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Maxim number of quests in questbook!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:38 pm
by beanybabe
Maxim number of quests in questbook!

I notice this message comes up in white text in bot chat frame. Is there a way to check for this message and if it happens to occur then stop the char from attempting to do quest without obtaining it?

Re: Maxim number of quests in questbook!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:32 am
by kenzu38
Can't be bothered finding that particular code from the bot.

But you can just put the checking code in your waypoint before it accepts a quest:

Code: Select all

if RoMScript("GetNumQuestBookButton_QuestBook()") == maxnumberofquestsallowed then
	-- can't take any more quests.
Edit: retyped code, forgot to add RoMScript earlier.

Re: Maxim number of quests in questbook!

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:05 am
by beanybabe
My solution was simple I just deleted all the quests from questbook on them. Then set dailynotes to auto quest. It seemed easier than trying to code the questbook.

Thanks for the Idea that may be useful.