RoM Waypoint file

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Working with waypoint files

Executing createpath.lua

Start MicroMacro and execute the rom/createpath.lua script by entering


into your MM window. You need a valid profile for your ingame charactername and have to set the dummy macro ingame. You could also execute the script with a forced profile

rom/createpath.lua profile:default

You just walk to each point you want in your waypoint list (try to avoid walking near any trees, fences, steep hills, etc.), and press NUMPAD 1. Once you've made your round (the waypoints should loop back and bring you near the start), press NUMPAD 3. Now type in the name you want to save it as (example: 'boars' would be good enough. Don't include any slashes, and the .xml extension is automatically applied).

The new created waypointfile boars.xml will look like:

<waypoints type="NORMAL" >
	<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="-791" z="-8322"></waypoint>
	<!-- # 2 --><waypoint x="-737" z="-8155"></waypoint>
	<!-- # 3 --><waypoint x="-552" z="-8251"></waypoint>
	<!-- # 4 --><waypoint x="-540" z="-8412"></waypoint>

Waypoint types

NORMAL Default value for waypoints. The bot will try to target new mobs and attack them.
TRAVEL The bot will not targeting mobs by itself. He will still stand and fight back if he gets aggro.
RUN The bot will not targeting mobs and will not stop if he gets aggro. He will just run until he reach a waypoint with one of the other waypoint types or get a stop command within the waypoint coding.

Using LUA coding with your waypoint files

You can insert your own lua code within a waypoint file. The lua code will be executed after you reach that waypoint. Insert the code within the tags '<waypoint></waypoint>'. It would look like:

<waypoint x="-2462" z="-9625"></waypoint>
<waypoint x="-2391" z="-9639">
	if( player.Level > 2 ) then
<waypoint x="-2144" z="-9585"></waypoint>

See the list of functions that you can use for your own coding.