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Re: Version progress

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:46 pm
by Andre235
Onche wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:21 am Ok so I think this could help, not resolving the whole problem but I have an old MM that I modified (just deleted some functions) and it could update some addresses.
Here is the list of what was updated :

Code: Select all

Patched addresses.actualSpeed_offset     (value: 0x790, at: 0x5FD02C)
Patched addresses.bankOpenPtr    (value: 0xA61C64, at: 0x693602)
Patched addresses.boundStatusOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x866523)
Patched addresses.camDistanceSave_offset         (value: 0x490, at: 0x62F880)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset1    (value: 0x454, at: 0x62F7E6)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset2    (value: 0x244, at: 0x43DEE9)
Patched addresses.camPtr_offset  (value: 0x47C, at: 0x5EFC15)
Patched addresses.camXUVec_offset        (value: 0x128, at: 0x442D7B)
Patched addresses.camX_offset    (value: 0x104, at: 0x442C9E)
Patched addresses.castingBarPtr  (value: 0xA61D20, at: 0x63C1B1)
Patched addresses.charAlive_offset       (value: 0x228, at: 0x5EF86B)
Patched addresses.charBattle_offset      (value: 0x74A, at: 0x5F05D2)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoBase      (value: 0xA07B50, at: 0x5EE21D)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoSize      (value: 0x430, at: 0x6C047F)
Patched addresses.charPtrMounted_offset  (value: 0x7C, at: 0x883FB2)
Patched addresses.charPtr_offset         (value: 0x5A8, at: 0x5ED7A2)
Patched addresses.charStance_offset      (value: 0x7C4, at: 0x5EF8E5)
Patched addresses.coolDownOffset         (value: 0xE8, at: 0x6BD61C)
Patched addresses.currencyBase_offset    (value: 0x15AA0, at: 0x7A220D)
Patched addresses.cursorBase     (value: 0xA63314, at: 0x5F66BF)
Patched addresses.dailyCount_offset      (value: 0xF8AC, at: 0x6BF22F)
Patched addresses.durabilityOffset       (value: 0x18, at: 0x6B9DEB)
Patched addresses.editBoxHasFocus_address        (value: 0xA5F09C, at: 0x73DECD)
Patched addresses.eggPetMaxExpTablePtr   (value: 0xA5A5D4, at: 0x80B3C1)
Patched addresses.functionMousePatchAddr         (value: 0x3B486C7, at: 0x62FDB6)
Patched addresses.functionTargetPatchAddr        (value: 0xE8CD8B56, at: 0x5F324F)
Patched addresses.gameTimeAddress        (value: 0xA02F70, at: 0x60E627)
Patched addresses.getTEXT        (value: 0xA25B14, at: 0x60E6BC)
Patched addresses.guildBankOpen_offset   (value: 0xBC, at: 0x874970)
Patched addresses.high9sBase     (value: 0xA1F398, at: 0x687084)
Patched addresses.hotkeysKey_offset      (value: 0x54, at: 0x7E88CC)
Patched addresses.hotkeysPtr     (value: 0xA63338, at: 0x7710AA)
Patched addresses.hotkeys_offset         (value: 0x28, at: 0x7E93C4)
Patched addresses.idCardNPCOffset        (value: 0x368, at: 0x6A6BB7)
Patched addresses.idOffset       (value: 0xC, at: 0x84ECEC)
Patched addresses.inUseOffset    (value: 0x1C, at: 0x7956BB)
Patched addresses.isInGame       (value: 0xA25A44, at: 0x6465B5)
Patched addresses.itemCountOffset        (value: 0x10, at: 0x78CF52)
Patched addresses.loadingScreenPtr       (value: 0xA63448, at: 0x5F63A7)
Patched addresses.loadingScreen_offset   (value: 0xC, at: 0x7EAF5E)
Patched addresses.loginInfoPtr   (value: 0xA61B28, at: 0x778D42)
Patched addresses.macroBody_offset       (value: 0x118, at: 0x7F2CAF)
Patched addresses.maxDurabilityOffset    (value: 0x15, at: 0x6C5F61)
Patched addresses.mousePtr_offset        (value: 0x75C, at: 0x60C297)
Patched addresses.moveKeysPressed_offset         (value: 0xAAC, at: 0x5EDE58)
Patched addresses.nameOffset     (value: 0xC, at: 0x6A6C14)
Patched addresses.partyIconList_base     (value: 0xA63528, at: 0x667042)
Patched addresses.partyLeader_address    (value: 0xA27240, at: 0x662DC8)
Patched addresses.partyMemberList_address        (value: 0xA647B0, at: 0x5EF2DF)
Patched addresses.pawnCastingElapsed_offset      (value: 0x264, at: 0x890C0C)
Patched addresses.pawnCasting_offset     (value: 0x260, at: 0x890BE6)
Patched addresses.pawnClass1_offset      (value: 0x310, at: 0x5F0A7D)
Patched addresses.pawnClass2_offset      (value: 0x31C, at: 0x5F0A83)
Patched addresses.pawnDirXUVec_offset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x886A06)
Patched addresses.pawnDirZUVec_offset    (value: 0x3C, at: 0x886A11)
Patched addresses.pawnHarvesting_offset  (value: 0x164, at: 0x891735)
Patched addresses.pawnId_offset  (value: 0x14, at: 0x88331A)
Patched addresses.pawnIsPet_offset       (value: 0x280, at: 0x894C02)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel2_offset      (value: 0x320, at: 0x8911D1)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel_offset       (value: 0x314, at: 0x8911CB)
Patched addresses.pawnLootable_offset    (value: 0x3A0, at: 0x5EE1D5)
Patched addresses.pawnMP_offset  (value: 0x2E8, at: 0x89107D)
Patched addresses.pawnMaxMP_offset       (value: 0x2EC, at: 0x89108A)
Patched addresses.pawnName_offset        (value: 0x294, at: 0x890D22)
Patched addresses.pawnPetPtr_offset      (value: 0x284, at: 0x89A883)
Patched addresses.pawnRace_offset        (value: 0x328, at: 0x82232A)
Patched addresses.pawnTargetPtr_offset   (value: 0x278, at: 0x5FF23A)
Patched addresses.pawnType_offset        (value: 0x18, at: 0x89FE21)
Patched addresses.pawnX_offset   (value: 0x28, at: 0x8869E6)
Patched addresses.ping_offset    (value: 0x7C0, at: 0x60B24B)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevelBase   (value: 0xA057B0, at: 0x5EEC27)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevel_offset        (value: 0x152C, at: 0x6C76AA)
Patched addresses.psi    (value: 0xA07B18, at: 0x7C9BE4)
Patched addresses.qualityBaseOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x620A64)
Patched addresses.qualityTierOffset      (value: 0x16, at: 0x620A6A)
Patched addresses.questGroup_offset      (value: 0x4F0, at: 0x7875D5)
Patched addresses.realItemIdOffset       (value: 0x98, at: 0x6A4E29)
Patched addresses.requiredLevelOffset    (value: 0x58, at: 0x7AAFC1)
Patched addresses.skillsTableBase        (value: 0xA64868, at: 0x8342C3)
Patched addresses.staticCooldownsBase    (value: 0xA049A0, at: 0x640D20)
Patched addresses.staticEquipBase        (value: 0xA035F0, at: 0x602922)
Patched addresses.staticGuildBankBase    (value: 0xA64A2C, at: 0x5EE59E)
Patched addresses.staticTablePtr         (value: 0xA64DEC, at: 0x885E82)
Patched addresses.staticTableSize        (value: 0xA64DE8, at: 0x63AD6C)
Patched addresses.staticbase_char        (value: 0xA019B4, at: 0x5E6BE4)
Patched addresses.staticbase_macro       (value: 0xA6348C, at: 0x772FBD)
Patched addresses.swimAddress    (value: 0xB483C7, at: 0x44D519)
Patched addresses.tablesBase     (value: 0xA2A934, at: 0x6B47BD)
Patched addresses.valueOffset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x7D046F)
Patched addresses.zoneId         (value: 0xA5A268, at: 0x640452)

Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMP2_offset'; now 0x2F0, was 0x2F0
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMaxMP2_offset'; now 0x2F4, was 0x2F4
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnY_offset'; now 0x2C, was 0x2C
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnZ_offset'; now 0x30, was 0x30
Assuming information for 'addresses.camYUVec_offset'; now 0x12C, was 0x12C
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZUVec_offset'; now 0x130, was 0x130
Assuming information for 'addresses.camY_offset'; now 0x108, was 0x108
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZ_offset'; now 0x10C, was 0x10C
Assuming information for 'addresses.eggPetBaseAddress'; now 0xA1F9A8, was 0xA1E998
Assuming information for 'addresses.inventoryBagIds'; now 0xA1C3C4, was 0xA1B3B4
Assuming information for 'addresses.itemSetSkillsBase'; now 0xA21560, was 0xA20550
Assuming information for 'addresses.moneyPtr'; now 0xA153FC, was 0xA143EC
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBagBase'; now 0xA1CF6C, was 0xA1BF5C
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBankBase'; now 0xA1CF94, was 0xA1BF84
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentEggSlotBase'; now 0xA1CFE4, was 0xA1BFD4
Assuming information for 'addresses.staticInventory'; now 0xA12428, was 0xA11418
Assuming information for 'addresses.staticBankbase'; now 0xA15404, was 0xA143F4
Assuming information for 'addresses.itemQueueCount'; now 0xA1F900, was 0xA1E8F0

Read bytes for functionTargetBytes at: 0x5F324F Bytes: 56 8B CD E8 79 41 2A 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX1Bytes at: 0x62FDB6 Bytes: C7 86 B4 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX2Bytes at: 0x62FDC9 Bytes: 89 86 B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX3Bytes at: 0x630594 Bytes: 89 8E B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY1Bytes at: 0x62FDD7 Bytes: C7 86 B8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY2Bytes at: 0x62FDEA Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY3Bytes at: 0x63059A Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for swimAddressBytes at: 0x44D519 Bytes: C7 83 B4 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
NB : each "old address" you can see wasn't from the previous patch, is was older (around last december)
hey onche, could i get a new version of this list?

Re: Version progress

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:50 pm
by Andre235
they have changed a lot of addresses again. the addrupdate.lua could fix a lot of them, but some addresses are still wrong after updating :-/

Re: Version progress

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:05 pm
by Onche
Hey, here is the list :

Code: Select all

Patched addresses.actualSpeed_offset     (value: 0x790, at: 0x5FCCFC)
Patched addresses.bankOpenPtr    (value: 0xA6BB0C, at: 0x694202)
Patched addresses.boundStatusOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x867EE3)
Patched addresses.camDistanceSave_offset         (value: 0x490, at: 0x62F790)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset1    (value: 0x454, at: 0x62F6F6)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset2    (value: 0x244, at: 0x43E1B9)
Patched addresses.camPtr_offset  (value: 0x47C, at: 0x5F0535)
Patched addresses.camXUVec_offset        (value: 0x128, at: 0x44304B)
Patched addresses.camX_offset    (value: 0x104, at: 0x442F6E)
Patched addresses.castingBarPtr  (value: 0xA6BBC8, at: 0x63BFE1)
Patched addresses.charAlive_offset       (value: 0x228, at: 0x5F018B)
Patched addresses.charBattle_offset      (value: 0x74A, at: 0x5F0EF2)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoBase      (value: 0xA0BBF8, at: 0x5EEB3D)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoSize      (value: 0x430, at: 0x6C22EF)
Patched addresses.charPtrMounted_offset  (value: 0x7C, at: 0x887032)
Patched addresses.charPtr_offset         (value: 0x5A8, at: 0x5EE0C2)
Patched addresses.charStance_offset      (value: 0x7C4, at: 0x5F0205)
Patched addresses.coolDownOffset         (value: 0xE8, at: 0x6BF3EC)
Patched addresses.currencyBase_offset    (value: 0x15AA0, at: 0x7A4FDD)
Patched addresses.cursorBase     (value: 0xA6D1BC, at: 0x5F6FEF)
Patched addresses.dailyCount_offset      (value: 0xF8AC, at: 0x6C108F)
Patched addresses.durabilityOffset       (value: 0x18, at: 0x6BB78B)
Patched addresses.editBoxHasFocus_address        (value: 0xA68F44, at: 0x74096D)
Patched addresses.eggPetMaxExpTablePtr   (value: 0xA6447C, at: 0x80D411)
Patched addresses.functionMousePatchAddr         (value: 0x3B486C7, at: 0x62FCC6)
Patched addresses.functionTargetPatchAddr        (value: 0xE8CD8B56, at: 0x5F3C4F)
Patched addresses.gameTimeAddress        (value: 0xA07000, at: 0x60DDD7)
Patched addresses.getTEXT        (value: 0xA2CA9C, at: 0x60DE6C)
Patched addresses.guildBankOpen_offset   (value: 0xBC, at: 0x877100)
Patched addresses.high9sBase     (value: 0xA23440, at: 0x687984)
Patched addresses.hotkeysKey_offset      (value: 0x54, at: 0x7EB0EC)
Patched addresses.hotkeysPtr     (value: 0xA6D1E0, at: 0x773E5A)
Patched addresses.hotkeys_offset         (value: 0x28, at: 0x7EB934)
Patched addresses.idCardNPCOffset        (value: 0x368, at: 0x6A8517)
Patched addresses.idOffset       (value: 0xC, at: 0x8504FC)
Patched addresses.inUseOffset    (value: 0x1C, at: 0x79851B)
Patched addresses.isInGame       (value: 0xA2C9CC, at: 0x646375)
Patched addresses.itemCountOffset        (value: 0x10, at: 0x78FEA2)
Patched addresses.loadingScreenPtr       (value: 0xA6D2F0, at: 0x5F6CD7)
Patched addresses.loadingScreen_offset   (value: 0xC, at: 0x7ED4CE)
Patched addresses.loginInfoPtr   (value: 0xA6B9D0, at: 0x77BCB2)
Patched addresses.macroBody_offset       (value: 0x118, at: 0x7F51CF)
Patched addresses.maxDurabilityOffset    (value: 0x15, at: 0x6C7DF1)
Patched addresses.mousePtr_offset        (value: 0x75C, at: 0x60BA47)
Patched addresses.moveKeysPressed_offset         (value: 0xAAC, at: 0x5EE778)
Patched addresses.nameOffset     (value: 0xC, at: 0x6A8574)
Patched addresses.partyIconList_base     (value: 0xA6D3D0, at: 0x666FB2)
Patched addresses.partyLeader_address    (value: 0xA2E1C8, at: 0x662AE8)
Patched addresses.partyMemberList_address        (value: 0xA6E658, at: 0x5EFBFF)
Patched addresses.pawnCastingElapsed_offset      (value: 0x264, at: 0x8940CC)
Patched addresses.pawnCasting_offset     (value: 0x260, at: 0x8940A6)
Patched addresses.pawnClass1_offset      (value: 0x310, at: 0x5F139D)
Patched addresses.pawnClass2_offset      (value: 0x31C, at: 0x5F13A3)
Patched addresses.pawnDirXUVec_offset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x889E26)
Patched addresses.pawnDirZUVec_offset    (value: 0x3C, at: 0x889E31)
Patched addresses.pawnHarvesting_offset  (value: 0x164, at: 0x894BF5)
Patched addresses.pawnId_offset  (value: 0x14, at: 0x88639A)
Patched addresses.pawnIsPet_offset       (value: 0x280, at: 0x8981D2)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel2_offset      (value: 0x320, at: 0x894691)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel_offset       (value: 0x314, at: 0x89468B)
Patched addresses.pawnLootable_offset    (value: 0x3A0, at: 0x5EEAF5)
Patched addresses.pawnMP_offset  (value: 0x2E8, at: 0x89453D)
Patched addresses.pawnMaxMP_offset       (value: 0x2EC, at: 0x89454A)
Patched addresses.pawnName_offset        (value: 0x294, at: 0x8941E2)
Patched addresses.pawnPetPtr_offset      (value: 0x284, at: 0x89D903)
Patched addresses.pawnRace_offset        (value: 0x328, at: 0x823E2A)
Patched addresses.pawnTargetPtr_offset   (value: 0x278, at: 0x5FEC0A)
Patched addresses.pawnType_offset        (value: 0x18, at: 0x8A2E61)
Patched addresses.pawnX_offset   (value: 0x28, at: 0x889E06)
Patched addresses.ping_offset    (value: 0x7C0, at: 0x60A9FB)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevelBase   (value: 0xA09858, at: 0x5EF547)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevel_offset        (value: 0x152C, at: 0x6C953A)
Patched addresses.psi    (value: 0xA0BBC0, at: 0x7CC514)
Patched addresses.qualityBaseOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x620C84)
Patched addresses.qualityTierOffset      (value: 0x16, at: 0x620C8A)
Patched addresses.questGroup_offset      (value: 0x4F0, at: 0x78A525)
Patched addresses.realItemIdOffset       (value: 0x98, at: 0x6A5499)
Patched addresses.requiredLevelOffset    (value: 0x58, at: 0x7AD9E1)
Patched addresses.skillsTableBase        (value: 0xA6E710, at: 0x835C43)
Patched addresses.staticCooldownsBase    (value: 0xA08A38, at: 0x640AB0)
Patched addresses.staticEquipBase        (value: 0xA07688, at: 0x6020A2)
Patched addresses.staticGuildBankBase    (value: 0xA6E8D4, at: 0x5EEEBE)
Patched addresses.staticTablePtr         (value: 0xA6ECA4, at: 0x8892F2)
Patched addresses.staticTableSize        (value: 0xA6ECA0, at: 0x63AB9C)
Patched addresses.staticbase_char        (value: 0xA05A44, at: 0x5E6FA4)
Patched addresses.staticbase_macro       (value: 0xA6D334, at: 0x775EED)
Patched addresses.swimAddress    (value: 0xB483C7, at: 0x44D7E9)
Patched addresses.tablesBase     (value: 0xA318D4, at: 0x6B605D)
Patched addresses.valueOffset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x7D2DDF)
Patched addresses.zoneId         (value: 0xA64110, at: 0x6401E2)

Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMP2_offset'; now 0x2F0, was 0x2F0
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMaxMP2_offset'; now 0x2F4, was 0x2F4
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnY_offset'; now 0x2C, was 0x2C
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnZ_offset'; now 0x30, was 0x30
Assuming information for 'addresses.camYUVec_offset'; now 0x12C, was 0x12C
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZUVec_offset'; now 0x130, was 0x130
Assuming information for 'addresses.camY_offset'; now 0x108, was 0x108
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZ_offset'; now 0x10C, was 0x10C
Assuming information for 'addresses.eggPetBaseAddress'; now 0xA23A50, was 0xA1E998
Assuming information for 'addresses.inventoryBagIds'; now 0xA2046C, was 0xA1B3B4
Assuming information for 'addresses.itemSetSkillsBase'; now 0xA25608, was 0xA20550
Assuming information for 'addresses.moneyPtr'; now 0xA194A4, was 0xA143EC
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBagBase'; now 0xA21014, was 0xA1BF5C
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBankBase'; now 0xA2103C, was 0xA1BF84
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentEggSlotBase'; now 0xA2108C, was 0xA1BFD4
Assuming information for 'addresses.staticInventory'; now 0xA164D0, was 0xA11418
Assuming information for 'addresses.staticBankbase'; now 0xA194AC, was 0xA143F4
Assuming information for 'addresses.itemQueueCount'; now 0xA239A8, was 0xA1E8F0

Read bytes for functionTargetBytes at: 0x5F3C4F Bytes: 56 8B CD E8 C9 6C 2A 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX1Bytes at: 0x62FCC6 Bytes: C7 86 B4 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX2Bytes at: 0x62FCD9 Bytes: 89 86 B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX3Bytes at: 0x6304A4 Bytes: 89 8E B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY1Bytes at: 0x62FCE7 Bytes: C7 86 B8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY2Bytes at: 0x62FCFA Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY3Bytes at: 0x6304AA Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for swimAddressBytes at: 0x44D7E9 Bytes: C7 83 B4 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
Also, all the "now XXX, was XXX" the "was" part was from around nov 2019 so don't take those values like they were from the last patch

Re: Version progress

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:41 am
by Andre235
this is my super-beta-pre-version of the updated addresses.lua file.

i got many CItem-warnings with this, but it should be better than a non-working bot ;)
please give me a feedback with your errors :) (not the CItem-warnings)

have fun!
(7.84 KiB) Downloaded 151 times

Re: Version progress

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 4:15 am
by Sasuke
long list of
Wrong value returned in updat etc etc etc
abd after 1 min bot still search this and not start......that's happen for a daily where player need to target object while if i use bot for farm mats in sw player not use any skill for kill abloons

Re: Version progress

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 7:10 am
by ThulsaDoom
Andre235 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:41 am this is my super-beta-pre-version of the updated addresses.lua file.

i got many CItem-warnings with this, but it should be better than a non-working bot ;)
please give me a feedback with your errors :) (not the CItem-warnings)

have fun!
Bot enters in non ending loop of CItem-warnings and unstick player.

Thanks for your support

Re: Version progress

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:50 am
by saverombotplz
Andre235 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:41 am this is my super-beta-pre-version of the updated addresses.lua file.

i got many CItem-warnings with this, but it should be better than a non-working bot ;)
please give me a feedback with your errors :) (not the CItem-warnings)

have fun!
it doesnt work for me

Re: Version progress

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:18 pm
by Andre235
ok, here is a little update:
i have updated the addresses.lua with the addresses from onche
in my tests the bot can accept and complete quests, running around and targeting objects...
BUT the speedhack is bad (moving slow or player stucks) and the inventory stuff causes the long CItem warning lists.
i commented the speed() and inventory:update() & similar out and at first thats all, what i can do today :-)
(8.16 KiB) Downloaded 158 times

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:57 am
by Sasuke
something wroks , something not ......minigame not :(

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:40 am
by saverombotplz
Andre235 wrote: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:18 pm ok, here is a little update:
i have updated the addresses.lua with the addresses from onche
in my tests the bot can accept and complete quests, running around and targeting objects...
BUT the speedhack is bad (moving slow or player stucks) and the inventory stuff causes the long CItem warning lists.
i commented the speed() and inventory:update() & similar out and at first thats all, what i can do today :-)
this is the error i get when i run the bot micromacro/scripts/rom/functions.lua:190: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'client_exe_module_start' (a nil value)

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:44 pm
by Uniden65
can someone upload and give a link to the newest updated bot version ... for some reason mine will not update any more with git >?

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:29 pm
by Sasuke
tha's why no update with gift but only addresses for try to use bot tafter some changes.....admin will do it when he has time don't worry:)

Re: Version progress

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:30 am
by Andre235
Now the CItem warnings are reduced, and i believe the speed userfunction is fixed. no success with the skills and inventory stuff :(

if you get an error,when the bot start, please update the bot to the latest version (link in the first post)
(8.94 KiB) Downloaded 146 times
have fun :)

Re: Version progress

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:32 am
by Administrator
Andre235 wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:30 am no success with the skills and inventory stuff :(
Looks like the way inventory information was stored has changed. I spent a couple hours trying to find the new addresses manually, then being confused when it was still not working correctly. So... I set up a brute force test and just let my CPU beat on it until it was solved. It caught and flagged a handful of potential addresses, which I was able to narrow down to just one that seems promising. I'm running a new brute force attempt against bag IDs (the other half of the puzzle) now. Getting some potential hits but I'll verify that later; it's work time now.

Re: Version progress

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:26 am
by Sasuke
Administrator wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:32 am
Andre235 wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:30 am no success with the skills and inventory stuff :(
Looks like the way inventory information was stored has changed. I spent a couple hours trying to find the new addresses manually, then being confused when it was still not working correctly. So... I set up a brute force test and just let my CPU beat on it until it was solved. It caught and flagged a handful of potential addresses, which I was able to narrow down to just one that seems promising. I'm running a new brute force attempt against bag IDs (the other half of the puzzle) now. Getting some potential hits but I'll verify that later; it's work time now.
ty so much for your great works as always .....i'd like to help you but i odn't have info for it sorry

still have prob.i delete old rom folder and i copy new in git site but i have this problem:
2020-06-22 16:33:16 - C:/Program Files/micromacro/scripts/rom/functions.lua:2666: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'endAddress' (a nil value)

and this is an errors on andortraining :
2020-06-22 16:49:21 - C:/Program Files/micromacro/scripts/rom/classes/item.lua:143: attempt to concatenate field 'Name' (a nil value)

Re: Version progress

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:44 pm
by Administrator
Got the results from my brute-force scan. It confirms my suspicion; a valid solution does not exist. This indicates that my assumption that the underlying inventory code was changed in some fundamental way. That means, it is going to take more time and research to understand how, exactly, inventory data is laid out in memory now verse what it was before. That could have a cascading effect and break anything else that also relies on inventory or item information. Equipment, for example, is also affected.

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:58 pm
by Administrator
Just checking in with another small update on what's going in in this regard. My CPU cooler sprung a leak and drained all of the liquid, so my workhorse is down until the replacement comes in. I wouldn't dare attempt to run that on air cooling (Ryzen 9 3950x 32-thread CPU, 128GB 3600 DDR4, Gen 4 NVME @ 5GB/s). That's going to artificially slow me down as I've got significantly less power on this old junky computer.

I solved the issue with the inventory changes. Looks like they thought the code to store inventory information was as dumb as I thought it was; rather than having an extra step to go through to match a bag ID to an array index to then look up (as opposed to doing a full memcpy of the item information to move inventory items around), the inventory is stored sequentially by bag ID and we can totally skip that intermediary step.

There's still lots to fix up, though.

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:21 pm
by Rivva
Hello Adminstrator!
I tested your changes and got following error thrown

...//scripts/rom2b/classes/memorytable.lua:91: attempt to index field '?' (a string value)

Kind regards, Rivva

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:53 pm
by Administrator
That's a rather confusing error. Here's the relevant code:

Code: Select all

	idNameMap[itemId][cacheType] = result;
I'm guessing that, for some confusing reason, idNameMap[itemId] is a string when it should be a table.

Does this reliably happen with only one character, all characters, or perhaps relevant to the area your character(s) are in?

Re: Version progress

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:20 am
by morc
with me too...
but not on all waypoints

and other problems:

the "new" d303 fix not working: failed reading from itemshop and after each teleport opens the ItemShop window

newest update detects 0 free backpack slot if all tab unlocked