Help Please MM2 >> RomBot2

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Help Please MM2 >> RomBot2

#1 Post by Lamkefyned » Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:39 pm

I'm trying to do a version of "Rombot" to "MM2"

and wanted to ask if this code exists in "MM2"

Code: Select all

Last edited by Lamkefyned on Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot

#2 Post by Administrator » Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:47 pm

No, without completely rewriting RoM bot, it will not run on MM2. They are incompatible. MM2 is a complete rewrite from the ground-up.

getExecutionPath() also does not exist. Instead, filesystem.getCWD() will get the current working directory. For the most part, this is kind of the same thing. The difference is that MM2 actually modifies the working directory instead of just appending the full path to include(). This means that if a file is in the same directory as your working directory, you can open/whatever else that file without having to use getExecutionPath() to get the directory to work from.

It is hard to explain, but I hope you get the general idea.

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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot

#3 Post by lisa » Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:59 pm

MM2 and documentation hasn't been fully released yet though has it?

Either way to get RoMbot to work with MM2 you would need to write a new RoMbot for it, you could keep key information from the original RoMbot like addresses and offsets as they would be very useful but as for everything else it would need to be written from scratch. Even saying about the offsets that part would probably need to be done differently anyway as the batch reading in MM2 is much better than reading each individual part of memory 4bytes at a time.

So yeah in a nutshell you would need to mearn how to use MM2 and then start a completely new project to make a RoMbot2 for MM2.
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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot

#4 Post by Administrator » Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:45 am

I think all functions and classes that are currently in should all be documented on the wiki at this point. There isn't very many examples, but there is enough to at least understand the basics.

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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot

#5 Post by Lamkefyned » Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:16 am

is that we still have very little information on the Wiki MM2
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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot

#6 Post by Lamkefyned » Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:30 am

I've spent a couple of hours but correcting code and come to this code and did not find the solution because the solution is the same ...

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

table.copy(table tab)
Actually does a full copy of a table, instead of referencing the original. This also recursively copies sub-tables.
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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot

#7 Post by BlubBlab » Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:40 am

I did start a little here ... 4&start=40
but I make a pause at the moment because with out any real application on sight I don't feel motivated right now.

So I'm collection addressees from Dragon Prophet via CE when I'm finished which I hope is soon I will restart the work which I was doing there, which basically was write and document a framework which make it easier to write and adapt code for MM2.

You can download already on page 2 the zip file I have test basic stuff with MM2 until now.
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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot

#8 Post by Administrator » Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:21 am

Lamkefyned wrote:I've spent a couple of hours but correcting code and come to this code and did not find the solution because the solution is the same ...
I don't understand. Do you still need help with it or not? What are you trying to accomplish?

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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot

#9 Post by Lamkefyned » Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:57 am

Administrator wrote: I don't understand.
said it took 2 hours working and looking a little Rombot code but can not find the code in your wiki:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

---===LOGS ===---

2014-09-08 18:55:37 : MicroMacro version (Alpha)
2014-09-08 18:55:37 : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz @2500MHz, Windows 7
2014-09-08 18:55:37 : User privilege: Administrator

2014-09-08 18:55:42 : Load file error code: 7 (Runtime error)
bot.lua:40: functions.lua:2: settings.lua:175: Wrong number of parameters supplied to copy().
Value settings_default

Code: Select all

settings_default = {
	hotkeys = {
		MOVE_FORWARD = {key = _G.key.VK_W, modifier = nil},
		MOVE_BACKWARD = {key = _G.key.VK_S, modifier = nil},
		ROTATE_LEFT = {key = _G.key.VK_Q, modifier = nil},
		ROTATE_RIGHT = {key = _G.key.VK_E, modifier = nil},
		STRAFF_LEFT = {key = _G.key.VK_A, modifier = nil},
		STRAFF_RIGHT = {key = _G.key.VK_D, modifier = nil},
		JUMP = {key = _G.key.VK_SPACE, modifier = nil},
		TARGET = {key = _G.key.VK_TAB, modifier = nil},
		TARGET_FRIEND = {key = _G.key.J, modifier = nil},
		ESCAPE = {key = _G.key.VK_ESCAPE, modifier = nil},
		START_BOT = {key = _G.key.VK_DELETE, modifier = nil},
		STOP_BOT = {key = _G.key.VK_END, modifier = nil}
	options = {
		LANGUAGE = "english",
		USE_CLIENT_LANGUAGE = true,		-- automatic use client language after loading the bot
		DEBUGGING = false,
		TARGET_FRAME = true,
	profile = {
		options = {
			-- common options
			HP_LOW = 85,
			MP_LOW_POTION = 50,
			HP_LOW_POTION = 40,
			COMBAT_TYPE = "melee",
			COMBAT_RANGED_PULL = "true",	-- only for melee classes , use ranged skill to pull
			ANTI_KS = true,
			WAYPOINTS = "demo.xml",
			RETURNPATH = nil,
			PATH_TYPE = "waypoints",
			LOOT = true,
			LOOT_ALL = false,
			LOOT_TIME = 1500,
			LOOT_AGAIN = 2000,				-- second loot try if rooted after x ms
			LOOT_IN_COMBAT = true,
			LOOT_PAUSE_AFTER = 10,			-- probability in % for short pause after loot to look more human
			HARVEST_WOOD = true,
			HARVEST_HERB = true,
			HARVEST_ORE = true,
			DOT_PERCENT = 90,
			QUICK_TURN = false,
			MP_REST = 15,
			HP_REST = 15,
			RES_AFTER_DEATH = false,	-- automatic resurrect after death true|false,
			HEALING_POTION = 0,				-- shopping options, how many to buy/have in inventory
			MANA_POTION = 0,				-- shopping options, how many to buy/have in inventory
			ARROW_QUIVER = 0,				-- shopping options, how many to buy/have in inventory
			THROWN_BAG = 0,					-- shopping options, how many to buy/have in inventory
			POISON = 0,						-- shopping options, how many to buy/have in inventory
			EGGPET_HOE = 0,					-- shopping options, how many to buy/have in inventory
			EGGPET_SPADE = 0,				-- shopping options, how many to buy/have in inventory
			EGGPET_HATCHET = 0,				-- shopping options, how many to buy/have in inventory
			RELOAD_AMMUNITION = false,		-- false|arrow|thrown
			EGGPET_CRAFT_RATIO = "1:1:1",	-- mining:woodworking:herbalism ratio to use when crafting. '0' means do not craft that type.
			EGGPET_CRAFT_INDEXES = ",,",	-- Index level override for mine:wood:herb eg. ",,1" will only create index level 1 herb items

			-- expert options
			MAX_SKILLUSE_NODMG = 4,				-- maximum casts without damaging the target before break it
			MAX_TARGET_DIST = 250,			-- maximum distance to select a target (helpfull to limit at small places)
			AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR = 5,			-- mobs with x * your HP value counts as 'Elite' and we will not target it
			AUTO_TARGET = true,				-- bot will target mobs automaticly (set it to false if you want to use the bot only as fight support)
--			SKILL_GLOBALCOOLDOWN = 1200,	-- Global Skill Use Cooldown (1000ms) we use a little more
			SKILL_USE_PRIOR = "auto",			-- cast x ms before cooldown is finished
			PK_COUNTS_AS_DEATH = true,		-- count playerkill's as death
			POTION_COOLDOWN = 15,			-- always 15
			POTION_COOLDOWN_HP = 0,			-- will only be used if not 0, if 0 POTION_COOLDOWN will be used
			POTION_COOLDOWN_MANA = 0,		-- will only be used if not 0, if 0 POTION_COOLDOWN will be used
			SIT_WHILE_RESTING = false,		-- sit while using the rest function
			USE_MANA_POTION = "best",		-- which mana potion type to use: best | minstack
			USE_HP_POTION = "best",			-- which HP potion type to use: best | minstack
			WAYPOINTS_REVERSE = false,		-- use the waypoint file in reverse order
			WAYPOINT_PASS = 100,			-- skip a waypoint if we pass in distance x while fighting a mob (go to as melee)
			WAYPOINT_PASS_DEGR = 90,		-- skip a waypoint if we touched one and the next is at least x degrees in front
			MAX_DEATHS = 10,				-- maximal death if automatic resurrect befor logout
			WAIT_TIME_AFTER_RES = 8000,		-- time to wait after resurrection, needs more on slow PCs
			RETURNPATH_SUFFIX = "_return",	-- suffix for default naming of returnpath
			HARVEST_SCAN_WIDTH = 5,			-- steps horizontal
			HARVEST_SCAN_HEIGHT = 5,		-- steps vertical
			HARVEST_SCAN_STEPSIZE = 60,		-- wide of every step
			HARVEST_SCAN_TOPDOWN = false,	-- true = top->down  false = botton->up
			HARVEST_SCAN_XMULTIPLIER = 1.0,	-- multiplier for scan width
			HARVEST_SCAN_YMULTIPLIER = 1.1,	-- multiplier for scan line height
			HARVEST_SCAN_YREST = 10,		-- scanspeed
			HARVEST_SCAN_YMOVE = 1.1,		-- move scan area top/down ( 1=middle of screen )
			HARVEST_TIME = 45,				-- how long we maximum harvest a node
			USE_SLEEP_AFTER_RESUME = false, -- enter sleep mode after pressing pause/resume key
			IGNORE_MACRO_ERROR = false, 	-- ignore missing MACRO hotkey error (only temporary option while beta)
			DEBUG_INV = false,	 			-- to help to find the item use error (only temporary option while beta)
			DEBUG_LOOT = false,	 			-- debug loot issues
			DEBUG_TARGET = false, 			-- debug targeting issues
			DEBUG_HARVEST = false, 			-- debug harvesting issues
			DEBUG_WAYPOINT = false, 		-- debug waypoint issues
			DEBUG_AUTOSELL = false, 		-- debug autosell issues
			DEBUG_SKILLUSE = false,			-- debug skill use issues

			-- expert inventar
			INV_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 300,	 	-- full inventory update every x seconds (only used indirect atm)
			INV_AUTOSELL_ENABLE = false,	-- autosell items at merchant true|false
			INV_AUTOSELL_FROMSLOT = 0,		-- autosell from slot #
			INV_AUTOSELL_TOSLOT = 0,		-- autosell to slot #
			INV_AUTOSELL_QUALITY = "white",	-- itemcolors to sell
			INV_AUTOSELL_IGNORE = nil,		-- itemnames never so sell
			INV_AUTOSELL_NOSELL_DURA = 0,	-- durability > x will not sell, 0=sell all
			INV_AUTOSELL_STATS_NOSELL = nil,	-- stats (text search at right tooltip side) that will not be selled
			INV_AUTOSELL_STATS_SELL = nil,		-- stats (text search at right tooltip side) that will be selled, even if in nosell
			INV_AUTOSELL_NOSELL_STATSNUMBER = 3,-- If the item has this many or more named stats then don't sell

		hotkeys = {  },
		skills = nil,
		skillsData = {},
		friends = {},
		mobs = {},
		events = {
			onDeath = nil,
			onLoad = nil,
			onLeaveCombat = nil,
			onPreSkillCast = nil,
			onSkillCast = nil,
			onLevelup = nil,
			onHarvest = nil,
			onUnstickFailure = nil,
Administrator wrote: Do you still need help with it or not?
If I need help
Administrator wrote: What are you trying to accomplish?
I'm trying to accomplish, at least to start the Rombot you can use but I want to put the code clean.
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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot

#10 Post by Administrator » Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:55 pm

Looks like a bug with table.copy(). I'll have to check it out later.

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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot

#11 Post by Lamkefyned » Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:10 pm

so he helped do this to fix bugs in microMACRO 2

let me know if there is any update micromacro2
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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot2

#12 Post by Administrator » Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:59 pm

Fixed it. There was a few issues with table.copy() screwing up the stack.
You can download the latest binary here

Code: Select all

	local t2 = table.copy(settings_default);

	print("\n\nTab now:");
Now outputs:

Code: Select all

Tab now:
hotkeys:        table: 0x202C908
        MOVE_BACKWARD:  table: 0x20B4FF8
                key:    83
        STRAFF_RIGHT:   table: 0x20B5098
                key:    68
        STOP_BOT:       table: 0x20B5188
                key:    35
        JUMP:   table: 0x20B50C0
                key:    32
        ROTATE_LEFT:    table: 0x20B5020
                key:    81
        START_BOT:      table: 0x20B5160
                key:    46
        ROTATE_RIGHT:   table: 0x20B5048
                key:    69
        ESCAPE: table: 0x20B5138
                key:    27
        TARGET: table: 0x20B50E8
                key:    9
        MOVE_FORWARD:   table: 0x20B4FD0
                key:    87
        TARGET_FRIEND:  table: 0x20B5110
        STRAFF_LEFT:    table: 0x20B5070
                key:    65
profile:        table: 0x20B51D8
        hotkeys:        table: 0x20B5228
        mobs:   table: 0x20B52A0
        options:        table: 0x20B5200
                MAX_TARGET_DIST:        250
                HARVEST_DISTANCE:       120
                EGGPET_HOE:     0
                MP_LOW_POTION:  50
                HARVEST_SCAN_YREST:     10
                HARVEST_TIME:   45
                DEBUG_SKILLUSE: (null)
                EGGPET_CRAFT_RATIO:     1:1:1
                COMBAT_RANGED_PULL:     true
                LOGOUT_WHEN_STUCK:      (null)
                INV_AUTOSELL_ENABLE:    (null)
                AUTO_TARGET:    (null)
                HARVEST_SCAN_XMULTIPLIER:       1
                RELOAD_AMMUNITION:      (null)
                DEBUG_WAYPOINT: (null)
                PK_COUNTS_AS_DEATH:     (null)
                HARVEST_HERB:   (null)
                MAX_FIGHT_TIME: 10
                AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR:      5
                SKILL_USE_PRIOR:        auto
                THROWN_BAG:     0
                LOOT_IN_COMBAT: (null)
                USE_MANA_POTION:        best
                HP_REST:        15
                SIT_WHILE_RESTING:      (null)
                ARROW_QUIVER:   0
                MP_REST:        15
                POTION_COOLDOWN_HP:     0
                TARGET_LEVELDIF_ABOVE:  99
                HARVEST_SCAN_YMOVE:     1.1
                POISON: 0
                INV_AUTOSELL_NOSELL_STATSNUMBER:        3
                INV_AUTOSELL_NOSELL_DURA:       0
                EGGPET_ENABLE_CRAFT:    (null)
                HARVEST_ORE:    (null)
                POTION_COOLDOWN:        15
                DEBUG_AUTOSELL: (null)
                LOOT_TIME:      1500
                DEBUG_INV:      (null)
                LOOT:   (null)
                INV_AUTOSELL_FROMSLOT:  0
                POTION_COOLDOWN_MANA:   0
                LOGOUT_TIME:    0
                ANTI_KS:        (null)
                INV_UPDATE_INTERVAL:    300
                DEBUG_HARVEST:  (null)
                WAYPOINT_DEVIATION:     0
                LOOT_IGNORE_LIST_SIZE:  10
                DEBUG_TARGET:   (null)
                COMBAT_TYPE:    melee
                DEBUG_LOOT:     (null)
                INV_AUTOSELL_TOSLOT:    0
                EGGPET_SPADE:   0
                HARVEST_SCAN_STEPSIZE:  60
                INV_AUTOSELL_QUALITY:   white
                LOOT_ALL:       (null)
                DOT_PERCENT:    90
                HARVEST_SCAN_YMULTIPLIER:       1.1
                HEALING_POTION: 0
                RETURNPATH_SUFFIX:      _return
                HARVEST_WOOD:   (null)
                COMBAT_DISTANCE:        200
                RES_AFTER_DEATH:        (null)
                LOOT_AGAIN:     2000
                TARGET_LEVELDIF_BELOW:  99
                HARVEST_SCAN_WIDTH:     5
                WAIT_TIME_AFTER_RES:    8000
                PATH_TYPE:      waypoints
                MAX_DEATHS:     10
                QUICK_TURN:     (null)
                LOGOUT_SHUTDOWN:        (null)
                WAYPOINT_PASS:  100
                WAYPOINTS_REVERSE:      (null)
                USE_HP_POTION:  best
                USE_SLEEP_AFTER_RESUME: (null)
                MAX_SKILLUSE_NODMG:     4
                MANA_POTION:    0
                EGGPET_CRAFT_INDEXES:   ,,
                EGGPET_ENABLE_ASSIST:   (null)
                WANDER_RADIUS:  500
                HP_LOW_POTION:  40
                HP_LOW: 85
                MAX_UNSTICK_TRIALS:     10
                EGGPET_HATCHET: 0
                IGNORE_MACRO_ERROR:     (null)
                HARVEST_SCAN_HEIGHT:    5
                WAYPOINT_PASS_DEGR:     90
                HARVEST_SCAN_TOPDOWN:   (null)
                LOOT_PAUSE_AFTER:       10
                WAYPOINTS:      demo.xml
        events: table: 0x20B52C8
        skillsData:     table: 0x20B5250
        friends:        table: 0x20B5278
options:        table: 0x20B51B0
        TARGET_FRAME:   (null)
        ENABLE_FIGHT_SLOW_TURN: (null)
        MELEE_DISTANCE: 50
        DEBUGGING:      (null)
        USE_CLIENT_LANGUAGE:    (null)
        DEBUGGING_MACRO:        (null)
        LANGUAGE:       english

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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot2

#13 Post by Lamkefyned » Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:07 pm

thanks for the update ... I did not change the code to order the MM2

I was not given Error
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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot2

#14 Post by Lamkefyned » Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:24 pm

No pause function in MM2?

Code: Select all

and I searched the web but the last documentation was in 2013
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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot2

#15 Post by Administrator » Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:45 pm

Nope. There's not even a built-in hotkey. Instead, it can be done easily in the script:

Code: Select all

local running = true;
function macro.main(dt)
  if( not running )

  -- other code here.

function macro.event(e, data1, data2, data3)
  if( e == "keypressed" ) then
    if( not running and data1 == key.VK_F5 ) then

    if( running and data1 == key.VK_F6 ) then

function start()
  print("Started. Press F6 to pause.");

function pause()
  print("Paused. Press F5 to continue.");

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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot2

#16 Post by Lamkefyned » Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:00 pm

sorry but I did not quite understand your code

Code: Select all

where I put the variable?
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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot2

#17 Post by Administrator » Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:18 pm

There is no variable. You're not setting a callback. You are manually checking if the hotkey is pressed and then stopping/starting it.

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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot2

#18 Post by Lamkefyned » Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:20 pm

Code: Select all

function pauseCallback()
	local msg = sprintf(language[46], getKeyName(getStartKey()));	--  to continue, (CTRL+L) exit ...

function within a atpause
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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot2

#19 Post by Administrator » Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:36 pm

Yup. There is no built-in pause, as I already stated. You check the hotkey, and do whatever you want to pause it.

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Re: Help Please MM2 >> RomBot2

#20 Post by Lamkefyned » Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:39 pm


Code: Select all

local running = true;
function macro.main(dt)
  if( not running )
    return;                                            --------------------------->>>error

  -- other code here.

Code: Select all

2014-09-09 23:38:13 : MicroMacro version (Alpha)
2014-09-09 23:38:13 : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz @2500MHz, Windows 7
2014-09-09 23:38:13 : User privilege: Administrator

2014-09-09 23:38:17 : Load file error code: 7 (Runtime error)
bot.lua:40: functions.lua:342: 'then' expected near 'return'
2014-09-09 23:38:40 : Process forcefully terminated (Win32 callback)

If you think something is right just because everyone else believes,you're not thinking.

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