Better way to make waypoints

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (
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Better way to make waypoints

#1 Post by beanybabe » Sun May 25, 2014 12:34 am

learning to make waypoints that look good is tricky.

steps to making a good waypoint thru an area.
1. run the mobs and find a path you can move without trees and such blocking you.
2. pick a start location. this is important it must be out of agro range of any mob.
3. when placing waypoints after the first avoid placement at a mobs location.
Try to place waypoints in the mid point between each mob.
4. Think line of sight your feet are you eyes look at the ground avoid hills between waypoints. Iif there is a hill place points up and over the hill so you dont get stuck on ranged combat. if mobs is near top of hill you may want to zigzag some to get up before bot trys to start combat. Also you may need to set range down to 80 to avoid lost bot look.

5 if your waypoint jumps off an hill and there is no way to reverse the movement make sure to place 2 waypoints at the landing spot before the next mob to prevent bot trying to climb the hill again. when in doubt place 2 wp i say.

6. You may need to edit out the last part of the waypoint in some areas as the zone up and down seems to waver and can make the bot get confused and wander back and forth. Removing the height part of the waypont prevents this. this is only needed if you are off the ground such as in water.

7 set the last waypoint at same spot the first was. save the file then edit and make sure the last and first are same numbers.

8 in the last waypoint add code to check if bag is full and if it is to sleep or jump to another wp to head to vend.
You want to avoid bot leaving bodies all over with loot.
9. If you plan to catch cavies pay attention to hills and walls near a mob and the direction you char will move in wp so it does not chase cavy into a obstacle.

10 You might add in each wp add list of mobs to friend also set the distance you want 50 to 80 in tunnels and 100 to 200 in open flat areas.

11 put a name that makes you rember what the wp was for like SS demon mtn grass.xml this helps if you need use it again find the zone and mob.

12 handy wps to make are traveling from town to town or portal to portal. hunting daily or hunting mob for cards and gathering materials for crafting.

13 Some more complicated waypoints involve portals and instance bosses that is covered by other posts pretty well.

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