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Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 9:07 pm
by Exempt
I looked up this issue and it seems the answer is suppose to be to make sure my mm is updated which I believe I got the latest version 1.91.41.

As far as I can tell from the wiki this is correct. hwnd is a valid window handle to so I'm not sure why this is happening.

Code: Select all

window.pixelSearch(hwnd, 72, 120, 138, x-5, y-5, x+5, y+5, 1, 1)
Failed to run event function, err code: 7 (Runtime error)
testcolor.lua:30: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

stack traceback:
[C]: in field 'pixelSearch'
testcolor.lua:30: in function <testcolor.lua:25>

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 9:52 pm
by Administrator
Where did you get the script? Can you provide a copy?

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 9:56 pm
by Exempt
Just something I was playing with, I haven't used the newer version of MM till just tonight really so.

Code: Select all

function macro.init()
		hwnd = window.find("test");
	local running = true;
	function macro.main()
		return running;
	function macro.event(e, data1, data2, data3, data4)
		if( e == "keypressed" ) then

			if(data1 == key.VK_Y) then
				x, y = mouse.getPosition();
				if(window.pixelSearch(hwnd, 72, 120, 138, x-5, y-5, x+5, y+5, 1, 1) ~= -1) then
					print("Not working.");

			if( data1 == key.VK_SPACE ) then
				print("Space bar was pressed. Quitting.");
				running = false;
edit: This is what the start screen for MM shows.
MicroMacro v1.91.41
SolarStrike Software

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:08 pm
by Administrator
As it turns out, you weren't doing anything wrong. It was due to a bug in the argument checking. I've attached a patched executable; just replace your micromacro.exe with this one.

Test code:

Code: Select all

function macro.init()
	local hwnd = window.getAppHwnd();
	printf("Hwnd: 0x%x\n", hwnd);
	local x,y = window.pixelSearch(hwnd, 170, 190, 190, 0, 0, 200, 200, 10, 1);
	if( x and y ) then
		local r, g, b = window.getPixel(hwnd, x, y);
		printf("Pixel at (%d, %d) is %d,%d,%d", x, y, r, g, b);
		printf("Not found\n");

function macro.main(dt)
	return false;

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:12 am
by Exempt
Thanks, I'll give this a try later today.

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:59 pm
by Exempt
I get an error after replacing MM that says "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application".

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:26 pm
by Administrator
Probably due to a DLL mismatch. Perhaps you had the x64 DLLs and I only provided the x86 executable, or perhaps one of the DLLs was an older version. I've included a full copy of the x86 binaries.

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 5:04 pm
by Exempt
The 64bit upload still seems to have the same issue with wrong number of arguments. Also for some reason while using the 32bit MM becomes unresponsive when the pixelSearch returns true I believe.

Code: Select all

function macro.init()
	hwnd = window.find("testJavaClient");
	winX, winY, winW, winH = window.getRect(hwnd);
	print(window.getTitle(hwnd), winX, winY, winW, winH);

local running = true;
function macro.main()
	return running;

function macro.event(e, data1, data2, data3, data4)
	if( e == "keypressed" ) then

		if(data1 == key.VK_Y) then
			x, y = mouse.getPosition();
			x = x-winX;
			y = y-winY;
			r,g,b = window.getPixel(hwnd, x, y);
			px, py = window.pixelSearch(hwnd, 39, 123, 192, x-5, y-5, x+5, y+5, 1, 1);
			if(px and py) then
				print("Not working.", x, y);

		if( data1 == key.VK_SPACE ) then
			print("Space bar was pressed. Quitting.");
			running = false;
Edit: Maybe just me doing something wrong because the colors and cords are not exactly what I'd expect.
Edit2: Seems that it's always returning nil and the crash is at "if(px and py)"... hrm, maybe it's just the program I'm trying to use it on... not sure why it wouldn't detect a color on the screen though. window.getPixel works perfectly fine though.

I changed my pixelSearch to check the entire client area and it's still only returning nil.

Code: Select all

PX, PY = window.pixelSearch(hwnd, 73, 122, 137, winX, winY, winX+winW, winY+winH, 10, 1)

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:02 am
by BlubBlab
Hm what up with it ? I wanted to upgrade/update my version so do the changes work ?...
The command is relatively new but isn't that the same function I suggest in LUA for reading the LP bar in ArcheAge ? :D
It not a problem it is just so that I thought back than that the LP in other games could have all kinds of forms , some of them even looks like smilies.

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:27 am
by Administrator
Exempt wrote:The 64bit upload still seems to have the same issue with wrong number of arguments.
You're right. Sometimes I'm kind of a ding dong and forget to compile things before packaging them for distribution.
Also for some reason while using the 32bit MM becomes unresponsive when the pixelSearch returns true I believe.
I'm unable to reproduce that at all. Have you overwritten all files with the pack I uploaded?

I modified your script to just check Notepad for the color white:

Code: Select all

function macro.init()
   hwnd = window.find("Untitled - Notepad");--("testJavaClient");
   winX, winY, winW, winH = window.getRect(hwnd);
   print(window.getTitle(hwnd), winX, winY, winW, winH);

local running = true;
function macro.main()
   return running;

function macro.event(e, data1, data2, data3, data4)
   if( e == "keypressed" ) then

      if(data1 == key.VK_Y) then
         x, y = mouse.getPosition();
         x = x-winX;
         y = y-winY;
         r,g,b = window.getPixel(hwnd, x, y);
		local sr, sg, sb = 255, 255, 255;

         px, py = window.pixelSearch(hwnd, sr, sg, sb, x-5, y-5, x+5, y+5, 1, 1);
         if(px and py) then
            print("Not working.", x, y);

      if( data1 == key.VK_SPACE ) then
         print("Space bar was pressed. Quitting.");
         running = false;
It works just fine there. What is the target application you're trying to check against? It could be related to how that window is being rendered, or perhaps it has some sort of anti-cheat that is preventing MicroMacro from grabbing a screenshot of it. Alternatively, it could be that there is some sort of blending which is causing the color values at those pixels to slightly change and therefor be outside of the accuracy range.
bar_example.png (14.93 KiB) Viewed 20405 times
In this example, the top health bar shows an optimal candidate for pixel searching. It is solid, has very contrasting colors against nearby pixels that you don't want to detect, and has no alpha transparency or overlays. This means it is reliable because the pixel colors are fairly constant.

The bottom bar is a bad example. The colors blend together a bit with the gradient, there is alpha transparency which causes background element (the tree, in this case) to potentially throw off color values, and the green part of the bar can be too similar to surrounding elements. This means the exact pixel colors vary and will be unreliable.
The command is relatively new but isn't that the same function I suggest in LUA for reading the LP bar in ArcheAge ? :D
I'm not sure. It's been part of MicroMacro for a very long time. However, its usefulness is minimized due to the fact that it is a very poor way to do detections in anything beyond the most simplistic of visual elements. It cannot recognize shapes or anything like that; it just looks for any pixel that matches a single specified color.

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:18 pm
by BlubBlab
It isn't I saw it my idea was to search in a line with an binary search/skiplists, yours is just more general without any optimization. The problem is you never know in which kind of form you searched LP bar has I know games where they are formed like an O with which lines wouldn't work obvious... maybe I can optimize yours.

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:29 pm
by Exempt
I'm unable to reproduce that at all. Have you overwritten all files with the pack I uploaded?
Yeah, I just deleted the old one before extracting the new.
It works just fine there. What is the target application you're trying to check against? It could be related to how that window is being rendered, or perhaps it has some sort of anti-cheat that is preventing MicroMacro from grabbing a screenshot of it. Alternatively, it could be that there is some sort of blending which is causing the color values at those pixels to slightly change and therefor be outside of the accuracy range.
The game is called wurm online. I find it odd the getPixel works fine but not pixelSearch.

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:40 pm
by Administrator
I'll investigate further when I have the time. Super busy with work tonight.

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:47 pm
by Exempt
Thanks. I'm still messing with it some. Do you know if just using getPixel() would be in a double for loop to scan an area would be a bad idea? I'll try to test it but I'm not sure how to just yet lol. :)

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:55 pm
by Administrator
It's fine in that it works. Not so fine as it would be slow as dirt. pixelSearch() grabs a screenshot of the window to use as a buffer so that it only needs to make one API call instead of thousands.

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:39 am
by BlubBlab
Ups I noticed that I done some changes on my version because VS wasn't sure if things aren't null:

Code: Select all

// Make sure we will even be able to handle it
	if( IsIconic(hwnd) || hdcScreen == NULL || tmpHdc == NULL || hBmp == NULL )
	{ // Throw an error
		ReleaseDC(NULL, hdcScreen);

I changed to this to silent the warning

Code: Select all

// Make sure we will even be able to handle it
	if( IsIconic(hwnd) || hdcScreen == NULL || tmpHdc == NULL || hBmp == NULL )
	{ // Throw an error
		if ( tmpHdc != NULL ) {
			DeleteDC( tmpHdc );
		if ( hBmp != NULL ) {
			DeleteObject( hBmp );
		if ( hdcScreen != NULL ) {
			ReleaseDC( NULL, hdcScreen );
maybe a bit paranoid but better sure than sorry.

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 7:15 pm
by Administrator
I'm still working on this. Seems I still have more logic to work through to solve any potential problems, but still cannot seem to figure out why the DIBits is returning all 0xFFFFFF.

However, I have found some bugs in your code as well:

Code: Select all

winX, winY, winW, winH = window.getRect(hwnd);
This should be getClientRect(). You are (potentially) adding the titlebar's height into the equation which is throwing off the math. You also probably don't want to do this only at the initialization as if the window is minimized you'll get invalid data.

Also, you're not doing any bounds checking on the area you're passing to the pixel search. That is, x-5,y-5 x+5, y+5 can potentially be outside the window rect. Of course, this should be handled internally anyways (fixing that now).

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 7:37 pm
by Exempt
Administrator wrote:I'm still working on this. Seems I still have more logic to work through to solve any potential problems, but still cannot seem to figure out why the DIBits is returning all 0xFFFFFF.

However, I have found some bugs in your code as well:

Code: Select all

winX, winY, winW, winH = window.getRect(hwnd);
This should be getClientRect(). You are (potentially) adding the titlebar's height into the equation which is throwing off the math. You also probably don't want to do this only at the initialization as if the window is minimized you'll get invalid data.

Also, you're not doing any bounds checking on the area you're passing to the pixel search. That is, x-5,y-5 x+5, y+5 can potentially be outside the window rect. Of course, this should be handled internally anyways (fixing that now).
I tried with both getClientRect and getRect as I had the same idea but that didn't seem to be the case sadly. I didn't think checking outside the window would be an issue but maybe that's why it was crashing sometimes.

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:12 pm
by Administrator
Yes, the crashing was due to being out of bounds. That part is fixed. However, I'm not really able to fix the problem of not being able to find the color inside of Wurm's window. It just has something to do with how it is painting the screen which is causing it to not fill our buffer properly. I don't think there's anything I can do to fix that, unfortunately.

I did consider capturing the desktop and scanning that (using the window's rect as the bounding box) but that has its own problems. Namely, it's not able to operate on that memory space.

Is there some reason you're not just using memory reads? That is far quicker and more reliable.

Re: Wrong number of parameters supplied to pixelSearch().

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:18 pm
by Exempt
I just want to avoid attaching debuggers and such to the game all together. I will just use getPixel and keep the search area very small like 5x5 to 10x10.