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Dischating new skill or crafting !!

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:53 am
by harbifm
when version realsed, this NPC became active (next to logar house).

it is basicly a skill that trun weapons and armors to runes !! done it couple times, trun purple items to level 1 III runes, no benfit there.

google didnot yeaild much infomration, any one can help if this craft skilll is usfull?

Re: Dischating new skill or crafting !!

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:09 pm
by xrozhija
The disenchanting npc has been available for years, (if it is the same npc as i recall it should be)

And no, it's not worth doing, as you can get even tier 1 materials from disenchanting a level 72 purple item.