ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

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ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#1 Post by nightclaw » Mon May 19, 2014 8:30 pm

soon ArcheAge will be out of Alpha and in beta i have a Alpha account and game its great best i seen but i do work alot and would be hard to do farming and other stuff in med time i have love someone make a working bot or useful stuff for it please ..

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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#2 Post by BlubBlab » Mon May 19, 2014 11:55 pm

Looking nice I did make a ac too.

About the bot It's very likely you must do it yourself.
The problems is to be enthusiastic about a project of such a size long enough, rombot is the only open source bot I found until now there were a few which were freeware but died on the point when the authors lost interest.

if you have a lot of people working together it is possible, when I read in deep of this board you see admin and 2-3 other users did make rombot each were specialist in a different area. Through experience & lerning Lisa and Rock5 became later the universal developers for the rombot framework.

I personally are more into the theoretical work, software design, seek and search algorithms, programming language design, the turing maschine and a lot of other things I was forces to study. I only learned to use CE recently the hard way^^

So I can give you tips at the moment if you need.

PS: By the amount of MMO that released and that most of the MMO stay nearly forever I fear the market will busted in the near future, too many competitors on the market.
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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#3 Post by lisa » Tue May 20, 2014 12:41 am

I just looked at the SVN log and it's been 14 months since I actually did a commit, it's all been Rock for quite some time.

I search for new games to sink my teeth in farely regularly but nothing has really got my attention as being "awesome", maybe I am just getting old or maybe I am changing as a person and might prefer other types of games now, honestly not sure, I do know that making a working bot for a game is a huge deal and takes a lot of time and effort and I do understand why people who make bots sell the usage for the bot.

A long time ago (atleast 10 years ago) I paid $20 for some WoW bot and it was pretty good for the time, I only used it for some things and very rarely (mostly for fun) but looking back now that price was a pitance for the amount of effort and time that went into making that bot work.
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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#4 Post by BlubBlab » Tue May 20, 2014 1:41 am

To be true I thought something similar a few days ago if I wouldn't play Neverwinter I would play nothing on a daily basis.
Before Runes of magic I didn't play MMORPG's at all, a gildemate/ friend trekked me into the game. What I played in the internet were PvP games Ego-shooter and Trackmania.

To be true I never got warm with the RPG part of the game. About Runes of Magic you can say it was/is extreme in any part of it, the economic, the amount of time , the needed money, rarity of really good equip and so on. What I have ever liked until now are desktop sim-city like games.

Lisa when you talking about the WoW Glider bot so far I know he made enough money with it :D , but most of it got impounded by Blizzard lawyers.

I think the enormous presser on the gamers (time/money) in rom was the thing what leaded to the creation of an open source bot, like I said in Neverwinter the opposite is true I wouldn't know what to bot beside the professions.(and maybe pray) That the reason I think I still like the game it's 180 degree to Runes of Magic in many ways.

Something to the thread owner, you can't expect to bot like in rom in other games because for the menu management you possible don't have a Lua-API/Add-on Interface, the other thing is the target rom has a target pointer because you can tab the targets other games possible don't have this possibility. That was what I learned very quickly when I started with my DSO bot.
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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#5 Post by nightclaw » Tue May 20, 2014 8:55 pm

Archeage nothing like other mmos i seen it stand alone on alot stuff has a full open world pvp with farms houses and even castles routes and even ship combat and mass guild fights over land ..bounty hunting dont right and a trial court sys that players are the jury ..its has great pet sys and so so so much more ...if we get team up i love help what i can i helped some with rombot even thou was super small and i tested it alot and reported bugs for Rock best i played in years and i mean years .. lokks great and has great sys in it to do what ever you want would be night help Automate few things help. so if any one want take look let me know i try get ya a key for beta to get started

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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#6 Post by Administrator » Wed May 21, 2014 12:03 am

Let me know when open beta starts. I've been following this game for...what, 5 years now?

Anyways, yeah, the gameplay is way different than a typical MMO. I'm not even sure what you would use a bot for other than to gather materials and such.

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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#7 Post by lisa » Wed May 21, 2014 12:13 am

Administrator wrote:I'm not even sure what you would use a bot for other than to gather materials and such.
Player-Driven Economy

Gatherers, crafters, and traders: You are the engine that drives ArcheAge, and its economy is yours to control. Master diverse skills to craft goods and homes, galleons and castles. Transport and trade materials across the realm, braving danger and piracy to support your allies in wars that will change the fate of the world.
Prob hit the nail on the head with that 1, gathering and crafting may be the basis of the entire economy.

Hmmmm I don't remember signing up for it previously....
That email address is already in use.

Ahhh was same account as Rift.
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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#8 Post by BlubBlab » Fri May 23, 2014 7:19 am

Stucked inside a lecture for which I need only a signature "I was here" for hours, I will add a few things.

Okay nice game I saw the videos about mounts. The open world is huge so far I saw 2 fractions I don't see what the concept is besides pvp and economy but I think its okay it's alpha. Yeah as bot user you see a lot of potential because what people the most time do is running around and grinding.

I wouldn't design thinks this way, as game designer I would try to keep thinks under control what mean nothing should become too rare or the way to do it is extremely complex like running a group dungeon in a group or making (group)pvp.(basically what PWE/Cryptic does)

What I tried to say in the previews post is not only is there a huge amount of (f2p) MMO's that keep constantly growing and thin the player base of those games more and more.

There are also nice tools with which you can make your own games if you have a loot of free time: as freeware or licence version ... ame_Engine as open source

So there are a crazy amount of possibilities of possibly games. I think on one point we have a game in which we make games. NW and a new MMO which is in alpha (forgot the name) have already the possible to make your own Quest.
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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#9 Post by nightclaw » Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:23 am

yes the game is great and you use a bot for leveling from chars to crafting to harvesting your farms.. i am in Alpha and its crazy game best i seen just i hate to craft and i hate to do things over over inless with alot players witch most time just me lol so this help out ...closed beta starts this month and open should be around july or aug

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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#10 Post by lisa » Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:31 am

any news on open beta ?
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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#11 Post by Administrator » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:57 am

Next closed beta starts on Thursday. I intend to post a review here for it this time. There is a lot they will be changing in regards to labor points and crafting.

As for open beta, it is rumored to be around September/October, but this is all based on speculation and not based on what the developers have said. The game feels really polished and has very few bugs. Most of the work for the NA release is tweaking patron status perks, modifying crafting recipes, preventing labor point abuse, that kind of stuff.

I'm not sure exactly what good a bot would do in this game. Mining is about the only reliable resource that I could think of. Mine nodes spawn in the same place, and often, so you could run a bot to collect them. The problem with that is that labor points are restrictive and you'll quickly run out and be unable to mine. Other resources you would typically want to plant on a public farm or personal farm, which would protect them from other players' poaching them, which means they aren't necessary to be botted. You could, of course, hide a farm somewhere in public land (where anyone can come along and destroy it or steal), but that's something you just set and forget until it is time to harvest.

Maybe something that could be useful to bot would be a repeatable quest that gives Gilda stars? I imagine a lot of people would like to collect those to trade in for houses, boats, and other luxuries.

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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#12 Post by nightclaw » Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:17 am

hello all any one want try and do some bot work On here now the game going strong ? i am on Kraken server US ....

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Re: ArcheAge NA A bot/whatever would be great

#13 Post by BlubBlab » Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:05 pm

nightclaw wrote:hello all any one want try and do some bot work On here now the game going strong ? i am on Kraken server US ....
There are a script for harvesting
The problem is most of the guys here left the game because of its toxic atmosphere. On the other hand I'm working on a framework which should make the making of a new bot faster.
I stopped working on it 2 months ago but I restart my work a couple of days ago. In theory then you need only someone who find the addresses and rewrite the evaluation functions.
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