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azo /azo autozoomout autozoomout camera

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:33 pm
by grande
For a friend. Feel free to try it out: let you set different camera zoom options /azo to call in-game. Not mine btw, not taking credit... just couldn't find it anywhere

Re: azo /azo autozoomout autozoomout camera

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:39 pm
by Engel

Here are the commands, Autozoomout:

1º- /azo h :arrow: For this Help. <----------- :D
2º- /azo t :arrow: To toggle the Status.
3º- /azo p :arrow: To print the current Positions.
4º- /azo d :arrow: To toggle the debug Mode.
5º- /azo sd :arrow: To set your Distance. (Default: 100)
6º- /azo ss :arrow: To set your Sensitivity. (Default: 3
7º- /azo sc :arrow: To set your Cycledelay. (Default: 10)
8º- /azo sc :arrow: To set the Camera to a specified point. (eg. /azo sp 1 1 1 Format is x z y!")
9º- /azo f :arrow: To toggle freeze Mode.

A greeting .