EDIT: Oh and btw, if you're using this for Arcanium Arena, some bot files will have to be modified or you will get a player.class1 error because duelists aren't listed as a class. you'll have to add the class to your pawn.lua and add it to settings.lua. I'll just post a tutorial in the next post to not clutter the OP.
List of valid arguments for use in most of the functions in this userfunction or simply (bgcode list):
Code: Select all
1 vs 1 Arena = "1v1"
Windrunner Race = "wr"
3 vs 3 Arena = "3v3"
6 vs 6 Arena = "6v6"
Karros Canyon = "kc"
Visdun Fortress = "vf"
Tyrefen Mountain Range = "tmr"
Arcanium Arena = "aa"
[color=#0000FF][size=150]joinBG(bgcode, waittime)[/size][/color]
-- this function queues for a battleground that you specify. It waits for the BG queue popup and accepts it when it appears. It then uses waitForLoadingScreen(), so waittime determines the argument for said function.
joinBG("aa", 60) -- joins Arcanium arena, max wait time for loading screen is 60 seconds
joinBG("1v1") -- joins 1 vs 1 arena, waits indefinitely for loading screen
-- this function cancels queues for a battleground that you specify. If you don't put any argument, it will cancel all battleground queues.
quitBG("6v6") -- cancels the queue for 6 vs 6 arena.
quitBG() -- cancels all queues
-- this function uses getZoneId() to check the zone you're in, if it matches the bgcode argument, then it returns true, otherwise it returns false.
[code]if inBG("tmr") then
print("Char is in TMR.")
print("Char is not in TMR.")
-- this function lets the char leave the battleground. Like joinBG(), waittime is the argument for waitForLoadingScreen().
leaveBG(30) -- leaves battleground and waits for the loading screen for 30 seconds.
-- this function returns how many minutes you have been queued for the specified BG (bgcode). If it returns 0, then it means you're not queued.
Code: Select all
if BGqtime("kc") == 0 then -- not queued
print("Not queued for Karros Canyon")
print("You've been in queue for %s minutes.", BGqtime("kc"))
-- if arg is "ok", it will accept a BG queue popup, anything other than "ok" will return true or false, true if a BG queue popup is visible and false if there isn't one.
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if BGPopup() then -- no argument
BGPopup("ok") -- accept BG queue popup
print("No BG Queue Popup detected.")