RoM Leveling

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Revision as of 20:03, 12 September 2009 by D003232 (talk | contribs) (Levelup a Single Skill by Name)
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Example Files from 1 - 10

There are example files for leveling from 1 - 10 in the profile folder. Just start the bot with

rom/bot.lua profile:l1-10

After doing that select the waypointfile 'l1_goto_2.xml' from the list.

Best classes for a fast leveling are at first mage and at second priest. The other classes will also come to a finish. But they would normaly need a new weapoin while leveling. To do the way from level 1 to 10 with the beginners level 1 weapon is a little annoying.

It is recommented that you copy that files and change the paths. Simply because of running to much people the same path will look very bottish and could result into an accout ban.

Connecting waypoint files

For automatic leveling, you have to connect different waypoint files. Starting from one waypoint file, you change to the next, if you reach a given level.

You start at the spawn point in Pionier Village and walk to your first botting place:

<waypoints type="TRAVEL" >
   <!-- # 3 --><waypoint x="-3779" z="-8480"></waypoint>
   <!-- # 8 --><waypoint x="-3034" z="-9034">load_paths("l2-3.xml");</waypoint>
If you reach your first botting place, you load the waypoint file for that place with the command
load_paths( [waypointfile] | [returnpath] );

You can do that also if you reach a given level, to go to the next botting place:

	<!-- #14 --><waypoint x="-1931" z="-9750">
	if( player.Level > 4) then

Automatic Skill Leveling

Use the <onLevelup> event in your profile to automatic level up your skills

Automatic Level of Skills from 1 - 10


That function will levelup a internal given selection of useful skills on your way from 1-10. The selection of the skills is hard coded within functions.lua. That function will also load the skill into your profile skill list and use that skill via the MACRO function. If you restart the bot and want also want to use that skills and don't want to enter them manual into the profile skill list, then just use that function with the parameter 'loadonly' within the onLoad event:

		-- Additional Lua code to execute after loading the profile
		-- and before the bot starts. e.g. You could overwrite profile settings here
		-- like: changeProfileOption("HP_REST", 60);

		if(player.Level == 1) then
			openGiftbag(player.Level, 18);


Levelup a Single Skill by Name

levelupSkill(_skillname [, _times] )

For the skillname look into the file /database/skills.xml. You can use that function only for skill, which have maintained the skilltab and skillnum values within the skills.xml entry. If the don't have that values, please look yourself for them and use the manual way.

Levelup a Single Skill by Skill Parameters

For doing it that way, you have to determine the skill tab and skill number by yourself.

		if( player.Level == 26 ) then
			send_macro("SetSpellPoint( 4, 2 );");
If you want to test the skill numbers you need, you can enter the following script into the ingame chat. It will print the skill name for the selected skill number into the chat.
/script _SkillName = GetSkillDetail(4,2); SendSystemChat(_SkillName);

The first number means the tab from the skill book. Numer 4 addresses the third tab. :-) The second number is the number of the skill on that page.

Open Bags And Equipt Armor

Automatic Open Bags from 1 - 10

openGiftbag( [player.Level [, maxslot] );

That function knows the giftbags from 1 - 10, opens them and equipt the armor from within. Just enter that function within your onLevelup event into your profile.

Open Bags with the bot inventory functions

inventory:useItem( itemid | itemname );

To be sure, your inventory knows all items. You should do a full inventory update after levelup
