:  50
        Level:  67
        TargetPtr:      1278249984
        Energy: 0
        MaxMana:        36440
        IsPet:  false
        Y:      742.37005615234
        Class1: 5
        InParty:        false
        Name:   Partyhealer
        Mounted:        false
        Swimming:       false
        MaxRage:        0
        X:      -7716.7583007813
        Class2: 6
        Address:        1344122624
        Z:      -17468.51953125
        Buffs:  table: 0525DC68
                1:      table: 0525DDD0
                        Name:   Everlasting Fidelity
                        Id:     501763
                        Level:  0
                        TimeLeft:       157.67364501953
                        Count:  4
                2:      table: 0525DDF8
                        Name:   Amplified Attack
                        Id:     500940
                        Level:  60
                        TimeLeft:       175.15173339844
                        Count:  1
                3:      table: 0525E168
                        Name:   Soul Bond
                        Id:     500535
                        Level:  0
                        TimeLeft:       877.79974365234
                        Count:  1
                4:      table: 0525DF10
                        Name:   Divine Incarnation
                        Id:     501793
                        Level:  0
                        TimeLeft:       16.280353546143
                        Count:  1
                5:      table: 0525E190
                        Name:   Magic Barrier
                        Id:     500548
                        Level:  50
                        TimeLeft:       21.68350982666
                        Count:  1
                6:      table: 0525E398
                        Name:   Enhanced Grace of Life
                        Id:     502033
                        Level:  55
                        TimeLeft:       922.70935058594
                        Count:  1
                7:      table: 0525E6E0
                        Name:   Enhanced Armor
                        Id:     500141
                        Level:  50
                        TimeLeft:       189.51573181152
                        Count:  1
                8:      table: 0525E708
                        Name:   Magic Defense Sigil
                        Id:     501003
                        Level:  0
                        TimeLeft:       18.169981002808
                        Count:  1
        HP:     26754
        Aggressive:     false
2:      table: 0525F950
        GUID:   1875
        MaxMP:  100
        Guild:  <UNKNOWN>
        MaxHP:  48863
        Mana:   0
        LastDamage:     48.663
        Lootable:       false
        Race:   0
        Alive:  true
        Focus:  100
        MaxEnergy:      100
        Attackable:     false
        Rage:   0
        Type:   1
        MaxMP2: 100
        Id:     1000
        Harvesting:     false
        Casting:        false
        MaxFocus:       100
        DirectionY:     0
        Direction:      -0.43633233678796
        MP:     100
        Level2: 66
        TargetIcon:     true
        MP2:    100
        Speed:  50
        Level:  73
        TargetPtr:      0
        Energy: 100
        MaxMana:        0
        IsPet:  false
        Y:      743.06744384766
        Class1: 2
        InParty:        true
        Name:   Partyleader and dps
        Mounted:        false
        Swimming:       false
        MaxRage:        0
        X:      -7711.9677734375
        Class2: 3
        Address:        1278249984
        Z:      -17449.091796875
        Buffs:  table: 0525F9A0
                1:      table: 0525F9C8
                        Name:   Our Very Own Love Story
                        Id:     501833
                        Level:  0
                        TimeLeft:       137.79089355469
                        Count:  4
                2:      table: 0525F9F0
                        Name:   Magic Barrier
                        Id:     500548
                        Level:  50
                        TimeLeft:       21.632509231567
                        Count:  1
                3:      table: 0525FC20
                        Name:   Enhanced Grace of Life
                        Id:     502033
                        Level:  55
                        TimeLeft:       922.65832519531
                        Count:  1
                4:      table: 0525FE50
                        Name:   Amplified Attack
                        Id:     500940
                        Level:  60
                        TimeLeft:       955.37725830078
                        Count:  1
                5:      table: 052600A8
                        Name:   Frost Arrow
                        Id:     501530
                        Level:  0
                        TimeLeft:       344.78189086914
                        Count:  1
        HP:     48863
        Aggressive:     false
So if I am reading this correctly, the bot is not detecting that I am truly in a party... also I am running build 750

and here is a snippet of the party options I am using in the Healers profile:

Code: Select all

<!-- Party Bot options  -->
		<option name="PARTY"				value="true" />
		<option name="PARTY_ICONS"		value="false" /> 		
		<option name="PARTY_INSTANCE"		value="false" /> 		
		<option name="ICON_FIGHT"			value="false" />		
		<option name="PARTY_FOLLOW_NAME"	value="" /> 			
		<option name="HEAL_FIGHT"			value="false" />  		
		<option name="AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR"     value="500" />
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Re: Question about PartyHealer and Mysterious Bags

#4 Post by lisa » Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:30 pm

WonderBoB wrote: if I am reading this correctly, the bot is not detecting that I am truly in a party... also I am running build 750
With the new way that the pawn info is updated it is possible that the Inparty flag hasn't been updated, pop into the Party Bot (questions/answers) topic and continue there, I have a new party.lua on the last page which you can try. It gets the party info in a different way and should actually be more reliable. ... 999#p47999

Also run SVN update, we are at rev 751
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