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#1 Post by ThulsaDoom » Tue Feb 01, 2022 2:53 am

I just obtained the Item set skill SCOUT_SHATTERSTAR_STORM, from Demon Lord hall.
Bot isn't cast it.
I tried to check if id has been changed, but I can't find the skill id using TooltipIds tool.
How I can check it and be able to use the skill?

Code: Select all

<skill name="SCOUT_SHATTERSTAR_STORM"   id="495478" range="120"		type="damage"		casttime="4"	cooldown="60"	target="enemy"		clicktocast="true" aoerange="80" />
Many thanks

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#2 Post by Administrator » Wed Feb 02, 2022 7:44 pm

Could you turn on debugging for skill discovery in your profile? That can be done like so:

Code: Select all

		<option name="DEBUG_SKILLDISCOVER" value="true" />
Now when you start the bot, it should print out a list of the found skills when starting the bot. Could you copy and paste that here for me?

Also, I've never messed with any of the item set skills. I didn't even know that was a thing. Is there a quick and easy way to get a low level item set skill so I can test with?

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#3 Post by ThulsaDoom » Thu Feb 03, 2022 4:28 pm

Please, find the skill list:

Code: Select all

Found skill 0x31B97800 ID(490448) Tab(2-1) "Bow Training"
Found skill 0x31B9784C ID(494070) Tab(2-2) "Shot"
Found skill 0x31B97898 ID(491292) Tab(2-3) "Vampire Arrows"
Found skill 0x31B978E4 ID(490420) Tab(2-4) "Joint Blow"
Found skill 0x31B97930 ID(490434) Tab(2-5) "Blood Arrow"
Found skill 0x31B9797C ID(490428) Tab(2-6) "Throat Attack"
Found skill 0x31B979C8 ID(490451) Tab(2-7) "Wrist Attack"
Found skill 0x31B97A14 ID(491159) Tab(2-8) "Swiftness"
Found skill 0x31B97A60 ID(490505) Tab(2-9) "Speed Shooting Mastery"
Found skill 0xC8EA800 ID(494336) Tab(3-1) "Charged Chop"
Found skill 0xC8EA84C ID(499573) Tab(3-2) "Briar Shield"
Found skill 0xC8EA898 ID(493392) Tab(3-3) "Power of the Wood Spirit"
Found skill 0xC8EA8E4 ID(493608) Tab(3-4) "Enhanced Accuracy"
Found skill 0xC8EA930 ID(493402) Tab(3-5) "Elven Amulet"
Found skill 0xC8EA97C ID(493406) Tab(3-6) "Savage Power"
Found skill 0xCF40A00 ID(490494) Tab(4-1) "Arrow of Essence"
Found skill 0xCF40A4C ID(492589) Tab(4-2) "Autoshot"
Found skill 0xCF40A98 ID(491128) Tab(4-3) "Wind Arrows"
Found skill 0xCF40AE4 ID(490445) Tab(4-4) "Ranged Weapon Mastery"
Found skill 0xCF40B30 ID(491163) Tab(4-5) "Frost Arrow"
Found skill 0xCF40B7C ID(490441) Tab(4-6) "Mana Drain Shot"
Found skill 0xCF40BC8 ID(490454) Tab(4-7) "Lasso"
Found skill 0xCF40C14 ID(499751) Tab(4-8) "Thorn Arrow"
Found skill 0xCF40C60 ID(490400) Tab(4-9) "Piercing Arrow"
Found skill 0xCF40CAC ID(491173) Tab(4-10) "Cripple Joint"
Found skill 0xCF40CF8 ID(490425) Tab(4-11) "Eagle Eyes"
Found skill 0xCF40D44 ID(494038) Tab(4-12) "Entling Offering"
Found skill 0xCF40D90 ID(499576) Tab(4-13) "Snipe"
Found skill 0xCF40DDC ID(494620) Tab(4-14) "Hidden Peril"
Found skill 0xCF40E28 ID(490463) Tab(4-15) "Detection"
Found skill 0xCF40E74 ID(494326) Tab(4-16) "Charged Power"
Found skill 0xCF40EC0 ID(494942) Tab(4-17) "Combo Shot"
Found skill 0xCF40F0C ID(490438) Tab(4-18) "Neck Strike"
Found skill 0xCF40F58 ID(494378) Tab(4-19) "Natural Care"
Found skill 0xCF40FA4 ID(490457) Tab(4-20) "Reflected Shot"
Found skill 0xCF40FF0 ID(490460) Tab(4-21) "Concentration"
Found skill 0xCF4103C ID(494379) Tab(4-22) "Hide Scent"
Found skill 0xCF41088 ID(490464) Tab(4-23) "Target Area"
Found skill 0xCF410D4 ID(494628) Tab(4-24) "Wind Attack"
Found skill 0xCF41120 ID(494629) Tab(4-25) "Gryphon Bash"
Found skill 0xCF4116C ID(499571) Tab(4-26) "Deep Roots"
Found skill 0xCF411B8 ID(499575) Tab(4-27) "Forest Guidance"
And indeed, the skill SHATTERSTAR_STORM does not appear in the list.

An Item-Set Skill (ISS) is a skill that can be extracted from an item-set. The first ISS can be used at level 51.
Once a complete set is collected, the set's innate ability can be "extracted" by a Black Codex NPC, Tatsy Turnbull, located in the Dalanis Central District in the Thunderhoof Hills zone. There is a second ISS Extractor, Rachel Turnbull, at Obsidian Stronghold Mercenary Square in Dust Devil Canyon.

To get one of these skills easily, close to NPC Tatsy Turnbull you will find NPC Nabod Klein (black codex). You can buy the "Hurricane Leather ..." set to extract the "Keen Will" skill for Scout.
Then Open the "Item-Set Skills" interface and equipe the Skill to the Scout, now you can use this new skill. I'm opening this interface using the XBar menu.

Item-Set Skills Interface.png

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#4 Post by Administrator » Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:06 am

Unfortunately I don't have a character high level enough to really test that out myself.

Does the skill show under the normal skill menu, along with your class skills? If it does, which tab does it go under, and would you be willing to provide a screenshot of that tab? You can PM me if you'd prefer to not have it public.

If it isn't in the normal skill menu, where do you find it so you can add it to your action bar?

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#5 Post by ThulsaDoom » Mon Feb 07, 2022 5:57 am

This type of skill is not shown in the main menu of classes and skills.
To access this menu (the one shown in the screenshot, in the previous message), you must access the functions menu (the gear located in the lower right corner of the screen) and select "Item-Set Skills", as shown in the screenshot of this message.

You must select the class and skills already drawn;
In order to use the skill, you just have to drag the icon to the skill bar.

I hope I have clarified the matter.
Item-Set Skills Interface Access.png

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#6 Post by Rintintin » Sat Feb 12, 2022 6:23 am

My opionion is, it is not use to use this skill whithin rombot. The reason for that is that prior to casting you to have to mark a circular area where this area of attack takes place. Like the Thunderstorm from the Mage.
And the cooldown ist 60sec. All in all this facts render this skil useless for botting.

But maybe you can persuade me from the opposite ;)

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#7 Post by Administrator » Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:28 am

Yeah; I think that's going to be a pretty tricky one for me to implement. I'd need to end up borring someone's character that already has a couple of itemset skills and it could prove to be quite time consuming even then.

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