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Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:33 pm
by solembum05
i had this:
yes i had your files in my directory "userfunctions"

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:14 pm
by lisa
the party.lua goes in the
folder, not the userfunctions folder

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:08 am
by solembum05
sorry but now i had an other problem >< (i'm not lucky)

I add party.lua in rom/classes/
When i load, i had this problem:
Sans titre.jpg

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:25 pm
by lisa
That is included in Rock's RC2 or RC3, so you must be using the default bot.

Ummm, not sure what to suguest really, you can either try using RC3 and then save the party.lua to the folder and see how it goes or edit the file to get rid of the code that is for the RC2/3 versions of the bot.

Up to you.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:00 pm
by rock5
You guys are confusing me. Isn't party.lua part of the bot now?

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:18 pm
by lisa
The version of party.lua I posted a few pages back has included the code"" commands for in party chat, so you can basically tell the party members to perform any functions you want, when you want. I never committed it as I have no idea where we are at with committing stuff with so much beta testing going on lol

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:57 am
by solembum05

Thx so much for your help, command code work !!!!!!!

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:44 am
by lisa
added code"" to default bot in rev 746
updated the second post this topic with examples.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:37 am
by solembum05
when rev 746 ?

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:49 am
by rock5
746 is already committed. Just do an SVN update.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:35 pm
by Tamyra
I've been re-looking at the costs of pet perfume and saw this thread again. It has me asking a couple questions. In a situation where you are not going in and out of instances, but just standing in one place killing fast spawning mobs over and over again, like the ones in Chrysalia:

Is there a way to make the person following the main attacker do nothing more than loot?
Would a character doing the looting be able to loot faster than a pet?
Would they loot everything that's killed?
Is there a way to get the secondary character to loot the mysterious bags from nothing more than profile options?
Is there a way to prevent the secondary player from attacking anything?
Is there a way to tell the secondary character to sell stuff at a merchant when one has been approached?

Edit: The primary player would not be following a waypoint, just doing the killing manually.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:06 pm
by lisa
Tamyra wrote:Is there a way to prevent the secondary player from attacking anything?
Tamyra wrote:Is there a way to make the person following the main attacker do nothing more than loot?
you could set it as healer and not fight and have it's profile options as loot and loot_all true.
Tamyra wrote:Would a character doing the looting be able to loot faster than a pet?
Not likely.
Tamyra wrote:Is there a way to get the secondary character to loot the mysterious bags from nothing more than profile options?
Yes already a couple of topics about this "FORUM SEARCH", just be aware that the bags are for a specific character and so it won't be able to loot a bag if it is actually for the main character.

Tamyra wrote:Is there a way to tell the secondary character to sell stuff at a merchant when one has been approached?
yes, you tell it to in party chat, rev 746 or higher.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:11 pm
by solembum05
Hi ^^

So i use partyheal, with command all work ;)

but, when we (me and heal) are low life, the heal heal himself and after heal me, it possible, if we are all low life (on group or party) to make a healgroup ?

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:45 pm
by lisa
solembum05 wrote:but, when we (me and heal) are low life, the heal heal himself and after heal me, it possible, if we are all low life (on group or party) to make a healgroup ?
Interesting question.

At the moment it checks each party member 1 at a time and makes decisions based on that party member. So that would need to be changed, not that hard to do really. Just add each party member HP% to a table and then make decisions based on those values. Response time might be less though.

At the moment it uses the normal bot skill usage to make it's decisions, we wouldn't be able to do that anymore, we would need to write our own code to handle using skills.

Ok so now the real decisions, what is it exactly we want the bot to do?

Ok first thoughts.
If any party member is 5-20% then use soul source, if under 5% then assume it's dead.
if healer 20-40% then heal self first, even if another party member is 20-40%.
If 2+ chars under 50% then use group heal.

Add in option for P/S to use curing shot (ground targeting aoe heal) it's awesome.

Not sure on Druid skills, haven't really played 1.

Follow skill profile options for using skills in or out of combat.

Keep in mind that the more we make it think the slower it's response will be and that could mean slower heals. After every heal skill cast it would need to update the HP for every party member and not just heal 1 party member up to full before looking at healing another.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:30 pm
by Tamyra
lisa wrote: you could set it as healer and not fight

yes, you tell it to in party chat, rev 746 or higher.
What if the secondary player is not a healer at all either?

What do you mean "tell"? Is there a post that spells out just what exactly needs to be said and how?

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:37 pm
by lisa
Tamyra wrote:What if the secondary player is not a healer at all either?
that won't matter if you don't want it to attack anything, it will just walk around following your main and looting.
Tamyra wrote:What do you mean "tell"? Is there a post that spells out just what exactly needs to be said and how?
in party chat type

Code: Select all

obviously you need to change the merchname to the actual name of the merchant.

in rev 746 I added the ability to tell the party bots to perform any and all functions that the bot has.

Code: Select all

code"print("I am a bot")"
that will make the party bots post in their own Micromacro window
I am a bot
Second post of this topic has a little write up on it.
lisa wrote:added code"" to default bot in rev 746
updated the second post this topic with examples.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:07 am
by Tamyra
Wow, I am blind, there it is...thanks!! :oops: And by the way, you all are geniuses, this stuff is soo cool!!

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:11 am
by solembum05

So i had P/K.

So first: if we are on raid, heal first his group.
If me and other player lost 10%-20% hp use Urgent Heal with Life Link.
If 3 players lost 20%30%40% hp use Group Heal
If 6 (group) players lost 90%95%99% hp use Soul Source and If Soul Source is on coldown use Group Heal

something like this ^^

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:47 pm
by abron1
there is a party heal addon that does all the checks and you can set it to what % to use the different skills maybe we can use some of the code from that add on into the bot for party healer?

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:53 pm
by lisa
doing the code isn't the hard part, working out when and how to use skills is what we need to decide.