TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

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TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#1 Post by lisa » Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:41 am

Ok there is a chain quest which starts in Thunderhoof Hills and continues all the way to the new map, without doing this chain quest it would be very difficult to get to 70 without using 100 daily reset tickets.

So before I start on this project to put together WP for the chain quest has anyone got any done already?
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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#2 Post by Nero » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:02 am

You mean those two chains, from Toni and Morrok Wallinder?

Just FYI - I've been doing one of them lately by myself (manually), and thought how difficult it would be to code it. While most quests aren't nothing special, there are some that seem impossible to do (for example, there has been some stolen treasure from some Limon(?) in one quest in Toni's chain, where you talk with npc, he tells you six random things, then you relay that info in two steps to Iswan Giant(?) - I think that such quest wouldn't be possible to bot, and trying all options gives you about 1/36 chance of getting it right - and if you don't, you have to go talk with that limon again, then back to Iswan etc. Hard not to be suspicious if character goes 100 times between two NPC).

It would be far easier to just bot large amount of gold, buy 150 or so daily tickets, and run it on butterflies or something for a day or two while exp event is on (at least once every 6 weeks on eu servers). Assuming that you're not trying to farm 70 level chars, which would be quite awesome ;]

Honestly, it would be a tedious challenge to write those quests, esp as they're often far more different from the ones found in the old continent.

But if you're determined, I could help a bit with this project - as long as coding isn't too advanced, I could do a few quests here and there, and my effort wouldn't be wasted as you can probably figure out what to do in places where I would've no idea how to proceed, so doing those scripts wouldn't be pointless.

It would however take a long, LONG time to finish it (not to mention testing it). I'd say that at least 100 hours with currect tools, even for more than one people working on it - few new userfunctions should spawn to make it easier, but it would still be tedious process.

Also, not gonna lie - as I've previously said, such scripts shouldn't be public. Making tutorial out of that work with certain examples of ingenious use of code, and perhaps releasing 54-55 or so to show people how it would all look like would be a far better idea, instead of having 100 people make hundreds 70 lvl characters ;]

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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#3 Post by lisa » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:40 am

Well it wouldn't get you from 54-70, I am aiming it more at chars already 60+

In the new map if you haven't done the Morrok Wallinder chain starting from TH you literally have 4 quests to do, a couple of them lead to other quests but you will barely get half a level and have literally no quests left to do.

So you need around 140mil to go from 67-70, even with using butterfly/dogmeat daily at 256k xp, that is 2.5 mil per daily reset you are looking at 50+ daily resets. So 500+ actual quests.

The new daily quests are all 177-189k in new map, butterfly is still by far best xp per quest.

True there will be a xp weekend eventually, more then likely 2X xp but don't you see a pattern forming. When they raised lvl to 67 LoM and redhill had barely enough quests to get to 1 level UNLESS you had the chain quest up to date. So if this continues it means every time they raise the max lvl you will be forced to rely on daily resets in order to lvl up.

I have 5 or 6 chars lvl 60+ , 2 lvl 67 and I don't look forward to spending 6billion gold in order to level them to max. Farming mobs is horrible xp/hour, I couldn't find any lvl 70 mobs so you are looking at 100 hours of grinding lvl 68/69 mobs to go from 67-68. That isn't a guess either, I just grinded lvl 68/69 mobs for the last 2 hours and it said 6000 minutes till next level.
1200xp per kill.

I figure the project will be a pain in the butt, I also think it is possible though =)
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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#4 Post by Nero » Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:22 am

I'm not sure if I understand.

You want to code two quest-chains going trough the whole 'new continent' - that with Morrok Wallinder, and Toni - from the beginning to the end (as you said, starting in thunderhoof hills, ending in the new zone) - is that correct?

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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#5 Post by lisa » Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:40 am

Yeah pretty much, I already worked out how to tell where abouts you are up to in the chain.
The client actually uses functions to tell but unfortunately they are of course idiots and made a function for every single quest LOL

Code: Select all

function LuaV_423022_0()
if QuestCheck(423019) == 0 then return true end
if CheckFlag(543682) == 1 or CheckQuest(423022) == 2 then return true end
return false
checks if the quest for Sys423019(A Change of Plans) has been completed and if it has it then lets you do the next quest in chain.

So anyway I figure I will just do a

Code: Select all

if RoMScript("QuestCheck(423019)") ~= 2 then -- 2 means it has been completed 
-- special code type stuff lol
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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#6 Post by Nero » Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:48 am

Good then. By doing 54-70 lvl I meant that there are quests for those levels - you start doing TH at 54, and finish in new zone at 70.

It would not get you to level 70 as there are too few quests even when doing other quests outside of those chains, but when doing it on exp event or supplementing it with dailies should do the trick.

Frankly, I'm for it - worst thing that could happen is doing it half-way because of a lack of motivation, and even then the time wouldn't be wasted.

Would be great if we had one or two more people though - it would be far less work with 3-4 ppl, preferably with at least basic knowledge about various things, and such a 'team' would be small enough to communicate effectively.

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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#7 Post by lisa » Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:38 am

I am playing around with a quest database at the moment, not sure if anything will come of it though.

Looks like this, very basic just name id and lvl at this stage.

Code: Select all

<QUEST name="Pig in a Pond"    		id="423018" lvl="56" startnpcid="114672" finishnpcid="114678"  />
<QUEST name="A Change of Plans" 	id="423019" lvl="56" startnpcid="114678" finishnpcid="114635"  />
<QUEST name="Medical Emergency" 	id="423020" lvl="56" startnpcid="114635" finishnpcid="114635"  />
<QUEST name="Unidentified Egg"    	id="423021" lvl="56" startnpcid="114635" finishnpcid="114635"   />
<QUEST name="Wyrm Lair"       		id="423022" lvl="56" startnpcid="114635" finishnpcid="114636"   />
<QUEST name="Combing the Land"    	id="423023" lvl="56" startnpcid="114636" finishnpcid="114636"  />
<QUEST name="Dimlane District's Autopsy Specialist" id="423024" lvl="56" startnpcid="114635" finishnpcid="114637"  />
Those are the start of the long chain.
I see myself adding the start and finish NPC name//coords to it, eventually. Maybe even add in type of requirements to complete, item from loot, item that needs to be harvested, need to talk with npc's, that sort of thing.

Just something to keep me busy I guess.

--=== Edit ===--
I edited it with npc name and id, I am thinking though to use another database for NPC and use the id to get info from NPC database, so no need for npc name in quest database.
So NPC would look like

Code: Select all

<NPC name="Aynara" 		id="114672" x=""  z=""  y="" 	/>
<NPC name="Samiel Caster" 		id="114478" x="-977"  z="2199"  y="229" 	/>
<NPC name="Morrok Wallinder" 	id="114635" x="-1871"  z="4998"  y="537" 	/>
<NPC name="Morrok Wallinder" 	id="114636" x=""  z=""  y=""  />
<NPC name="Morrok Wallinder" 	id="114637" x=""  z=""  y="" 	/>
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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#8 Post by lisa » Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:36 am

I made a little user function that saves the npc data to a log file.

Code: Select all

function npcname()
	local objectList = CObjectList();
	local objSize = objectList:size()
	filename = getExecutionPath() .. "/logs/npc.txt";
	file, err =, "a+");
	if( not file ) then
		error(err, 0);
	local target = player:getTarget()
		for i = 0,objSize do 
			obj = objectList:getObject(i);
			if obj.Type == 4 and obj.Name == target.Name then
				file:write("<NPC name=\""..obj.Name.."\" 	id=\""..obj.Id.."\" x=\""..obj.X.."\"  z=\""..obj.Z.."\"  y=\""..obj.Y.."\" zoneid=\""..getZoneId().."\"	/>\n")
I just have MM running with commandline and call npcname() when I have the NPC targeted.
It logs the details in the format I want for the database.
It should only log NPC's and never log players or such.

Something to remember is the NPC Id can change even for the same NPC name, "Morrok Wallinder" has many many Id's. So if you want to help then just call the userfunction anytime you target an NPC, the log will just get bigger and bigger =)
It should be easy enough to find multiples of the same Id later on.
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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#9 Post by Nero » Sat Nov 26, 2011 1:46 am

Cmon guys, noone wants to stick it to the frog?

On topic - if we are to do it in any reasonable time, we'd have to change a few things in createpath.lua. For example changing

Code: Select all

targetNPCKey = key.VK_NUMPAD5;	-- target NPC and open dialog waypoint
to target said NPC via ID instead of name is vital - there are hundereds Morrok Wallinder's and Toni's, but ID changes frequently. Adding option that will target objects (such as things to harvest etc) via ID would also be very useful.

I also feel that doing some function that would check quest status would be very helpful to do - for example, on num7 (mouseclick, virtually useless for now) should add to waypoint something like

Code: Select all

		local queststate = getQuestStatus("         ")
			if queststate == "complete" then 

Saves you endless copy&paste, and no need to note down places where you'd want to check quest status.

I've had quite a bit of different ideas how to make working with quests more efficient, but cannot recall anything else at the moment.

well, I'm off for some time - gotta do something productive ;]

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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#10 Post by lisa » Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:33 am

when it comes to quest state I usually make a function in onload and call it from the waypoint# required. So when I make the WP and I want it to check quest I just hit NUM_0 and then do quest, then once I have finished WP I open it and just do replace quest with what ever I called the function. Takes just a few seconds.

I use replace quite a lot.
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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#11 Post by jasn » Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:20 pm

hmmm, i might be way over my head , but here goes.
If / how can i try to help u guys on this one. i havent any character on those starting lvls (yet) .
Im not a programmer so pls be gentle ;)

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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#12 Post by lisa » Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:23 pm

Ok save this file to your micromacro/scripts/rom/userfunctions folder
Save this file to
(613 Bytes) Downloaded 223 times
1. start Micromacro
2. Start game and log in.
3. on Micromacro screen type

Code: Select all

rom/bot path:commandline
A command prompt will appear
4. Target a NPC in game
5. Type this to Micromacro window

Code: Select all

press enter

repeat steps 4 and 5 as much as you want to different NPC's

When you are done, look in

You can post that file to this topic or even just copy and paste it's contents here. There will only be information about NPC's in the log file.
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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#13 Post by BillDoorNZ » Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:42 pm

I really like this idea lisa,

I'll mod some of my stuff to filter and capture that data automatically too and upload once I've run it for a while (will run around the map while I'm at it :)

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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#14 Post by BillDoorNZ » Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:11 am

k, early cut - includes some npcs from Xaviera and CoO as I started there.

This one includes most of Dalanis city npcs, the npcs around the snoop in SJF and NJF +npcs up to the Argen village in NJF (cant run through yet as I aint done the quests ;)

Edited and updated npc list
(100.27 KiB) Downloaded 205 times

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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#15 Post by BillDoorNZ » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:45 am

updated previous post with new list: 1220 npcs/ (object.type == 4)

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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#16 Post by BillDoorNZ » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:59 am

hmm...just went through that xml.

seems there are a lot of duplicates (I match on Id, zoneId and coords being roughly the same). But in thinking about it, as an NPC db, it should have unique ID's and not record zoneId and coordinates. Those should probably go in your Quest xml instead with the start and end npc:

Code: Select all

  <QUEST name="Pig in a Pond"          id="423018" lvl="56" startnpcid="114672" sZoneId="1" sX="100" sY="1" sZ="123" finishnpcid="114678" fZoneId="1" fX="100" fY="1" fZ="123" />


  <QUEST name="Pig in a Pond"          id="423018" lvl="56">
    <QUESTPOINT type="startObject"  id="114672" zone="1" x="100" y="1" z="123" />
    <QUESTPOINT type="endObject" id="114678" zone="1" x="100" y="1" z="123" />

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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#17 Post by lisa » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:10 am

I definately want npc's coords and ID in this database ;)
Don't worry about duplicate npc's in the database, I'll make up a function later that will filter out duplicates.

The quest database is still very much a work in progress and I haven't fully decided what I want in it.

We have a project going on in the background that will make very good use of the NPC database.
Still long way off being finished but it would be good to have a solid start on the npc database when we finish the project.
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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#18 Post by Nero » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:27 am

Hmm.. how is it useful, exactly? I mean, unless we can map the whole area with the for now mythical 'general movement waypoints', why do we need NPC's coords?

We would need to do those quests one by one anyway, with a lot of waypoints to travel in-between NPC's, quest areas, things to harvest etc etc. I don't think that having those NPC locations would be all that useful at the moment...

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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#19 Post by Nero » Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:50 pm

Had a random thought.

There are some instances, where you have to follow some NPC's at a various rate (for example, NPC might fight the mobs on your path, etc). How would one go about going to the place where he is at any given time? You cannot really set a fixed way as in this case NPC's path is generated mostly dynamically, and you cannot move too far away from him.

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Re: TH-SJF-NJF-Limo-LoM-Redhill-Tergothen Bay chain quest

#20 Post by lisa » Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:06 pm

If you have a quest where you need to follow a NPC then you need to do a

Code: Select all

until queststate == complete
So it follows the npc until the quest is complete.
Nero wrote:Hmm.. how is it useful, exactly? I mean, unless we can map the whole area with the for now mythical 'general movement waypoints', why do we need NPC's coords?
We should have a Beta test version of the code by next week, depending how busy we are with other things.

Basically we are working on code that will make character move from current position to destination without having to create a WP to do it.
So you could literally call the function and tell it to go to a NPC and it will, hence the need for zone/id/coords in the NPC database.
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