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Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:36 am
by IronWolf
Hey guys,

im thinking of starting a new waypoint, based on Lisas "hack" waypoint and on the table i found here on forum,

first why - i find it rather annoying that if i use a speed potion after applying the speed hack, it wont calculate it.

so what i was thinking of is creating a waypoint that will look something like that:

local currentMaxSpeed;
While (true)
currentMaxSpeed = 50;
if (playerGotTitle("Escape Artist"))
currentMaxSpeed += 10;
if (playerUsedPotion("Unbridled Enthusiasm")
currentMaxSpeed += 10;


what do you guys think? sounds rather easy to implement and it will run in the background making sure that any given time i get max speed without pulling back..

the numbers are just fruits of my imagination, but with a little investigation it can be done i belive..

would love hear oppinions pro and con before i start working on the waypoint (since for me it will mean having to study how to check if i have buff, how to check if i have title, how to check if i have item used).

thanks :)

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:50 am
by rock5
Should be doable. Basically you would check for the buffs. If you have the buff then add to currentMaxSpeed. Then, when you want to go faster, you set the speed to currentMaxSpeed + whatever the user specified. When you want to go normal speed you set it to currentMaxSpeed.

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 10:22 am
by IronWolf
rock5 wrote:Should be doable. Basically you would check for the buffs. If you have the buff then add to currentMaxSpeed. Then, when you want to go faster, you set the speed to currentMaxSpeed + whatever the user specified. When you want to go normal speed you set it to currentMaxSpeed.

cool i started searching for the right commands and thought maybe i should ask also,

the command for check buff is:
if not player:hasBuff("BuffName") then

is that correct?

and can you help me with the "has title" and "has potion used"?
though im not sure there is a difference between buffs and potions.

thanks for the help, much appritiated, when i'll finish it and testing it i will post it here.

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:36 am
by rock5
IronWolf wrote:the command for check buff is:
if not player:hasBuff("BuffName") then

is that correct?
Yes, except you want to know when you do have a buff. So,

Code: Select all

if player:hasBuff("BuffName") then
   currentMaxSpeed = currentMaxSpeed + somenumber
IronWolf wrote:and can you help me with the "has title" and "has potion used"?
Typically, most skills and items that spee you up, give you a buff. By a buff I mean an icon appears in the buff frame at the top of the screen. Speed potions give you buffs. Titles, I'm not so sure. Is it a skill that you cast or is it on all the time? Look in the buff frame and see if there is a buff for it.

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:02 pm
by lisa
There is a title that gives a speed boost constantlly, it has no buff, so you would need to check for the title. I did post code somewhere for getting titles, a forum search should get it easy enough.

There is another which is a short speed boost and it has a buff when active.

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:29 am
by gloover
lisa wrote:... I did post code somewhere for getting titles, a forum search should get it easy enough. ..

Of course you did it, I remember on it :-) and it works:

Code: Select all

if RoMScript("GetCurrentTitle();") == 530427 then

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 2:04 am
by IronWolf
gloover wrote:
lisa wrote:... I did post code somewhere for getting titles, a forum search should get it easy enough. ..

Of course you did it, I remember on it :-) and it works:

Code: Select all

if RoMScript("GetCurrentTitle();") == 530427 then
/salute !!

thanks alot, i will need you to show me how you searched cause i swear i searched for it and couldnt find it :\

ok so i got all i need i think, will do it when i get home this evening.. or maybe on the train,

thanks alot guys, i'll post the result here, i will need ppl to experience it and tell me if it needs adjustments :)

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 12:14 am
by IronWolf
hey guys, thought i should update,

i ran into 3 problems,
1. lack of time.. as usuall :\
2. seems i also need the ability to check if the player has passive skill (for warrior/rogue speedup passive skill)
3. i cant find the speed table that i previously found.. seems it got deleted or i got poor searching skills, so i will have to do it by trying manually to add and subtract from speed...

if any1 knows for certain the values of speeding i would love it if he can share.

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 2:12 am
by lisa

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:00 am
by rock5
In regards to 2. I don't think there is any other way but to search through all your skills for a matching name. You could use RoMScripts and the in game function But maybe it's time I create a bot function to search for skills in memory. The bot already gets skill info from memory when loading your skill set, all I would have to do is create a search function using similar code. It would especially be useful for users to level up passives and skills not covered in the skills database and to use skills in the general and pet tabs. Or like you, just to know if a skill is available.

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:47 am
by IronWolf
yeah thats what i couldnt find...
what keys did you use to get that on the search?
i did many searchs and couldnt find it :\

thanks alot :)
rock5 wrote:In regards to 2. I don't think there is any other way but to search through all your skills for a matching name. You could use RoMScripts and the in game function But maybe it's time I create a bot function to search for skills in memory. The bot already gets skill info from memory when loading your skill set, all I would have to do is create a search function using similar code. It would especially be useful for users to level up passives and skills not covered in the skills database and to use skills in the general and pet tabs. Or like you, just to know if a skill is available.
having the ability to simply ask if skill is available could be very helpful, but i believe that i can make do with existing API, if you ever get a chance to get around to it, i would love it if you could update :)

thanks alot for the help :)

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 1:06 pm
by rock5
Nearly forgot about this. I've been working on other updates. I'll see how easy it is to do and see if I can include it in this batch of changes.

Hm... How should it work? I think I'll add an argument to search a specific tab. If I start with a function that just collects the skill data I could use it in the existing code as well. So maybe

Code: Select all

The tabs would be optional.

I could nearly create a class

Code: Select all

CSkillBook.Skill -- table that holds the skill info
CSkillBook:findSkill(skillnameorid) -- finds the skill
CSkillBook:useSkill(skillnameorid) -- uses the skill
But I think it would get too confusing with the current skill class and other ways of using skills.

I think I'll be happy with those first 2 functions. If anyone can think of better names for them, let me know.

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 6:46 pm
by lisa
IronWolf wrote:
yeah thats what i couldnt find...
what keys did you use to get that on the search?
i did many searchs and couldnt find it :\

thanks alot :)
It was on the last page of posts for the actual topic of the speed hack, wasn't any need to do a forum search for it.

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 2:24 am
by rock5
rock5 wrote:Hm... How should it work? I think I'll add an argument to search a specific tab. If I start with a function that just collects the skill data I could use it in the existing code as well. So maybe

Code: Select all

Added in rev715 ... =30&t=3803

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:49 pm
by emmanuel04
Im trying to like the too in a WP but im not to kine on how to do so.

Code: Select all

if RoMScript("GetCurrentTitle();") == 530427 then

if player:hasBuff("Unbridled Enthusiasm") then
   currentMaxSpeed = currentMaxSpeed + 10

Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:28 pm
by rock5
I think the idea is to accumulate values in a variable such as currentMaxSpeed and then set the speed using that variable. So something like this

Code: Select all

if RoMScript("GetCurrentTitle();") == 530427 then
	currentMaxSpeed = 64.0
	currentMaxSpeed = 59.0

if player:hasBuff("Unbridled Enthusiasm") then
	currentMaxSpeed = currentMaxSpeed + 10


Re: Thinking of doing a genereic speed hack waypoint

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:29 pm
by dx876234
This is what I use, missing a lot of options for speed increase but does an ok job:

Code: Select all

function setMaxSpeed(max)
	local maxSpeed = 55
	-- Do the housemaid speed
	eatFood(207200, "Unbridled Enthusiasm")
	if player:hasBuff("Unbridled Enthusiasm") then 
		maxSpeed = maxSpeed * 1.15 
	-- Do the "Escape Artist" title 
	if (RoMScript("GetCurrentTitle()") == 530427) then
		maxSpeed = maxSpeed * 1.10

	-- Warr: "Speed Up" 18%?
	local pri, sec = UnitClass("player")
	if(pri == "Warrior" and sec == "Rogue") then
		maxSpeed = maxSpeed * 1.18
	-- if max ....
	-- Do the "Spellweaver Potion"
	-- Do Sprint
	-- Do Goodspeed
**** EDIT ****
Forgot the eatfood stuff:

Code: Select all

function eatFood(name, buffname, overlap)
	buffname = buffname or name
	overlap = overlap or 5
	local buff = player:getBuff(buffname);
	if((not buff) or (overlap>buff.TimeLeft)) then