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Custom skills / macro using etc

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:35 pm
by botlover
i was wondering if it was possible to make macro casting possible by whispers, or health dependend.

lets say your char "x1" reaches below 50% health, this triggers key 2 wich holds an macro wich for example whispers char named "x2" with the text "heal me"
now x2 would react on the whisper (if the whisper comes from a teammate) by healing him with the spell attached to the message.
so if x1 whispers "heal me now" there would be anstronger heal attached then with "heal me".

this would also open up for using any kind of spells depending on health instead of priority. or that alike.

in addition make the bot able to have a "follow mode" wich makes it follow another char.

also rerouting messages. lets say u play on x2 and someone whispers x1, x1 then whispers x2 "msg recived from "x3" saying: blablabla.

im not aware of if the bot can interact with the chat console more then just writing messegas. though it would be nice imo.

stuff like this would make the bot more individual and this how seem less bot and more human since everyone would set up theyr bot diferently.

thanks in advance :)

Re: Custom skills / macro using etc

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:19 pm
by Zilvermoon
botlover wrote:i was wondering if it was possible to make macro casting possible by whispers, or health dependend.

lets say your char "x1" reaches below 50% health, this triggers key 2 wich holds an macro wich for example whispers char named "x2" with the text "heal me"
now x2 would react on the whisper (if the whisper comes from a teammate) by healing him with the spell attached to the message.
so if x1 whispers "heal me now" there would be anstronger heal attached then with "heal me".

this would also open up for using any kind of spells depending on health instead of priority. or that alike.

in addition make the bot able to have a "follow mode" wich makes it follow another char.

also rerouting messages. lets say u play on x2 and someone whispers x1, x1 then whispers x2 "msg recived from "x3" saying: blablabla.

im not aware of if the bot can interact with the chat console more then just writing messegas. though it would be nice imo.

stuff like this would make the bot more individual and this how seem less bot and more human since everyone would set up theyr bot diferently.

thanks in advance :)
This could be done with AddOns ... I'm not sure the Bot would be able to do this ... but I know AddOns would be able to do it .... I got a RemoteCharacter AddOn that I wrote that react to messages in party chat ... but it's not even close to finished and I don't really got time to finish it at this point in time (it'll follow, cast regen, attack, stop moving, right now) but it might be broken by patches since I created it, I don't use it, I just created it to see if it was possible, which it was...

Anyway you can also create an Addon that would react to whispers, but you need to know how to create AddOns to do this ...

Don't ask for the RemoteCharacter AddOn it's not a finished project and I don't plan to finish it (simply don't have the time to do so)...


Re: Custom skills / macro using etc

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:30 pm
by botlover
shame u wont finish it, would have been great.

but i guess creating & troubleshooting a addon to then to have to maintain it is quite some work. no matter what it does.
if im not mistaking the game uses same addon language as WoW, and there the addons get's updatet nearly everytime there comes an update for the game.

but i guess the addon would still need some command like messages wich again should be made by human or the bot for that sake.

Re: Custom skills / macro using etc

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:42 pm
by Zilvermoon
botlover wrote:shame u wont finish it, would have been great.

but i guess creating & troubleshooting a addon to then to have to maintain it is quite some work. no matter what it does.
if im not mistaking the game uses same addon language as WoW, and there the addons get's updatet nearly everytime there comes an update for the game.

but i guess the addon would still need some command like messages wich again should be made by human or the bot for that sake.
Just to set things straight, yeah WoW also use Lua to code AddOns, but the WoW API (the Lua code inside the client) and the RoM API is very different ... yes the AddOns need to be maintained as the API changes, so many patches force changes into the AddOns ...

About the RemoteCharacter AddOn, as it is now the "user" need to control 1 of the characters (it support a full party of characters, support for Raid would be possible), but a large part of that control could be build into a script, so if the "bot" chars HP drop below a value it'll do a msg into chat forcing the RemoteChar's to act on that msg ... a lot of situations could be scripted like that ... but as stated I don't have the time to do so...

But if you are lucky someone else with Addon coding experience could create something like this.


Re: Custom skills / macro using etc

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:55 pm
by botlover
oh okay, so language is the same, the way it get's handled is just difrent ^^

okay, well it would be an GREAT addon in addition to the bot, making an full party doing any instance, or anything ^^

Re: Custom skills / macro using etc

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:55 am
by S3v3n11
I did something like that with MacroQuest back in my EQ days. I may try to put something together.