Making and old DIYCE script working again...

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (
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Making and old DIYCE script working again...

#1 Post by lordmata » Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:32 am

Code: Select all

function D(itemName)
   local _, totalBagSlots = GetBagCount()
   local i = 0
   local slot = 0
-- If Item is not supplied, then default it to Apprentice Boots
   if itemName == nil then
      itemName="Apprentice Boots"

-- Go through all inventory slots and check if you match itemName
   for i = 1, totalBagSlots do
      local slot, _, item = GetBagItemInfo(i)
      if item == itemName then
-- If item matched, cast Disenchanting skill at it 
        Msg("Disenchanting item "..i.." slot "..slot)
-- Buy Replacement boots.   Should really check if the store window is open first.
        return true
   Msg("Nothing to Disenchant")
   return false
This was the code used to do disenchanting with DIYCE by using an ingame macro:

Code: Select all

/run D()
/wait 4.5
Frogster disabled some of these commands now and the bot doesn't work atm, anyone have an idea how to mod it to make it work again? :roll:

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Re: Making and old DIYCE script working again...

#2 Post by lordmata » Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:41 am

With « Patch 4.0.3 – The Mighty Shield », some important changes were implemented by the developer, with, amongst others, the blocking of some macros, to help our perpetual fight against botters. Many add-ons are relying on those same macros to work and allow players to “play” the game in a way that, in our opinion, hasn’t much to do with real gaming.

Runes of Magic has always allowed its players to use Add-ons to help improve their individual gameplay. However, the goal never was to allow the game to be played without a real person controlling his character.

We already have made several statements in the past, about how seriously the matter of botting, just like any other kind of cheating or bug exploiting, was taken by both Frogster & Runewaker. Never will we stand by idly in this kind of situation, but instead will do our best to find the appropriate solutions to fight against this kind of disease, regardless of the extent of the technical or human resource constraints.

From time to time a certain measure taken to address against an important issue does not work as intended, and may miss the mark on the target, causing us to reconsider. In this case, even if the decision of blocking certain macros functions was justified, it had a too strong of an impact on legitimate players and too little influence on stopping the botters.

We have therefore decided those macros will be re-activated with the arrival of the next patch.

True to the motto: Players who truly want to achieve great things and claim to be among the best generally do so without additional tools or only using a few that are absolutely necessary.

Finally, please be informed that the Community Management team has started a new program, with the help of additional reinforcement, who are connected to the servers on a daily basis to keep an eye on and chase gold & paysafe card sellers. This special task force operates independently of our own internal teams who are working on these issues.

found this while searching for macro replacement :) seems that the macro will work again after the next patch ^^ yey

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Re: Making and old DIYCE script working again...

#3 Post by lisa » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:19 am

it had a too strong of an impact on legitimate players and too little influence on stopping the botters.
I can never read that enough times, even though this has been posted a few times on forum now.
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