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Changing the LVL Up ETA algorithm

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:41 pm
by jduartedj

I'd like to suggest (since I cant do it myself atm) a chenge in the lvl up ETA shown at the widow title bar.

Instead of putting the remaning mins till lvl up based on the current exp gained and the XP left to lvl, we should also consider the XP Debt present and account for that so imagine this situation:

a) I gain 100XP/min, have 1000XP to LVL up => 10 mins left

b) I gain 33XP/min, have 1000XP to lvl up BUT 100XP DEBT => 30min LEFT (by current standards), 2 + 9,3 = 11,3 min LEFT (by new standards)

in 2 mins I get 33*2 XP for lvl up and 66*2XP for debt payment, SO I take 2 min to pay my debt and another 9,3 to lvl up with the remaining XP because I gain 100XP again since I paid my debt.

The math here isn't very precise and is purely for understanding purpuses.

Re: Changing the LVL Up ETA algorithm

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:36 pm
by rock5
Should be possible but is it really that important? Who ever looks at the window title bar anyway? And how often do you expect to die?

Re: Changing the LVL Up ETA algorithm

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:31 pm
by lisa
When I used to focus on leveling I would do quest WP and so the times would never be accurate.

Re: Changing the LVL Up ETA algorithm

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:15 am
by jduartedj
I think the Quests are irrefutably unpredictable since there is no guessing what quest you are going to deliver., actually I think the XP gained from quests shouldn't be taken into account for lvl up ETA purpuses.

I think it iss important because when I farm I always tend to farm in places close to my level(or higher) so I can get the XP of farming also, not only delivering. This means sometimes I die...
I use the ETA to know how long am I gonna leave the bot on. If 300 mins are left I'm gonna try to reach that, but if the ETA is inaccurate I can only guess how long there is left.

If no one is interested in taking this on, I might do it but I will take some time...

On a parallel note, an ETA for clearing debt could be useful.

Re: Changing the LVL Up ETA algorithm

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:26 am
by lisa
You could always just do it as an option for set window, I have a userfunction for setting the text on MM window. I didn't out in options for XP as the defauly does xp already.
You could always just write up your own that does the xp the way you want it, shouldn't be to hard.