Bot Suggestions

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (
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Bot Suggestions

#1 Post by redcrux » Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:55 pm

So to start off i will just say I think this bot is awesome, but now that i've used it, i can spot a botter a mile away!

so i was thinking of some ways to make the bot seem less 'bottish' and more effective at killing mobs. I dont really have time to read the 64 pg long topic so forgive me if this is a repeat of anything. and i only know the basics of coding, html, WC3 editor etc.

1) is there any way to change how the bot turns? the turning in place really gives it away, i wonder if it would be possible to implement some sort of moving turn? (using strafe?)

2) the way the bot uses the waypoint system is also easy to spot, even with the waypoint deviations, the bot still travels only in a strait line to its next destination, then turns in place, repeat... would it be possible to strafe randomly but still achieve the waypoint? kind of like moving in small arcs? or jumping once in a while?

3) is there a way to detect how many mobs are attacking you? mabey to have a modifier such as 'if more than 2 mobs are aggo'ed use X ability' (aoe or emergency skill) also then it might be possible to attack 2 mobs at once (dot 1st, dot 2nd, repeat, p/r or possibly mage would be good with this)

4) also i think there is a bug with the targeting system, frequently my bot will be close to mobs (mobs that are in the screen but to the side of my character) and when i start the bot it will target a far away mob (that is in the forward direction) and run past all the other mobs agro'ing them along the way and getting killed. i guess what i'm suggesting is some sort of first come first serve type of system where the closest mobs will be prioritized over farther mobs, including when running towards a mob, if the bot comes under attack it will target the first attacker before the original target.

5) looting needs more options, its really annoying when 2 mobs attack and the events go as such: kill 1st mob, kill 2nd mob, loot 2nd mob. because it tends to leave lots of unlooted mobs when fighting in a crowded space (lots of 2v1 mob action) mabey have an option to loot while in combat like: kill 1st, loot, kill 2nd, loot or even better: kill 1st, kill 2nd, loot 1, loot 2 like a real player would do

ok i'm sorry for the long post everyone but i feel like the community could benefit from these improvements, maybe less bans, so i had to say something.

good luck botting

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