Forum search problems

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Forum search problems

#1 Post by kanta » Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:20 pm

It seems that when I do a search on the forums, I get a lot of occurrences of words too common for things I can't word any other way or no search results at all. Take for example the term "UnitSex" the forum search comes up with nothing yet I have another page from the forum open in a tab with that exact word in the post ( ... oss#p12947). I'd rather not have to continue using a google search of "rombot +term" (which happens to be how I found the post in the forum) because it's quite inconvenient. Is there any way you can get the search function to also scan the quotes and codes? Is there an option I can turn off for "common words"?

I'm trying to learn how to use this program without bugging people too much or getting yelled at for not searching the forum for answers (some topics are quite obscure considering the actual topic in the posts). On the flip side I also don't want to have to manually search through hundreds of posts with dozens of replies each for a tidbit of info that I need.
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Re: Forum search problems

#2 Post by Administrator » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:15 pm

I'm re-creating the search index now. Might take awhile. That may or may not help.

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Re: Forum search problems

#3 Post by kanta » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:51 pm

Thank you for your quick response
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Re: Forum search problems

#4 Post by Administrator » Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:01 pm

The index has been re-created.

I just did a search for "UnitSex" as per your example and only came up with one result: this thread. There is, however, a function called unitsex(), which has been mentioned in one other thread. I'm not sure why that is not showing up. My best guess is that since it was only used inside of a quote (not sure if the post it was quoted from was removed or edited), it isn't being indexed.

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Re: Forum search problems

#5 Post by kanta » Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:05 pm

My only guess is that if the term(s) are located within Code or Quote tags, it may not get indexed. But your reindex has definitely helped. Thank you for that.
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Forum search problems

#6 Post by qihijiq1 » Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:34 am

Is anyone else having problems with the forum? At first was hard to get logged in, and now it idles real slow when I click on a topic.

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Re: Forum search problems

#7 Post by beanybabe » Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:37 am

I have run into some problems with some words and numbers that is seems should pull up in a search.

Another thing I find a little annoying is on forum threads that list some function you normally have the function at the top. the problem I have is I view the forums in reverse order so all the newest messages are on the top. Would there be some way to keep the first message in the thread also pinned to the top.

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Re: Forum search problems

#8 Post by Administrator » Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:38 am

beanybabe wrote:I have run into some problems with some words and numbers that is seems should pull up in a search.
You're going to have to be more specific than "some problems."
Another thing I find a little annoying is on forum threads that list some function you normally have the function at the top. the problem I have is I view the forums in reverse order so all the newest messages are on the top. Would there be some way to keep the first message in the thread also pinned to the top.
Do you mean on the reply page? Where? What?

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Re: Forum search problems

#9 Post by beanybabe » Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:21 am

I will try to keep a list of what I find. Also can you change the you have to wait 10 seconds thing to a couple more searches before it triggers 2 more might be enough.


Forum search problems

#10 Post by WarnerDop » Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:27 am

Theres only a 20 second limit on search for logged-in users, unless the server is getting overloaded. Searching just puts a lot of stress on the database so limits are required to keep things running smoothly.

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