Protection Error 103

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Protection Error 103

#1 Post by Zephyr » Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:31 pm

Copied from another thread to not take it over.
Orig. post
Started looking at this one myself. I get down to four addresses. When I check to see what is accessing one to find the pointer I get a Proction error 103 msg dialog. The odd thing is I receive the same exact dialog with Perfect World. Has anyone come across this one? Been disabling AV and other programs with no luck.

using CE 5.4
Elverion's reply
What operating system are you using? It could just be another protection error caused by Vista's UAC. Make sure you run CE with adequate privileges (set it to run as administrator) and try again.

Since I have not gotten into RoM's beta, I cannot be of any more assistance.
I was using XP SP3, went back to SP2 just to check. Did some testing and it also occurs when attaching to notepad and pinball from Microsoft. Reinstalled CE while i was at it, removed all left over files in folder before reinstalling.

If anyone has seen this toss me a bone pls.


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Re: Protection Error 103

#2 Post by Administrator » Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:59 pm

Looks like a semaphore problem. How are you opening and attaching? You should open the game first, then open CE. Now click the computer icon in the top-left and select the game's executable in the list and click OK. I know, this would seem obvious, but a semaphore problem could arise if you are trying to open and attach at the same time through CE.

Next up to test would be privileges. What account are you logged into? If anything other than Administrator, make sure to go to the game's executable, right click on it, and go to properties. Now under the compatibility tab, check "Run as Administrator" or something of that sort. Do the same thing for Cheat Engine.exe.

If that doesn't help, open CE and click Settings in the top right (right under the big, blue-green Cheat Engine icon). Go to the Code Finder tab. Make sure "Use Debug Registers" is checked, and nothing else. Under the Assembler tab, have "Show disassembler", "Show debugger options" "Replace incomplete opcodes with nops" and "Ask for replace with nop" checked. Finally, under Extra, nothing should be checked. After making these changes, you might need to exit Cheat Engine and restart your computer.

Another thing to try is resetting the security permissions. Try opening "My Computer", then go to Tools->Folder Options at the top. Now go to the View tab. In the list, scroll to the bottom and uncheck "Use simple file sharing". Click Apply.

If you right click on Local Disk(C) in "My Computer" and go to properties, do you see a Security tab?

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Re: Protection Error 103

#3 Post by Zephyr » Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:01 pm

Well could not track done what was causing this. But my best guess was something with MS Windows. Did a format and reinstall and all is fine.

I did try all the security steps to make sure and none worked.

The method i was using to attach was by finding an address then seeing what accesses it

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Re: Protection Error 103

#4 Post by Administrator » Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:31 pm

Ok, so now you're able to find the pointers find or not? You'll know you've found a static pointer (one that does not change when you restart the game) when it shows up green in the address list. If it isn't green, you'll have to lookup a pointer to that pointer.

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