I can't get anything to work now.

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (http://www.runesofmagic.com)
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I can't get anything to work now.

#1 Post by techjadus » Thu May 20, 2021 8:13 am

Ever since the servers came back up this is all I can get to happen anymore. I'm not very smart at this sort of stuff.
Is there anyone out there who could help me?


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Re: I can't get anything to work now.

#2 Post by Onche » Thu May 20, 2021 4:57 pm

Can't really help on this, but I managed to get trough this by changing the value of the text.base address to 0x0062FA84 :

text = {
base = 0x0062FA84,
start_addr = 0x264,
end_addr = 0x268,

I got this value by updating addresses from the good old rom bot; but since the values are different (like 0x0062FA84 while I get something like 0xA2FA84) , I didn't know what to put actually, so I just played around and it managed to do something

List of updated addresses from old rom bot :

Code: Select all

Scanning for updated addresses...
Patched addresses.actualSpeed_offset     (value: 0x790, at: 0x5FD32C)
Patched addresses.bankOpenPtr    (value: 0xA70AFC, at: 0x6950D2)
Patched addresses.boundStatusOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x8694C3)
Patched addresses.camDistanceSave_offset         (value: 0x490, at: 0x630D10)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset1    (value: 0x454, at: 0x630C76)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset2    (value: 0x244, at: 0x43E639)
Patched addresses.camPtr_offset  (value: 0x47C, at: 0x5F0115)
Patched addresses.camXUVec_offset        (value: 0x128, at: 0x4434CB)
Patched addresses.camX_offset    (value: 0x104, at: 0x4433EE)
Patched addresses.castingBarPtr  (value: 0xA93890, at: 0x630DB6)
Patched addresses.charAlive_offset       (value: 0x228, at: 0x5EFD6B)
Patched addresses.charBattle_offset      (value: 0x74A, at: 0x5F0AD2)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoBase      (value: 0xA0CC58, at: 0x5EE71D)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoSize      (value: 0x430, at: 0x6C36CF)
Patched addresses.charPtrMounted_offset  (value: 0x7C, at: 0x8882E2)
Patched addresses.charPtr_offset         (value: 0x5A8, at: 0x5EDCA2)
Patched addresses.charStance_offset      (value: 0x7C4, at: 0x5EFDE5)
Patched addresses.coolDownOffset         (value: 0xE8, at: 0x6C075C)
Patched addresses.cursorBase     (value: 0xA721AC, at: 0x5F6D3F)
Patched addresses.dailyCount_offset      (value: 0xF8AC, at: 0x6C247F)
Patched addresses.durabilityOffset       (value: 0x18, at: 0x6BCE8B)
Patched addresses.editBoxHasFocus_address        (value: 0xA6DF34, at: 0x741EDD)
Patched addresses.eggPetMaxExpTablePtr   (value: 0xA6946C, at: 0x80EF01)
Patched addresses.functionMousePatchAddr         (value: 0x3B486C7, at: 0x631246)
Patched addresses.functionTargetPatchAddr        (value: 0xE8CD8B56, at: 0x5F38BF)
Patched addresses.gameTimeAddress        (value: 0xA08060, at: 0x60E357)
-> Patched addresses.getTEXT        (value: 0xA2FA84, at: 0x60E3EC)
Patched addresses.guildBankOpen_offset   (value: 0xBC, at: 0x878330)
Patched addresses.high9sBase     (value: 0xA244A0, at: 0x688BA4)
Patched addresses.hotkeysKey_offset      (value: 0x54, at: 0x7EC37C)
Patched addresses.hotkeysPtr     (value: 0xA721D0, at: 0x77511A)
Patched addresses.hotkeys_offset         (value: 0x28, at: 0x7ECC04)
Patched addresses.idCardNPCOffset        (value: 0x36C, at: 0x6A9AD7)
Patched addresses.idOffset       (value: 0xC, at: 0x851B7C)
Patched addresses.inUseOffset    (value: 0x1C, at: 0x7999CB)
Patched addresses.isInGame       (value: 0xA0806C, at: 0x6478F5)
Patched addresses.itemCountOffset        (value: 0x10, at: 0x791222)
Patched addresses.loadingScreenPtr       (value: 0xA722E0, at: 0x5F6A27)
Patched addresses.loadingScreen_offset   (value: 0xC, at: 0x7EE78E)
Patched addresses.loginInfoPtr   (value: 0xA709C0, at: 0x77D3A2)
Patched addresses.macroBody_offset       (value: 0x118, at: 0x7F65AF)
Patched addresses.maxDurabilityOffset    (value: 0x15, at: 0x6C9701)
Patched addresses.mousePtr_offset        (value: 0x75C, at: 0x60BFC7)
Patched addresses.moveKeysPressed_offset         (value: 0xAAC, at: 0x5EE358)
Patched addresses.nameOffset     (value: 0xC, at: 0x6A9B34)
Patched addresses.partyIconList_base     (value: 0xA723C0, at: 0x668652)
Patched addresses.partyLeader_address    (value: 0xA311B0, at: 0x664558)
Patched addresses.partyMemberList_address        (value: 0xA73648, at: 0x5EF7DF)
Patched addresses.pawnCastingElapsed_offset      (value: 0x264, at: 0x8954CC)
Patched addresses.pawnCasting_offset     (value: 0x260, at: 0x8954A6)
Patched addresses.pawnClass1_offset      (value: 0x310, at: 0x5F0F7D)
Patched addresses.pawnClass2_offset      (value: 0x31C, at: 0x5F0F83)
Patched addresses.pawnDirXUVec_offset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x88B236)
Patched addresses.pawnDirZUVec_offset    (value: 0x3C, at: 0x88B241)
Patched addresses.pawnHarvesting_offset  (value: 0x164, at: 0x896005)
Patched addresses.pawnId_offset  (value: 0x14, at: 0x88764A)
Patched addresses.pawnIsPet_offset       (value: 0x280, at: 0x8995D2)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel2_offset      (value: 0x320, at: 0x895AA1)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel_offset       (value: 0x314, at: 0x895A9B)
Patched addresses.pawnLootable_offset    (value: 0x3A0, at: 0x5EE6D5)
Patched addresses.pawnMP_offset  (value: 0x2E8, at: 0x89594D)
Patched addresses.pawnMaxMP_offset       (value: 0x2EC, at: 0x89595A)
Patched addresses.pawnName_offset        (value: 0x294, at: 0x8955F2)
Patched addresses.pawnPetPtr_offset      (value: 0x284, at: 0x89EEC3)
Patched addresses.pawnRace_offset        (value: 0x328, at: 0x82580A)
Patched addresses.pawnTargetPtr_offset   (value: 0x278, at: 0x5FF1BA)
Patched addresses.pawnType_offset        (value: 0x18, at: 0x8A4461)
Patched addresses.pawnX_offset   (value: 0x28, at: 0x88B216)
Patched addresses.ping_offset    (value: 0x7C0, at: 0x60AF7B)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevelBase   (value: 0xA0A8B8, at: 0x5EF127)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevel_offset        (value: 0x152C, at: 0x6CAE4A)
Patched addresses.psi    (value: 0xA0CC20, at: 0x7CE004)
Patched addresses.qualityBaseOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x621EF4)
Patched addresses.qualityTierOffset      (value: 0x16, at: 0x621EFA)
Patched addresses.questGroup_offset      (value: 0x4F0, at: 0x78B825)
Patched addresses.realItemIdOffset       (value: 0x98, at: 0x6A6219)
Patched addresses.requiredLevelOffset    (value: 0x58, at: 0x7AF071)
Patched addresses.skillsTableBase        (value: 0xA73700, at: 0x8371F3)
Patched addresses.staticCooldownsBase    (value: 0xA09A98, at: 0x641FA0)
Patched addresses.staticEquipBase        (value: 0xA086E8, at: 0x602692)
Patched addresses.staticGuildBankBase    (value: 0xA738C4, at: 0x5EEA9E)
Patched addresses.staticTablePtr         (value: 0xA73C94, at: 0x88A652)
Patched addresses.staticTableSize        (value: 0xA73C90, at: 0x63C3AC)
Patched addresses.staticbase_char        (value: 0xA06AA4, at: 0x5E6E54)
Patched addresses.staticbase_macro       (value: 0xA72324, at: 0x77747D)
Patched addresses.swimAddress    (value: 0xB483C7, at: 0x44DD49)
Patched addresses.tablesBase     (value: 0xA348BC, at: 0x6B76DD)
Patched addresses.valueOffset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x7D48BF)
Patched addresses.zoneId         (value: 0xA69100, at: 0x6416C2)
But then I got stuck with this

Code: Select all

MicroMacro/scripts/rom/classes/cursor.lua:44: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
And I feel like I did something wrong so I'm not gonna do anything except if someone is able to tell me how to convert a value like 0xA2FA84 to a value that the latest rombot can read :D

Also, I did try a mdbrute just in case and I got two "new" values for the memdatabase.base which are :
2021-05-20 23:10:12,134 - root - INFO - Found address 0x00633ac4
2021-05-20 23:10:12,134 - root - INFO - Found address 0x00633ac8

But changing with those values don't do anything.

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Re: I can't get anything to work now.

#3 Post by techjadus » Thu May 20, 2021 7:07 pm

I wish I knew more about this kind of stuff... I want to learn.
I went through the steps you took and got a different error.
I also tried Brute and got two new ones... Probably the same two... And I honestly have no idea what that even means! lol...
I hope I learn a few new things going through this!

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Re: I can't get anything to work now.

#4 Post by Onche » Fri May 21, 2021 2:09 am

Mdbrute helps in finding the memdatabase.base address in the addresses.lua, which would help in finding items in memory.

As for your issue, it really looks like you don't have any profile available, but normally it should say "We can't find your profile "Nameofcharacter.xml" and not "UNKNOWN.xml".
Did you try to run this on micromacro ?

Code: Select all

I would love to spend some time to learn about micromacro but I'm just mixing things, and praying for those things to work.

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Re: I can't get anything to work now.

#5 Post by techjadus » Fri May 21, 2021 6:31 am

Yeah... I'm guessing it couldn't find my in game character's name due to my addresses being wrong. Some data it could see like like game's version but most things it couldn't see. I stared at it Most of the day yesterday trying to figure out something but all I ever could manage to do is move the problem around and not get anywhere. I've come to the conclusion that I'm in way over my head.
I still want to try and figure this out... but I kinda thought I was going in at least 10% understanding anything... If I could see someone go through this process once and ask questions along the way... I'd have it forever. But right now I feel like I'm at a dead end. I've run out of ideas of random stuff to try to make any of this work.
Thanks for helping me with this BTW!

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Re: I can't get anything to work now.

#6 Post by Administrator » Fri May 21, 2021 1:57 pm

There was a game update that ended up breaking things. I took a bit of time and patched those up and it seems to be at least somewhat functional now.
You'll have to update your scripts first. You can either use

Code: Select all

or manually download from Github, extract, copy/paste the files.

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Re: I can't get anything to work now.

#7 Post by techjadus » Fri May 21, 2021 2:00 pm

You are an angel! Thank you very much!

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