Some drop tests

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Re: Some drop tests

#21 Post by silinky » Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:00 am

kkulesza wrote: I think it lowers your level to the level of killed mob when calculating drop.
Why i think so?
Because of production runes drop.
When you are lower level then mobs you can get up to 3 production runes from 1 loot.
When you are aproximately the same level you get only 1 production rune.
When you are higher level you get no production runes at all, no matter what's your drop rate bonus.
When you are higher level then mob but in a honor party you get 1 production rune.
this exactly my conclusion also. my character runs just till the bottom of the stairs before turtle boss, and with honor, and 700+ worth of stuff, he makes 300-350k per run, without honor, 180-250k. i have 3x loot3, +16 wings, maid pot, rubi pet, adult gemini pet, and loot title from item shop.

idon't know how to make it faster though. now it runs 4 rounds per hr, and i run 2-3 bots at once.

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