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Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:14 am
by MiesterMan
rock5 wrote:
MiesterMan wrote: It makes it so you can log into any character on any account in your set account info tables. So yes, between accounts works fine.
If this works, which it seems too, can you explain how it avoids the secondary password failure that normally happens when changing character manually? It would be good if we could change account manually without having to restart the client.

Also is it possible to make the acctoload optional when you just want to change characters on the same account? Or how about being able to use account names as well?

Oh heck, I'll just write it myself.

Code: Select all

function ChangeChar(toontoload, acctoload)
	if acctoload == nil then
		acctoload = LogID

	if type(acctoload) == "string" then
		-- Find acctoload number
		local found = false
		for account, details in pairs(CustomLogin) do
			if details.UserName == acctoload then
				acctoload = tonumber(string.match(account,"Account(%d*)"))
				found = true
		-- account name not found
		if not found then

	swappingChar = true

	fastLoginChrSel = toontoload
	CHARACTER_SELECT.selectedIndex = toontoload
	LogID = acctoload
	fastLoginUser = CustomLogin["Account"..acctoload].UserName
	fastLoginPass = CustomLogin["Account"..acctoload].Password
Seems character selection is not 100% reliable. Eg. if I change account and load character 2, it might load character 1 instead. When I go to the character selection screen manually, character 2 is selected but that is not what it loaded.

Also I just got a secondary password failure so it hasn't been fixed, it just seems to work most of the time.
Yea, I just looked at what I had posted. I've made a few changes to it since I posted that so it might not be the one I had working. Also, it doesn't fix the manual logins secondary password.

I had guessed the way it gets by secondary password is by "skipping" it. But that would just be a blind assumption.

And last, I haven't tested this in a while. Something could have changed to make it not work the way it was working.

I'm going to check with the people providing me this meager internet if it's ok for me to play through it today or tomorrow. Verizon customer service sucks...

Edit: To update, I found a few other games had already been blocked so the outlook isn't so good.

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:18 pm
by Mushroomstamp
Deleted stupid question. =p

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:51 am
by lisa
lisa wrote:Yeah I was thinking it might be still going from that.

Issue I had/have is that windows 7 is stupid lol
Ok story is that even though I am admin it won't let me change edit files without going into properties/security and then editing permissions to users.
It will then let me edit the files.
What happened a while back was using notepad++ it had some weird conflict and the file seemed to dissappear but notepad++ was still editing it for some weird reason.
I can't find anything in documentation for notepad++ for this behaviour.
Kind of a hint as to what is going on here.
Seems notepad++ stores info in a virtual drive, can't work out how to deal with this.

check the pic, my D drive is my cd rom, so no idea how this is working.
Error says the D:\SourceCode\ClientBackup
So the info IS being saved for files from notepad ++ (SourceCode) and so the globals still exist and overlap each other.

I checked the notepad++ forum and came up empty handed, only part in english doesn't have much =(
showing UI and the code that is meant to be shown..
showing UI and the code that is meant to be shown..
--=== Edit ===--
Fixed, it was windows compatability thing in the end. Hate windows 7 =(

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:05 am
by sdude13
Any way to set the chanel for login to 1 when loggin in ?
As many events with npc's are only on chan 1...

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:28 am
by lisa
v2.11 accountlogin.lua has this

Code: Select all

says it all really =)

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:09 am
by sdude13
/me hides :)


Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:09 am
by klubi
I think you are with stupid, because I want to login my fourth charackter after botting with my second on the same acc. I tried Toonchange and CangeChar from MiesterMan on many different types, but the only thing happens is that the bot switches to the CharSelectWindow.
But after manual login it continues botting, so the only problem is it can't select the new charackter to relogin.
Thanks for your help ;)

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:24 am
by klubi
I know double posts are frowned upon, but it's now been a week since my request and unfortunately there is still no answer, so I want to update the topic. maybe it was not noticed last week.


both don't work for me a instruction or some help would be nice

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:48 am
by rock5
ToonChange I think never worked.

If I remember correctly, MiesterMans function worked, when I tested it at the time. If you made his changes then try

Code: Select all

instead of

Code: Select all


Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:54 pm
by klubi
Thanks for your answer
sendMacro("CangeChar(3,1);"); was only a mistake in my post.Of course I tried
sendMacro("ChangeChar(3,1);"); but it didn't worked.

Is there a chance to get ToonChange working?

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:25 am
by lisa
any reason why you can't load character 2 at all?

I just do checks in the onload of the WP file like this

Code: Select all

	local zoneid = RoMScript("GetZoneID()")
	if zoneid ~= 2 and zoneid ~= 353 then
If the zone doesn't match then it logs next character, obviously you can just check lvl or char name or anything else you like.
Another I use for a daily quest WP is this

Code: Select all

if player.Level > 29 and 51 > player.Level then
__WPL:setWaypointIndex( __WPL:getNearestWaypoint(player.X, player.Z, player.Y ) );

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:59 am
by klubi
Thanks a lot
Your Wp has already helped me, but I need to switch from char 5 to 3 so it is the other way round,
is this also possible? with loginnexttoon

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:37 am
by rock5
I just tried ChangeChar again, it still works. Maybe you didn't implement it properly.

This is what I've been using.
Loginxml v2.11 with
(14.84 KiB) Downloaded 160 times
With this version you can use

Code: Select all

ChangeChar(1,3) -- Change to character 1 of the 3rd account
ChangeChar(1,"Accountname") -- Change to 1st character of account "Accountname".
ChangeChar(1) -- Change to 1st character of current account.
Of course, when specifying an account, you can only use ones that have been added to the account list in "accountlogin.lua".

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:27 am
by lisa
cool, I'll use this version now, I never bothered to alter it as I never had a use for it. Thanks =)

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:42 am
by klubi
That's what I was looking for, Thanks a lot :D

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:02 am
by lisa
I have a theory but not exactly sure how to do it as the WP is reloaded for each character.

Since we can now log in specific characters I was thinking of how to make it log in 7/8 characters from each account doing the same WP file and same profile.

first theory I had was to create a database, listing accounts and which characters of those accounts to log. Then have the WP go through the chars 1 by 1 doing the WP until all characters have done the WP.

I am worried that if I track any info in a table via WP that when the WP is loaded for next character the table won't still have the info for the characters already done the WP.

Any thoughts?

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:49 am
by rock5
Gloabal variables should remain between 1 waypoint file and another (or waypoint reload) as long as it isn't reinitialised. So no

Code: Select all

datatable = {}

but instead

Code: Select all

if datatable = nil then table = {}

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:33 am
by lisa
Ahh good point, that's exactly what I was worried about lol

I should be able to make this up, then I can just start it and get back to more important things ;)

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:00 am
by lisa
Hmm at the moment if you use the changechar() it works great but if you just logout manual it will still log the last character you told it to. Maybe a reset when addon is loaded? So it will load the next character but if logged out it won't just continue to relog same char.

Removed code I posted as it didn't work.

it's the fastLoginRelog, I suppose I could just add it to the onload for WP to set it to false again. I actually like that it logs so fast between accounts, was going to use it even when manual playing, the ChangeChar().

Re: rock5&swietlowka Autologin v2.1 with boxes and secondary

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:04 pm
by rock5
It really needs a rewrite.