Eudemons online

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Eudemons online

#1 Post by charmingiv » Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:49 am

Anyone plays eudemons online? I know the graphics are bad but it's a kool game, I found many adresses well I should say all of the adresses for money, HP, SP, MP, using the CE but when I froze and change the value the CE will just change it in its screen not in the game:( anyone has any idea why? I have another question for Elverion, do you think I could use micro for this game?

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Re: Eudemons online

#2 Post by Administrator » Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:31 am

I remember Eudemons. I played that for awhile. Typically with a client/server based online game, the server keeps track of all variables, and the clients keep a copy for themselves (which is changed whenever the server sends updates). Now, there is also dead reckoning to take into consideration. Dead reckoning is when your client assumes that some action is to take place. For example, your client might assume that your HP should increase by 1 every 5 seconds because of natural HP regen. Although it appears your client may be in control, it is not.

This being said, the reason your addresses are ineffective is because you are only modifying your client's copy of the data, and it has no effect on the server. However, there usually are some things that are client sided. For example, you might be able to modify your attack speed by using an unknown value search, filtering every time you change to weapons with different attack speeds. Once you locate variables which you think might be affiliated with attack speed (I usually find about 3), then try toying around with them. Be cautious to only make slight changes to the values though! Do not change it from 1.0 to 950.0, for example, because you'll probably be detected as a hacker and get banned.

You might also be able to raise/lower the cooldown on skills or potions using a similar technique. You can also check into using Cheat Engine's speedhack capabilities, which works very well for many games and is very simple to use. You just toggle it on, and change the speed value to, say, 2.0, then click "Set speed" (or whatever it is). This might allow you to run, attack, and cast faster.

If you want to write your own speed hack, you can write a DLL to inject which will hook into BOOL QueryPerformanceCounter(LARGE_INTEGER *), causing it to return it's normal value multiplied by your desired speed increase/decrease.

Example C/C++ code (untested):

Code: Select all

#include <windows.h>
#include <detours.h>

float timerMultiplier = 2.0;
bool speedhack_toggle = true; // on by default

BOOL APIENTRY Hook_QueryPerformanceCounter(LARGE_INTEGER *lpPerformanceCount)
  if( speedhack_toggle )
    bool status = Real_QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount);
    lpPerformanceCount = lpPerformanceCount * timerMultiplier;
    return status;
    return Real_QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount);

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD  ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
	switch (ul_reason_for_call) {

		Real_QueryPerformanceCounter = (FUNC_QUERYPERFORMANCECOUNTER) DetourFunction((PBYTE)DetourFindFunction("kernel32.dll", "QueryPerformanceCounter"),(PBYTE)My_QueryPerformanceCounter);
		} break;
		DetourRemove((PBYTE)Real_QueryPerformanceCounter, (PBYTE)My_QueryPerformanceCounter);
    return TRUE;
As for your last question, it should work assuming that Eudemons isn't protected by GameGuard/Xtrap. If it is, you'll just need to find a bypass (search on Google). Try writing a simple test script to see if the input is working, maybe something as simple as typing a chat message or moving your character.

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