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beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:40 am
by beanybabe
The forum is so hard to find stuff. Im just going to post my questions thoughts etc here.

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:45 am
by beanybabe
Ideas for rombot.

Add Switch to disable parsing the Y cordinates.

I constantly have to edit waypoint files and remove the Y condinates. If i dont the bot will hit a uneaven ground and start running crazy. Rom the game seems to bonce up and down on the Y cordinate in some zones just enough to mess up the bot. possable also set the y off by default and only turn it on when flying or swiming. or add a fly and swim cordinate that has y and remove y from the normal ones.

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:50 am
by rock5
Why does having y values in your waypoint cause it to go crazy? That shouldn't happen.
Rom the game seems to bonce up and down on the Y cordinate in some zones
Have yo proved this or is it just a suspicion?

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:03 am
by beanybabe
path to safety.

I put a bit of code in to make the bot wait some times but if a mob spawns it attacks and the bot does not wake

I put this code in to wait

I need it to resume attacking if attacked.

My other idea is how to make it move half way between 2 coordinates 1...x...2...x...3 so if it got to 3 and went to wait that it would back up to the x then wait. I think it just (x1-x2)/2 (y2-y2)/2 but I'm not sure how to get the x1 and x2 then move to the answer.

the current solution is to place way-points in a star pattern and have the mobs be between the points of the stars. But this is not great on melee as bot still need to move back to the star point on wait.
w...m...w then set attack distance to match mob to way-point.

another way is to make go to some location but that would require lots more coding. I just want to keep it simple.

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:10 am
by beanybabe
First minute of crazy

I'm sure If you run rombot you have seen it go crazy when first started. it will run back and forth between the first 2 way-points a few times and other places for a few seconds before it will start to follow the way-points. This can be bad if the first 2 are near a wall or ledge as it will crazily fall off and then be stuck.

It will also go crazy on some aggro mobs and some mobs that cast certain debuff or buffs that stun or some thing. This seems to occur mostly during events so it not noticed at much.

When using ranged attacks on chars it will also tend to run crazy more often than melee.

If you can trace the code for the first 2 way-points the bot moves you may see what is doing it.

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:18 am
by beanybabe
rogue skill hide auto use="true"

you have a tiny problem with code for this function. If the bot is poisioned or bleeding it will constantly try to cast hide till the buff stops.

It would be nice if char had skill to clear the buff if it would use it.

I just leave it set to false and check for buff and try to clear it but im still learning this.

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:54 am
by rock5
No, I've never noticed any crazy behavior. Maybe you have something set up wrong. Maybe in your profile.

Hide isn't really catered for. There are a few skills like that in the skills database that the bot can't really deal with properly. They are added anyway so users can cast them manually. So I suggest you cast Hide manually when you want to hide.

Same applies for purifying skills. There are too many debuffs to cater for all of them but if there is a particular debuff you want to clear then you should be able to set up the skill so the bot will clear it. You can add

Code: Select all

reqbuffname="??????" reqbufftarget="player"
to the cleansing skill in your profile where ?????? is the id or name of the debuff.

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:51 am
by beanybabe
Another strange crash happened

Unstick tries 612 greater then maximum allowed unstick tries 10.
Moving to waypoint #3, (###5, ###6)
9:47am - C:/micromacro/scripts/rom/functions.lua:321: bad argument #1 to 'memory
WriteBytePtr' ((null))

AL lib: FreeContext: (00753E08) Deleting 1 Source(s)
Please enter the script name to run.
Type in 'exit' (without quotes) to exit.

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:56 am
by beanybabe
multiple clients = memory over writes.

if you start say 4 copys of rom running and one bot on say the 4th copy the first 3 are just sitting. the copy that has bot seems to crash the second copy by writiing over it memory.

this effect ocurs more or less depending on window version.

it seems to happen in the last few versions including the beta your working on.

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:07 pm
by rock5
beanybabe wrote:Unstick tries 612 greater then maximum allowed unstick tries 10.
The only way I can see that happening is if you changed the value of player.Death_counter. I can't think of any other way it could get that high.
beanybabe wrote:if you start say 4 copys of rom running and one bot on say the 4th copy the first 3 are just sitting. the copy that has bot seems to crash the second copy by writing over it memory.
As far as I understand it that is not how it works. It's probably just because you have too many clients running.

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:30 pm
by beanybabe
Y Coordinate problem

_This occurs most often in sacilla steeps but in many areas were there are lots of hills this has happened. Just teleport to Reifort and watch your screen some times it will start bouncing up and down a few pixels as the game trys to decide your Y coordinate.
_Some revisions of the bot the problem has been worse. You will notice lots of stuck errors or it backing up and trying to target a mob over and over. The Y coordinate seems to do with height. many times if bot walks over a spot were a triangle is formed in a bend the game engine seems to take a bit to decide the height you are at in center of the triangle. Your char can start acting silly and jumping trying to get on it or stumble and retry like it wants to get under.
_This height problem also affects some mobs like lizards that are short and the point of attack can drop below the bend. This is really a problem for ranged attacks like mages or scouts. To get around it I disable ranged attacks I seen people with mages resorting to using area effect spells.
_Removing the Y coordinate in these areas helps a lot but does not cure the problem of mobs dropping below line of sight. At least with the y coordinate removed the bot just thinks the mob is behind a wall and will go on.

<waypoint x="-26711" z="-2210" > </waypoint>

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:53 pm
by rock5
My first guess is that there is something wrong with your installation of the game but if you know of others that have this problem as well then maybe it's a server problem. There's not much I can do about this. But here is a little program I made to strip out all the y values from waypoint files.
(935 Bytes) Downloaded 137 times
Doesn't matter where you put it. If you put it in with the waypoint files then you would use it like this

Code: Select all

It will then ask you the file name. Enter the file name, eg. demo. It will then create a file called demo_noy.xml with the y's removed.

Note, the file names are relative so if you put the program in the 'rom' folder, you will have to include the 'waypoints' folder with the file name, eg. waypoints/demo.

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:08 am
by lisa
beanybabe wrote: Just teleport to Reifort and watch your screen some times it will start bouncing up and down a few pixels as the game trys to decide your Y coordinate.
I have never had anything like this in the couple of years I played the game on several PC's, the Y values have never caused me any issues.

Re: beanybabe thread my questions ideas and thoughts.

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:55 am
by beanybabe
the places I had most trouble with the Y value was in cave with lizards by logar. on the hills with antelope in sasilia steeps. This also depends a bit on were the way-point lands on the polygons. it better if you don't land on center of a line. I will admin you mostly cured it in a patch you did a couple months ago. It was very bad back then.

I Just think if the y cords are removed from way-points that don't need them they seem to work better. Its a try it and see sort of thing I just thought it be nice if there was option to disable them. Saves me editing them out of the way-point files.

some of the 60 areas are a bit rough also. If i come across a waypoint that still shows this weird behavior ill forward it on.