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Re: Failed to cast warning

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 7:36 am
by noobbotter
I think that line in the language file is called when the bot wants to call and display that particular error. I think it would be called like this:" language[82]" So you'll have to search the bot code to find where it has that.

Edit: I found a couple instances of calling language[82] in the player.lua.

Re: Failed to cast warning

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:10 pm
by beanybabe
I tried reverting the bot back 10 version I tried 104 105 micromacro no matter what I try I get same. failed and aborted.

Windows did some updates they may be the cause but I tried a restore and no effect.

I notice in romdev.ini a server address when i ping it the ping is running near 100 that is lots higher than it usually is.

Re: Failed to cast warning

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:31 pm
by beanybabe
nothing seem to work set debug mode in settings file still no help just more errors.

Re: Failed to cast warning

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 5:22 am
by beanybabe
found were one of the messages comes from in player.lua
i put in prints and startTime seems to be changing but skill.CastTime is always=0 this seems to come from skill.lua but I dont follow what is happening there.
One other think I notice is Wrong value returned in update of item id: ##### this happens almost every time I start bot but numbers keep changing.

855 local function waitTillCastingStarts()
local startTime = getTime();
print("starttime = ",startTime) --- xxxcheck
if( skill.CastTime > 0 ) then
while( not self.Casting ) do -- wait for casting to start
-- Check if mob is dead during wait, only for damage skills
if skill.Type ~= STYPE_HEAL and skill.Type ~= STYPE_HOT then
local target =;
if not target:isAlive() then
printf(language[82]); -- close print 'Casting ..." / aborted
return false