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[Request] Atlantica

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:55 am
by Mesosmagnet
Introducing the first Turn-Based game in SolarImpact Software Forums.

Ladies and gentlemen...I present you with...Atlantica!

I'm not sure whether a turn-based game can be botted using MiniMacro but if someone can do it I'm sure it has to be someone on this forum! Since its currently in OB it still doesnt have any protection. However, I have totally no idea how to make a bot for a turn-based game.

I always try to write scripts for games that I currently play...but I usually quit the game before the script is done. But jz in-case anyone is looking for Atlantica bots this topic might give them some hints on how to get it done.

offtopic: I love how minimacro can give HAXXED results in a typing speedtest! =))

Re: [Request] Atlantica

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:02 am
by Administrator
I very briefly tried Atlantica. It might be a tough one just due to how the battle system works. I'd say that, based on my short experience with this game, a state-based bot would be the best approach. The most important thing to get right is the timing and checking if it's your turn.
Lets just throw up some ideas and see what happens.
  • States:
  • Out of combat
    • Status check
    • Locate target
    • Engage target
  • In combat
    • Enemy turn
    • Player turn
      • Status check
      • Identify target
      • Attack
Status check: Update all player information (HP, max HP, etc...), target information (if applicable), use potions or healing spells if needed.
Locate target: Search for a nearby enemy that is not in combat
Engage target: Run to and initiate combat with the target

Enemy turn: Wait for the enemy to finish their turn.
Identify target: Examine possible targets, select weakest target.
Attack: If the enemy has < x% health or you do not have enough mana, use a normal attack.
Else, use a skill.

Well, that's a basic chart of the flow of the script...but actually implementing it is something entirely different. Have you found a way to target enemies (in or out of combat) without clicking on them? Have you examined any structures (ie. player class)? Found any memory addresses?

Re: [Request] Atlantica

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:50 am
by 3cmSailorfuku
elverion wrote: Well, that's a basic chart of the flow of the script...but actually implementing it is something entirely different. Have you found a way to target enemies (in or out of combat) without clicking on them? Have you examined any structures (ie. player class)? Found any memory addresses?
There's an adress, if you have enough autobattle vouchers it will use the ingame botting system. You can change that instruction so autobattle is always activated.
Also enemies seem to have the same walkingpath. Kill a few of them, see where they spawn and camp on that spot, now you only would need to make a bot that automatically sits down or heal the group outside of battle.

Re: [Request] Atlantica

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 12:57 am
by Administrator
Hmm, interesting. How are these vouchers obtained? How are they activated, and how long do they last?

Re: [Request] Atlantica

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:15 am
by 3cmSailorfuku
elverion wrote:Hmm, interesting. How are these vouchers obtained? How are they activated, and how long do they last?
You can buy a daily ticket for 1.000 gold I believe (From the market), you start with 20/20 Auto-Battles and they will decrease each time a group of monsters is defeated. But you will also gain 5 Auto-Battles for each group of monsters defeated manually afterwards. And it's activated by clicking on the bottom right corner "Auto-Battle" or in the Mercenary Setup.