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svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:36 am
by lisa
After many many times of making new folders for different versions of rom and different versions of MM I decided easiest way to keep track of userfunctions is to just make up a SVN just for them, it is not part of the usual SVN for RoMbot.

Save this file to the rom/userfunctions folder
V 1.1
It prints a yellow message on MM if duplicate files are found in the normal userfunctions folder.
(610 Bytes) Downloaded 475 times
Then follow these steps for the SVN part.
1. Create a folder inside userfunctions folder and call it "loadsvn" ( obviously without the "" and must be exact )
2. right click the folder and do SVN Checkout.
3. add in this address for the url

Code: Select all

--=== Alternate option ===--

Create a folder in the micromacro/scripts folder and call it romglobal
Inside that folder create 2 new folders called, userfunctions and waypoints.
You can then use the SVN instructions above on the userfunctions folder.
It won't check for duplicate files though, unless rock added that in to the default bot already.
Folder set up should look like this.
I will try to keep the files up to date, if for some reason I get slack or miss an updated userfunction just post on here and I will fix it up.
Also if you think a userfunction should be included that isn't included then post here with a link to it's topic on the forum.

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:38 am
by lisa
Listing the userfunctions here with Version number and link to the topic for it.

addon_Rock5s_Mail_Functions.lua // V1.80 // link

userfunction_BuyFromItemShop.lua // V1.3.1 // link

userfunction_catchcavy.lua // V 1.02 // link

userfunction_CleanBag.lua // V 2.5 // link

userfunction_craftitem.lua // V 1.2 // link

userfunction_Fusion_Functions.lua // V0.3 // link

userfunction_gmmonitor.lua // V 7.2 // link

userfunction_gotoportal.lua // V 2.1 // link

userfunction_GuildDonate.lua // V 1.44 // link

userfunction_itembuffs.lua // V 1.0 // link

userfunction_lisafunctions.lua // various weird userfunctions I use //

userfunction_logger.lua // V 2.3 // link

userfunction_LoginNextChar.lua // V 1.4 // link

userfunction_MountSpeedHack.lua // V 0.0 // link

userfunction_PlantCare.lua // V 3.0 // link

userfunction_profilechange.lua // V 1.1 // link

userfunction_QuestLogClass.lua // V 0.05 // link

userfunction_Rent.lua // V 1.0 // link

userfunction_setwindow.lua // V 1.6 // link

userfunction_soundalarm.lua // V 0.0 // link

userfunction_speedhack.lua // V 1.2 // link

userfunction_swimhack.lua // V 2.1 // link

userfunction_telefollow.lua // V 1.0 // link

userfunction_teleport.lua // V 2.1 // link

userfunction_travelTo.lua // beta 1 // ... =27&t=4940

userfunction_wallhack.lua // V 1.11 // link

--=== removing ===--
userfunction_countmobs.lua // V 0.4 // use player:countMobs(inrange, onlyaggro, idorname)

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:17 am
by rock5
You do realise that from now on you could just keep one copy of all your userfunctions in the romglobal folder for all your versions of the bot?

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:28 am
by lisa
yeah trouble I had was keeping upto date aswell, I had to work out which was old and which was new and then keep the new ones or just go through all of the userfunction topics to find the ones I use.

Atleast now, even if just for me, I can just do SVN update on the folder and bamm, all back to normal lol

It is mainly for me but I figured I would share the SVN for others to use aswell.

It is also getting painfully hard to find the userfunctions, have to forum search for anything and still get 100 results from anytime the userfunction has been mentioned in another topic.

I may even do the same for waypoints *shrug*

Seems I can't make it a sticky, I haven't got the POWER muahahhahhahah lol

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:04 pm
by lisa
Added instructions for using the romglobal system Rock added to the default bot.

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:45 am
by lisa
updated a couple and added userfunction_itembuffs.lua

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:29 am
by solembum05
Very nice idea, and good work !

Can you add userfunction wallhack ?

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:02 am
by lisa
solembum05 wrote:Very nice idea, and good work !

Can you add userfunction wallhack ?

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:34 am
by Micke
hi lisa,

thnx for the userfunction repository !
but u could directly combine this with the common rombot folder:

1. svn:delete "micromacro\scripts\rom\userfunctions"
2. checkout trunk of userfunction repository to new folder "userfunctions" outside rombot tree
3. move this folder to micromacro\scripts\rom

i use this way to store my profiles and waypoints and so on in my own svn repository, combining them with svn connected mm and rom Folders.

in your case, if u wanna avoid to commit ur "settings" to common svn, u can checkout this folder tree with readonly rights.

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:11 am
by lisa
Micke wrote:u could directly combine this with the common rombot folder:
People could deffinately do that if they wanted, I put mine in the romglobal folder =)

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:41 am
by Micke
but then your userfunction_loadsvn.lua isnt under sourcecontrol, that's not professional ^^.
but you are right, we need a better solution.

how about: to enhance default rombot, not only scan folder "userfunctions", "profiles", "waypoints" for files,
but also their subfolders.
it would make our both workarounds obsolete, and would be a self-explanatoring logic.


Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:21 pm
by lisa
It was never my intention to make this part of default rombot, ever.

The whole point of using userfunctions is that they are functions the user wants, by adding them all to default bot you are assuming that every user wants them which is of course not correct.

I see no problem with the way this currently works.

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:38 pm
by Micke
I see no problem with the way this currently works.
if it works, why did u wrote this thread ? ....
current functionality works, but its not handy.

maybe i was unclear on this point, wouldnt it be more intuitiv if rombot would load userfunctions also from "..rom\userfunctions\sunbfolder1\" by default ?

isnt that the function u've implemented in "userfunction_loadsvn.lua" ?

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:49 pm
by botje
as far as i know it does that allready? O.o

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:17 pm
by rock5
I just tested it, it doesn't seem to.

You can't make the rom/userfunction an svn folder for Lisas repository but there is nothing stopping you from using the romglobal/userfunction as the repository.

And I want to remind people, you don't have to install all the userfunctions. You can click "Choose items" and only install the userfunctions you want. Pretty cool really.

Lisa, if I use the url you posted on the first post I end up with extra empty junk folders. If I add /truck to it I get only the userfunctions. Does that url need to be changed?

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:38 pm
by botje
weird, when i had that folder in my userfunction folder, i had trouble with my cleanbag function, it didnt delete my items i had in the drop database.

when i deleted the one in the svn folder, it worked fine, so it seems it loads the one in the svn folder last, which had a empty drop database.

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:11 pm
by rock5
Are you talking about global versus local? I designed it so local files always override global ones. I thought that would be logical.

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:04 pm
by botje
i dont use the global folder, i just have 1 rom folder.

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:04 pm
by lisa
botje wrote:weird, when i had that folder in my userfunction folder, i had trouble with my cleanbag function, it didnt delete my items i had in the drop database.when i deleted the one in the svn folder, it worked fine, so it seems it loads the one in the svn folder last, which had a empty drop database.
files are loaded alphabetically, so if you had userfunction_cleanbag it would be loaded before userfunction_loadsvn, so in that case the SVN one would over ride the one in userfunction folder.
rock5 wrote:Lisa, if I use the url you posted on the first post I end up with extra empty junk folders. If I add /truck to it I get only the userfunctions. Does that url need to be changed?
You probably had
Having the trunk on the end makes it add other folders and it gets all messed up, the address needs to be exactly as I posted it for it to work properly.
I think you can also use this but I haven't tested it

Code: Select all
Micke wrote:if it works, why did u wrote this thread ? ....
Because I added popular userfunctions to a seperate SVN that isn't part of the default bot.
Micke wrote:isnt that the function u've implemented in "userfunction_loadsvn.lua" ?
That file is to simply load userfunctions from the extra folder, no default bot does not normally include subfolders for userfunctions and I personally like it that way. I have backup folders in my userfunction folder so I can keep older versions. I don't see any need to include all subfolders.

I think I covered all the questions =)

Re: svn updates for userfunctions

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:31 am
by lisa
commited rev 13

A few updates to some userfunctions.