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This variable is true if LuaCoco was compiled into MicroMacro, otherwise it will be false. If LuaCoco is available, then MicroMacro can take advantage of true multi-threaded co-routines, allowing it to yield across C boundaries.


if( cocoAvailable ) then
  -- Coco is available! we can yield across C boundaries!


number getStartKey()

Returns the virtual key for the key that starts the macro.

By default, the start key is key.VK_F5, however, you can remap it to any key you want. You should not use the same key for both starting and stopping the macro.

See Virtual Keys for more information.


if( getStartKey() == key.VK_F9 ) then
  -- The start key is F9



Sets the virtual key for the key that starts the macro.

By default, the start key is key.VK_F5, however, you can remap it to any key you want. You should not use the same key for both starting and stopping the macro.

See Virtual Keys for more information.


setStartKey(key.VK_F9); -- The start key is now F9


number getStopKey

Returns the virtual key for the key that stops the macro.

By default, it will be key.VK_F6, however, you can remap it to any key you want. You should not use the same key for both starting and stopping the macro.

See Virtual Keys for more information.


printf("Stop key: %s\n", getKeyName(getStopKey()); -- Tells us that the stop key is F6 (unless changed)



Sets the virtual key for the key that stops the macro.

By default, it will be key.VK_F6, however, you can remap it to any key you want. You should not use the same key for both starting and stopping the macro.

See Virtual Keys for more information.


setStopKey(key.VK_F10); -- The stop key is now F10



Includes (runs) whatever script is supplied. scriptname should be of type string. This is preferred over Lua's dofile(), as it will correct path issues. You may use relative paths or full paths, however, full paths are discouraged because other users may have MicroMacro or your scripts installed into another directory.

include(), by default, uses your script's 'working directory' as the base. The 'working directory' is based off of where the executing script resides. That is, if you execute the script C:/MicroMacro/scripts/myscript/main.lua, include will try to execute scripts in C:/MicroMacro/scripts/myscript/ unless told otherwise.

include() also temporarily modifies the 'working directory' to the path of the file you are including. If, for example, you include the file "C:/temp.lua", then your working directory for the duration of the execution of temp.lua will be "C:/". It will automatically return to it's prior working path after the included file has finished. Nesting of includes is allowed.


-- relative path, same as working directory

-- relative path, inside of another folder

-- relative path, back a folder

-- full path


registerTimer(name, time, func, ...)

registerTimer() is a shortcut to the timer functions. 'name' should be a string which you will name the timer; 'time' should be a value in miliseconds (1/1000th of a second); 'func' should be the name of the function you wish to run at the specified time interval. Any additional parameters you want to be passed to the function to be called should be used in place of vararg(...). Note that the information that will be passed to the function is the same as what is passed into registerTimer() at the time it is called, and it will not be effected if those variables changed. In order to change the information passed to the function, you will need to call registerTimer() again.

registerTimer() automatically creates, starts, and restarts the timer when needed.

Please note that you MUST make use of coroutine.yield() or yrest() in your main loop, otherwise the automatic timer related code will not get time to process.


function some_function()

registerTimer("myTimer", 1000, some_function);
-- some_function() will now automatically be called every one second.

If you are using a function inside an object/table, you MUST pass the object/table as the first vararg(...) parameter. Example:

function MyObject:func(num)
  printf("Number is: %d\n", num);

registerTimer("myTimer", 1000, myObject.func, myObject, 12);



Removes a timer that has been registered with registerTimer(). It will no longer be called automatically, and must be re-created or re-registered in order to use it again.


-- myTimer will no longer be called automatically.


startMacro(func, runstate) startMacro(func)

Starts the macro function as a coroutine. This is used to fake multi-threading so that you do not have to check for the start/stop keys, and manage registered timers. Specifying runstate is optional. If runstate is true, you will not be prompted to press the start key to start executing the script. The variable runstate is false by default.

Remember to use coroutine.yield() or yrest() within any while or for loops to give startMacro() a chance to process information.


function MyMacro()
  print("This is my macro!");




yrest(), or "yield rest", causes the script to pause for 'time' miliseconds, and automatically calls coroutine.yield() for you at 100ms intervals. It has no advantage over rest() if 'time' is less than 100 miliseconds.


yrest(1000); -- rest for 1 second, and allow coroutines to run.



This function will stop the protected environment, similar to when you press the stop key . Only applicable when using startMacro().

If LuaCoco is available, then stopPE() will automatically call coroutine.yield() for you. Otherwise, you will need to call coroutine.yield() yourself at an appropriate time to allow MicroMacro time to catch the stop message.


if( error_has_occured ) then
  print("Some minor error has occured! Press F5 to continue anyways. ");


printf(format, ...)

printf() is a C-style glue for MicroMacro. This function will output the result to the screen. Use sprintf() if you just want to format, but not output. Many of us prefer printf-style formatting to Lua's for a number of reasons. 'format' should be of type string and use special tokens to denote data types. The most typically used tokens are:

 %s string
 %d integer (non-floating point)
 %f floating-point integer
 %x output as hexadecimal
\n new line
\t tab
\a system beep
\" A double-quotation mark (does not break string)

printf() will also accept tables, userdatas, booleans, and other Lua data types as strings, so use %s to output these types.

Also see cprintf() for outputting colored text.


printf("Hello %s! My favorite number is %d, and PI is %f\n", "World", 12, 3.1415);
-- Outputs: Hello World! My favorite number is 12, and PI is 3.1415


cprintf(cli.col, format, ...)

Exactly like printf() except that it allows for the outputting of colored text. cli.col must be an option from the cli module (lib/mods/cli.lua), and you may not use makeColor() for this.


cprintf(cli.yellow, "This is yellow text!\n");


cprintf_ex(cli.col, format, ...) cprintf_ex(format, ...)

cprintf_ex() works very similar to regular cprintf(). One difference is the way in which you can switch colors. Providing the name of a color within pipes (|) allows you to change the text color within the format without having to provide multiple statements. See the examples below for more information.

You may also, alternatively, provide the text color as the first argument just like cprintf().


cprintf_ex(, "This text is red, just like how cprintf() works.\n");
cprintf_ex("|red|This works, too.\n");
cprintf_ex("|red|But, |green|so |blue|does |white|this.\n");


string sprintf(format, ...)

See printf(). This function returns the formatted string rather than printing it to the screen.


formatted = sprintf("Hello %s.", "world");


int hoursToTimer(hours)

Converts a time in hours to miliseconds for use in timers. Decimals are accepted. The returned value is rounded down in the chance that the result is not a whole number.


registerTimer("MyTimer", hoursToTimer(0.5), MyTimer);
-- MyTimer() will be called every half hour.


int minutesToTimer(minutes)

Converts a time in minutes to miliseconds for use in timers. Decimals are accepted. The returned value is rounded down in the chance that the result is not a whole number.

See hoursToTimer().


int secondsToTimer(seconds)

Converts a time in seconds to miliseconds for use in timers. Decimals are accepted. The returned value is rounded down in the chance that the result is not a whole number.

See hoursToTimer().



Sets a callback function which is called when the current script terminates. The callback function may not be called if an error occures, or MicroMacro's process terminated. That is, if you click the close button on MicroMacro's window, it will not be called. You should use CTRL + L to end the scripts properly. Pausing (pressing the stop key) does not call trigger this, as the script does not terminate.


function exit_callback()
  printf("This is an example callback.\n");
atExit( exit_callback );



Sets a callback function which is called when the current script is paused. The callback function may not be called if an error occures, or MicroMacro's process terminated. That is, if you click the close button on MicroMacro's window, it will not be called.


function pause_callback()
  printf("This is an example callback.\n");
atExit( pause_callback );



Sets a callback function which is called when the current script is resumed. The callback function may not be called if an error occures, or MicroMacro's process terminated. That is, if you click the close button on MicroMacro's window, it will not be called.


function resume_callback()
  printf("This is an example callback.\n");
atExit( resume_callback );


bool colorMatch(color1, color2)

bool colorMatch(color1, color2, accuracy)

Returns true if color1 matches color2 within given accuracy, or false if they do not match. The higher 'accuracy' is, the less the two colors channels need to be alike in order to generate a match. If accuracy is not given, 0 (exact match) is assumed. 'accuracy' must be between 0 and 255 if supplied.


white = makeColor(255, 255, 255);
gray = makeColor(225, 225, 225);
black = makeColor(0, 0, 0);

match = colorMatch(white, gray);      -- returns false
match = colorMatch(white, gray, 50);  -- returns true
match = colorMatch(gray, black, 50);  -- returns false
match = colorMatch(white, black);     -- returns false
match = colorMatch(white, black, 50); -- returns false


bool fileExists(filename)

Returns true if the given file exists and is accessible. Otherwise, returns false.


local fe = fileExists(getPath() .. "/scripts/myScript.lua");
if( fe == false ) then
  printf("The file does not exist or is inaccessible.\n");


table explode(str)

table explode(str, token)

Splits 'str' into a number of strings and returns them as a table. If token is given, it will split 'str' at the given token string, otherwise it will split by spaces.


local str = "This is an example string.";
local tab = explode(str, " ");
-- tab[1] now contains: This
-- tab[2] now contains: is
-- tab[3] now contains: an
-- tab[4] now contains: example
-- tab[5] now contains: string.

str = "Now, it will return a single string.";
tab = explode(str, "\t"); -- split by tab, str contains none
-- tab is now a single string, contains: Now, it will return a single string.



This function works almost exactly like error(), except that it does not pause script execution. It will still dump information to the log and still dump a yellow warning message to the console.