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737 Changelog - Quests IDs change

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:46 am
by rock5
Changes include;

- getQuestStatus(nameorid) now accepts ids.

- QuestByName functions now accept Ids and an extra argument if you want to specify the quest group, "normal", "daily" or "public".
  • Examples:

    If you want to accept/complete all normal quests only

    Code: Select all

    If you want to accept the daily quest "Extinguish More Flames" but not the public quest by the same name

    Code: Select all

    • or

    Code: Select all

    AcceptQuestByName("Extinguish More Flames", "daily")
    To complete this quest you can use

    Code: Select all

    • or

    Code: Select all

    CompleteQuestByName("Extinguish More Flames" ,nil, "daily")
    The 'nil' is there because the second argument for that function is the reward number. But if you don't have to specify a reward you can also use

    Code: Select all

    CompleteQuestByName("Extinguish More Flames","daily")
    because the function checks to see if the second argument is a reward option or quest group.
Note: This update requires you to update the ingamefunctions folder in your games addons folder.

I think I made these functions a lot more usable. Enjoy.

Re: 737 Changelog - Quests IDs change

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:24 pm
by Ego95
Although this post is a bit older, I'd recommend to add something.

Today I made a daily script which will use a daily quest ticket, when 10 dailies are done, which accepts four dailies. At the end I am using CompleteAllQuests("daily"). It happened, that I got four completed dailies, but just two dailies left to turn in. Now I needed to complete every single daily and then check the daily count.

I'd recommend to check, how many dailies are left before turning in. Actually it doesn't stop trying to complete the quests :)

I just saw it was maybe a bit stupid to post it here. Now the revisions are not in the right order. Maybe Admin can do something about this later, when nothing will be posted here anymore.

Re: 737 Changelog - Quests IDs change

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:57 am
by rock5
Your post is about a bug with a function, it's not really about the changelog which is out of date anyway, so you should probably have just started a new topic. It doesn't matter that the topics are out if order.

I made a quick 1 line change that should fix it. It basically just skips completing daily quests if you have reached your daily limit. Try it out and let me know.

Re: 737 Changelog - Quests IDs change

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:42 am
by Ego95
Yeah, that solved it :) Thanks. Just "Daily_count" was a nil value so I added a RoMScript to that. I can't attach files in this part of the forum. Just changed line 2014 to

Code: Select all

(qgroup ~= 2 or RoMScript("Daily_count()") <10) then -- And not out of dailies.

Re: 737 Changelog - Quests IDs change

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:12 am
by rock5
Oh yeah. Sorry.