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droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:10 pm
by IronWolf
hey guys,

im doing kalin shrine runs on regular, got many items worth 200 - 400 gold,
i would like to drop them, tried adding all of them to lootomatic but server crash reseted my lootomatic and that pissed me off..

so im wondering, is there a way to tell the bot to drop all items that worth less then 500 gold on backpacks number 2 - 6 ?

thanks for the help guys.

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:34 pm
by lisa
I use this

Code: Select all

function CleanBagKS()
	for i, item in pairs(inventory.BagSlot) do
		if item.SlotNumber >= settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_FROMSLOT + 60 and
		settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_TOSLOT + 60 >= item.SlotNumber then
			if item:isType("Equipment Enhancement") then 
			if ( item:isType("Weapons") or item:isType("Armor") ) and (400 > item.Worth and 3 > item.Quality)then
			if item.Name  == "Link Rune" then
also deletes runes, since III runes are rubbish to me.
Uses you profile options for auto selling as to which bags it looks at.

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:18 am
by rock5
Wont "Equipment Enhancement" also delete fusion stones and mana stones? Sure, you don't loot them but you might have some in your bag for some reason. If you just want to discard runes then use

Code: Select all


Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:48 am
by IronWolf
Hey guys,

thanks for the fast replys,
@Rock - you are right, it will destroy many stuff that you may need but i take it to considration, for now thats the best solution i got :)

@Lisa - thanks alot, thats exactly what i was looking for :)

one question though (out of lazziness since the server is out anyway),

can one of you please post a short example of invoking the function?
i will go look for my waypoints for examples but i figure asking also wouldnt harm,

have a great day

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:19 am
by MustHave
Don'T know if this is the best solution so maybe Lisa or rock5 should correct it.

- open a textfile editor
- put that code posted into a text file and save it as whateveryouwanttonameit.lua it into scripts/rom/userfunctions

Then you can call that function everytime you want it with

Code: Select all

You might put it into onleave combat with a check for the space in your inventory.
So if your inventory is full script will check for items to dropp.

Code: Select all

 if(inventory:getItemCount(0) ==  0 ) then
You might should put in a additionally if option beacuse if bag is full after calling the clean function you should call your waypoints to the next vendor, sell all stuff and then return to go on.

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:47 am
by IronWolf
ok so,

i've added the function lisa posted into the ingamefunctions.lua (hopefuly thats not a problem).
and i know i should remember to place it again for the next "update to head".

this was the old command in my waypoint, taken from here from a very nice and cool guy that his nick i fail to remember now, so my deepest apologies for that :(

this was the old waypoint code:

Code: Select all

		if inventory:itemTotalCount(0) == 0 then    
and now i changed it to this:

Code: Select all

	if inventory:itemTotalCount(0) == 0 then    
		if inventory:itemTotalCount(0) == 0 then    
i probably have some syntex errors since i only know how to program in java/.net/pyton.
would love corrections if they are due :)
thanks again for the help.


btw lisa, i gave it 1 sec of rest, perhaps it needs more, only experience could tell me the runtime of your function (or you could tell me how long to place in the rest ^_^),
will share results when game is back on.

totaly forgot, thanks alot MustHave, i found your post very helpful as you can obviously see :)

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:09 am
by lisa
Actually since I made that function specific to KS I just add it to the onload for the KS WP file.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>	
	ToPancer = 1
	StopAtBoss = 3
-- 0 = white / 1 = green / 2 = blue / 3 = purple / 4 = orange / 5 = gold


function CleanBagKS()
	for i, item in pairs(inventory.BagSlot) do
		if item.SlotNumber >= settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_FROMSLOT + 60 and
		settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_TOSLOT + 60 >= item.SlotNumber then
			if item:isType("Runes") then 
			if ( item:isType("Weapons") or item:isType("Armor") ) and (400 > item.Worth and 3 > item.Quality)then
			if item.Name  == "Link Rune" then
			if item:isType("Potions") and (45 > item.RequiredLvl and item.RequiredLvl > 10) then
then I just do this a few times in the waypoints

Code: Select all

	<!-- # 27 --><waypoint x="4148" z="1439">CleanBagKS()	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 60 --><waypoint x="3149" z="1446">CleanBagKS()	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 83 --><waypoint x="2857" z="2210">CleanBagKS()	</waypoint>
Code literally takes a second to dump 15-20 items, I didn't even put in a rest for it.

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:16 pm
by IronWolf
Love you guys!!

thanks alot, took that last advice by lisa, made the function as an onload,
works like charm, doing about 300k per run, more then 1mil per hour.. SWEET!

thanks alot for the help :)

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:19 pm
by gloover
IronWolf wrote:Love you guys!!

thanks alot, took that last advice by lisa, made the function as an onload,
works like charm, doing about 300k per run, more then 1mil per hour.. SWEET!

thanks alot for the help :)
1mil/hour? with one character?

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:36 pm
by lisa
gloover wrote:1mil/hour? with one character?

I was sitting at 800k/hour 1 character but have been making adjustments and tweaks here and there, got it to around 950k now.

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:36 am
by Germangold
950k per hours is obviosly with honorgroup i guess...

my KS chars make like 800k~850k per hour a day (for 6 hours due to two honor group scrolls purchased at npc lehman in classhall varanas) after booth scrools are gone and the corresponding buff wears out i'm back at like 300k per hour

5,1 = 17 hours per day
4,95 = 6hour honorgroup farming
0 = 1 hour (minigames, porting, etc)

9~10kk per character per day... and i have 7 of them working aroudn the clock
its just to good to be true :D

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:54 am
by lisa
Germangold wrote:950k per hours is obviosly with honorgroup i guess...
Yeah honor group and housemaid luck pot, I am pretty sure I can still squeeze more out of it but not much more.
Playing manually with same buffs I do around 1.4 mil / H
Germangold wrote:its just to good to be true
Best part is you don't rely on having to sell stuff where prices fluctuate like a feather on the wind.

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:41 am
by Germangold
lisa wrote:Best part is you don't rely on having to sell stuff where prices fluctuate like a feather on the wind.
Yup that is the magic behind it. On my server farming golden eggs over 10 hours a day with mrc_optimized will give all account logged with that IP a reasonable ban. lost over 50 accounts over it...

then startet farming dogmeat with lvl50 quest equiped chars > Only On Keyboard never AFK

got banned 3 accounts.... but mangaged the loss well enough sold lots of dogmeat...

my only solid gold source is farming ks, what i am trying to do is get my warror/knight/scout well equip enough to do GC Boss 1 on easy solo by bot.

various rouges i know do it fair to easy on their own.... to bad i have no rouge..
i know a warrior/mage... badass i can tell you, does unimaginable dmg with his elite skills on hand...

for some reasons i always have the bad balanced character. last chapter it was the scout doing IMBA Dmg with HoS set skill "Archer's Glory" and Autoshot and now it a rouge. 75% chance to critically strike an enemy, 300% dmg boost on critical strike... thats 150.000 ~ 200.000 per hit. B1 GC easy has 2.000.000 HP and the clown is down in like 30seconds before even starting the Color Event....

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:55 am
by lisa
yeah I often think about lvling my rogue to max now that R/S is the new best of the best. I just find that lvl 60-70 to painful unless you do 30 daily resets on a xp weekend.

As for gear, OD shell items cover everything but weapons and accessories and are good enough for a lot of things.
You can easily get to 40k hp with just shell items and stats and they are fairly cheap compared to instance items.

A good weapon/s generally costs a bit more though.

One char doing this atm ;)
gold.png (4.41 KiB) Viewed 7109 times

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:25 am
by Germangold
got my warrior this ToSH Lekani's Strength 110 dura and its +12 already. just farming arcane transmutation by now to get this nasty weapon of destruction to t10 ^^

as for my main mage... since almost most of the time he is botting I dont have any interesst investing to much gold into his equipment.

for stating i use 4 phiriusshell stats and 1 stats from ToSH (tomb of seven heroes) and it is indeed very cheap.

with this farming level i could equip another horde of 10 KS chars within a month

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:31 am
by lisa
Yeah I stuck my head in tosh a few days back, could kill the trash easy as, was good tp aswell but yeah they hit like a truck.
Eventually had 4 of them aggroed on me at once and bammm was like an explotion lol

You are going to love the new changes Rock has cooked up for the bot =)

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:51 am
by Germangold
i have "cheap" sources for the tosh stats that i need, never been inside whatsoever...

cant wait to see those Legendary changes from rock

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:25 am
by jasn
wondering about the honor party part.
Is it enought with the buff or do i have to drag a low lvl character into the instance also ?
Or can i just make the honorparty and invite a lowbie standing in a safe place on another part of the world ?

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:05 am
by lisa
jasn wrote:wondering about the honor party part
Lowbie char can be anywhere in the world, even in residence.

Aslong as you have the honor party buff on main you will be fine.

You can drag the low char along with u but it will get 1500xp per kill in KS, so 2-3 runs and it will go from 1-30 and then you can't invite it anymore.

Re: droping items based on gold worth

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:22 pm
by ezio97
For your CleanBagKS() function Lisa, I changed it to this:

Code: Select all

function CleanBag()
   for i, item in pairs(inventory.BagSlot) do
         if item:isType("Equipment Enhancement") then
         if ( item:isType("Weapons") or item:isType("Armor") ) and item.Name != "Magical Purple Cloak" and (400 > item.Worth and 3 > item.Quality) then
         if item.Name  == "Wild Boar Meat" then
and stuck it in the top of one of my waypoint files. Now, I can't get it to work :/ What did I type wrong in the code? I have each waypoint formatted like this:

Code: Select all

	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="1836" z="906" y="17">CleanBag()</waypoint>
And it gets errors in the onLoad event whenever I try to run the waypoint. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Is there any userfunctions this depends on? I included CleanBag() in the onload of the script, so I don't need a separate file for that. I'm confused :/