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Argo Online - Bot (Need Help - Advice on memory searching)

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 6:40 pm
by MiesterMan
Ok, so I'm trying to make a very basic combat bot for this game to have it grind while I'm not around. I managed to map addresses for the char hp and the x and y coords as well as the immediate target name but I've been wholey unable to find a "current target hp".

The problem is that the hp is there and I can find through process of elimnation but that hp in that address is for that particular mob. If I were to change targets or kill the mob the address would become useless for targetting. Also, after the mob is killed and some time passes another mob or player seems to randomly fill that address with their hp, more often than not it's a different type than the mob that was killed.

I'm guessing that all the mobs in range are stored in a table in memory and it's just cycling through it but I can't figure out where that table is or how to decode it.

Once that's done I still need to know how to relate the hp to the immediate target. I can post the pointers I've found so far if it helps.

Re: Argo Online - Bot (Need Help - Advice on memory searchin

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:00 am
by Administrator
There is probably a pointer to the enemy you are targeting. Start there. See the guide for pointer lookups and do it on the address of the currently targeted enemy. Then, switch targets and see if it updates properly.

Once an enemy is killed and their body disappears, the game will release (destroy) the memory associated with that object. The data will still appear there (as you've seen), and will eventually be overwritten when a newly created object is assigned that memory space. You probably should not rely on this.

It could be that what you have found is in a sequential array or similar container. If you can find the start of the table (just keep looking back to check if it appears that there is enemy/player/NPC struct in place), then that could make scanning through all nearby enemies very easy.

Re: Argo Online - Bot (Need Help - Advice on memory searchin

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:57 am
by MiesterMan
Tyvm for the reply. When I get a chance I'll do this (school now, games later). :D

Re: Argo Online - Bot (Need Help - Advice on memory searchin

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:17 am
by MiesterMan
So I managed to find the max hp that corresponds to the hp I was finding before, it is 0x10 after the current hp of the target. There is a pointer that points to it and it looks like it's in a table but this region of memory is just where these pointers are being store for the time. It expands the more the game is played. Now I tried finding something that writes to them but I couldn't find the address it said to look up.

Through some of my paths I kept running into the situation where I found the address then I goto look at the memory but everything in the area changes from data to all question marks. Any idea what this is or what it means or what's going on?

Re: Argo Online - Bot (Need Help - Advice on memory searchin

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 1:48 pm
by MiesterMan
The above efforts aside, after finding the max hp of a few different targets I've been able to locate the actual address that holds the MAX HP of the immediate target. After browsing the memory I found there is no current hp anywhere near this address.

However, 8 bytes down there is a value that reflects the damage dealt to the target. It seems the value has some meaning as like targets always have the same value but I've been unable to relate it to the hp of the target.

I've been trying to do a pointer scan as the pointers have been leading me in circles (backward and forward in memory) but I ended up being stuck by the ?? values again. This is getting difficult. Just why are the values in memory coming up as ?? ?