*** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (http://www.runesofmagic.com)
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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#41 Post by kuripot » Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:28 am

ah... it doesn't matter if version 3.29 or what ever just revert and update to get the latest version??? just download the fresh copy then revert and update,,,,

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#42 Post by kuripot » Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:59 am

any addresses.lua.. that working in elven daily quest ... coz i seen a boter that doing the elven daily quest..

this addresses.lua i use and its work in butterfly daily quest but not in elven daily quest because of crash in cleansing crystal

Code: Select all

-- Auto-generated by update.lua
addresses = {
   actionBarPtr = 0xA2176C, -- correct
   actionKeyId_offset = 0x10,
   actionKeyType_offset = 0xC,
   boundStatusOffset = 0x40,
   camPtr_offset = 0x46C,
   camXUVec_offset = 0x128,
   camX_offset = 0x104,
   camYUVec_offset = 0x12C,
   camY_offset = 0x108,
   camZUVec_offset = 0x130,
   camZ_offset = 0x10C,
   castingBarPtr = 0xA21868, -- correct
   castingBar_offset = 0xC,
   charAlive_offset = 0x228,
   charBattle_offset = 0x732,
   charClassInfoBase = 0x9D8478,
   charClassInfoLevel_offset = 0x20,
   charClassInfoTP_offset = 0xC,
   charClassInfoXP_offset = 0x4,
   charMaxExpTable_address = 0xA19F48,  -- correct
   charPtrMounted_offset = 0x7C,
   charPtr_offset = 0x598,
   charStance_offset = 0x7AC,
   coolDownOffset = 0xE8,
   durabilityOffset = 0x18,
   editBoxHasFocus_address = 0xA1EC34,  -- correct
   effectDuration_offset = 0x9C,
   effectIsMainFlag_offset = 0x90,
   effectType_offset = 0x94,
   eggPetAptitude_offset = 0x54,
   eggPetBaseAddress = 0x9E60A0,
   eggPetCrafting_offset = 0x34,
   eggPetDex_offset = 0x68,
   eggPetEggId_offset = 0x20,
   eggPetExp_offset = 0x40,
   eggPetHerbalism_offset = 0xD8,
   eggPetInt_offset = 0x6C,
   eggPetLevel_offset = 0x2C,
   eggPetLoyalty_offset = 0x4C,
   eggPetMaxExpTablePtr = 0xA1A1D4,  -- correct
   eggPetMaxTP_offset = 0x48,
   eggPetMining_offset = 0xD0,
   eggPetNourishment_offset = 0x50,
   eggPetPetId_offset = 0x28,
   eggPetProducts_offset = 0x16C,
   eggPetSkills_offset = 0x7C,
   eggPetSta_offset = 0x64,
   eggPetStr_offset = 0x60,
   eggPetSummoned_offset = 0x38,
   eggPetTP_offset = 0x44,
   eggPetToolId_offset = 0xE4,
   eggPetTraining_offset = 0x58,
   eggPetWis_offset = 0x70,
   eggPetWoodworking_offset = 0xD4,
   functionTargetPatchAddr = 0x5F32FF,  -- correct
   hotkeysKey_offset = 0x54,
   hotkeysName_offset = 0x4,
   hotkeysPtr = 0xA22E68,  -- correct
   hotkeys_offset = 0x28,
   idCardNPCOffset = 0x364,
   idOffset = 0xC,
   idRecipeItemOffset = 0xF0,
   inUseOffset = 0x1C,
   inventoryBagIds = 0x9E2ABC,
   itemCountOffset = 0x10,
   itemInfoOffset = 0x10,
   itemSetSkillsBase = 0x9E6C70,
   itemStatsOffset = 0x20,
   loadingScreenPtr = 0xA22F78,  -- correct
   loadingScreen_offset = 0xC,
   macroBody_offset = 0x118,
   macroIcon_offset = 0x14,
   macroId_offset = 0x10,
   macroName_offset = 0x18,
   macroSize = 0x508,
   maxDurabilityOffset = 0x15,
   maxStackOffset = 0x1C,
   moneyPtr = 0x9DEDAC,
   mousePtr_offset = 0x744,
   nameOffset = 0xC,
   partyIconList_base = 0xA23038,  -- correct
   partyIconList_offset = 0xC,
   partyMemberList_address = 0x9EDBD8,
   partyMemberList_offset = 0x134,
   pawnAttackable_offset = 0x388,
   pawnBuffId_offset = 0x20,
   pawnBuffLevel_offset = 0x44,
   pawnBuffTimeLeft_offset = 0x30,
   pawnBuffsEnd_offset = 0x270,
   pawnBuffsStart_offset = 0x26C,
   pawnCasting_offset = 0x260,
   pawnClass1_offset = 0x300,
   pawnClass2_offset = 0x308,
   pawnDirXUVec_offset = 0x34,
   pawnDirYUVec_offset = 0x38,
   pawnDirZUVec_offset = 0x3C,
   pawnGUID_offset = 0x20,
   pawnHP_offset = 0x2CC,
   pawnHarvesting_offset = 0x164,
   pawnId_offset = 0x14,
   pawnLevel2_offset = 0x30C,
   pawnLevel_offset = 0x304,
   pawnLootable_offset = 0x38C,
   pawnMP2_offset = 0x2E0,
   pawnMP_offset = 0x2D8,
   pawnMaxHP_offset = 0x2D4,
   pawnMaxMP2_offset = 0x2E4,
   pawnMaxMP_offset = 0x2DC,
   pawnMount_offset = 0xC8,
   pawnName_offset = 0x294,
   pawnPetPtr_offset = 0x284,
   pawnRace_offset = 0x314,
   pawnTargetPtr_offset = 0x278,
   pawnType_offset = 0x18,
   pawnX_offset = 0x28,
   pawnY_offset = 0x2C,
   pawnZ_offset = 0x30,
   ping_offset = 0x7A8,
   qualityBaseOffset = 0x40,
   qualityTierOffset = 0x16,
   realItemIdOffset = 0x98,
   rentBagBase = 0x9E3664,
   requiredLevelOffset = 0x58,
   skillAoEFlag_offset = 0xA4,
   skillAsLevel_offset = 0x18,
   skillAttackFlag_offset = 0xB4,
   skillBuffFlag_offset = 0xEC,
   skillCastTime_offset = 0xF4,
   skillClass_offset = 0x304,
   skillCooldown_offset = 0xE8,
   skillEffectStart_offset = 0x188,
   skillItemSetAsLevel_offset = 0x328,
   skillLevel_offset = 0xC,
   skillMaxLevel_offset = 0xF4,
   skillPassiveFlag_offset = 0x94,
   skillPercentMana_offset = 0xCC,
   skillPowerTypeUsed_offset = 0xC0,
   skillPower_offset = 0xC4,
   skillRangeAoE_offset = 0xA0,
   skillRange_offset = 0x9C,
   skillRequiredEffectFlag_offset = 0xD0,
   skillRequiredEffect_offset = 0xD4,
   skillRequiredEffectsStart_offset = 0x190,
   skillSelfBuffFlag_offset = 0xE0,
   skillTPToLevel_offset = 0x8,
   skillTargetType_offset = 0x98,
   skillTypeFlag1_offset = 0xF0,
   skillTypeFlag2_offset = 0x2FE,
   skillTypeFlag3_offset = 0x2FF,
   skillTypeFlag4_offset = 0x314,
   skillTypeFlag5_offset = 0x315,
   skillTypeFlag6_offset = 0xBA,
   skillTypeFlag7_offset = 0x300,
   skillTypeFlag8_offset = 0xE4,
   skillTypeFlag9_offset = 0x274,
   skillsTableBase = 0xA24368,  -- correct
   skillsTableTabEndAddress_offset = 0x8,
   skillsTableTabStartAddress_offset = 0x4,
   staticEquipBase = 0x9CECDC,  -- correct
   staticInventory = 0x9DBDD8,
   staticTablePtr = 0xA24684,  -- correct
   staticTableSize = 0xA24680,  -- correct
   staticbase_char = 0x9CD2CC,  -- correct
   staticbase_macro = 0xA22FAC,  -- correct
   staticpattern_char = 0x649B14,  -- correct
   staticpattern_macro = 0x75B5E5,
   tableDataStartPtrOffset = 0x1C,
   tableStartPtrOffset = 0x124,
   tablesBase = 0x9EFE54,
   tablesBaseOffset = 0x28,
   typeOffset = 0x78,
   valueOffset = 0x34,
   zoneId = 0xA19ED0,   

i already download the fresh copy of micromacro then change the addresses from the previus post

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#43 Post by kuripot » Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:07 am

lisa can i have a copy of addresses.lua that's working in miller... coz the addresses.lua i use are not working in miller too

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#44 Post by lisa » Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:22 am

Do you have SVN working?
If not I suguest you get it working as all updates are done via SVN.
http://www.solarstrike.net/phpBB3/viewt ... structions
Remember no matter you do in life to always have a little fun while you are at it ;)

wiki here http://www.solarstrike.net/wiki/index.php?title=Manual

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#45 Post by ark2003 » Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:09 am

i loaded complete rom folder using svn update and replaced updated ingamefunction folder but still getting error while running macro.

Did not find any crashed game clients.
8:24pm - The 'ingamefunctions' folder, in the games 'interface/addons' folder, i
s out of date. To update, right-click the 'interface/addons/ingamefunctions' fol
der and select 'SVN Update' or copy the 'ingamefunctions' folder from 'rom/devto
ols' to the games 'interface/addons' folder. Then restart the game.

Am i missing something?

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#46 Post by wizzyslo » Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:14 am

ark2003 wrote:i loaded complete rom folder using svn update and replaced updated ingamefunction folder but still getting error while running macro.

Did not find any crashed game clients.
8:24pm - The 'ingamefunctions' folder, in the games 'interface/addons' folder, i
s out of date. To update, right-click the 'interface/addons/ingamefunctions' fol
der and select 'SVN Update' or copy the 'ingamefunctions' folder from 'rom/devto
ols' to the games 'interface/addons' folder. Then restart the game.

Am i missing something?
Did you update correct? did you coppy correct? did you restart game after all this?

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#47 Post by ark2003 » Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:55 am

yes i did all of it. Posting some other info.

Micro macro version 1.02 beta 1
Rombot version 3.29 revision 675

Using slim client

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#48 Post by wizzyslo » Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:56 pm

only copy ingamefunctions and should work.

With new updates somehow bot dont target NPC/objects and quests doesnt work to. No idea but on low lvl character it work normal.

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#49 Post by Shogun » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:18 pm

I had the same error as ark2003. Made an update of svn but this ended with a svn that was not able to update its own projectfiles. A fresh checkout of the head revision was necessary, and I needed to merge in my modifications. But finally all is working again.

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#50 Post by wizzyslo » Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:05 pm

Yes i fixed my problem with version 655 with new addresses (version 675). I copied ingamefunction of 655 to.

Ty for new addresses. Now i can start farming milions again :D

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camera view causes instadeath after teleport

#51 Post by Edamh » Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:08 pm

I don't know if it's related to the latest patch or to rombot, but I've seen several instances where camera view causes instadeath after teleport. I have a WP that I use to bring my chars from Reifort to Central Varanas, but at least 3/5 chars that I used failed after the port from Reifort to Varanas. In the instances that failed, the camera view was set really far which caused instadeath after teleport.

I also have another question regarding latest patch. I've previously used

Code: Select all

	PathFiles= {
    [1] = "PathOne",
    [2] = "PathTwo",
    [3] = "PathThree"

to randomize the paths I use within a waypoint file. Now, this code segment fails with

Code: Select all

Moving to waypoint #1, (-15629, 39506)
Did not find any crashed game clients.
2:56pm - scripts\rom/bot.lua:766: Failed to compile and run Lua code for waypoin
t #1
Any thoughts on either issue??

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#52 Post by AleixF » Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:26 pm

ark2003 wrote:i loaded complete rom folder using svn update and replaced updated ingamefunction folder but still getting error while running macro.

Did not find any crashed game clients.
8:24pm - The 'ingamefunctions' folder, in the games 'interface/addons' folder, i
s out of date. To update, right-click the 'interface/addons/ingamefunctions' fol
der and select 'SVN Update' or copy the 'ingamefunctions' folder from 'rom/devto
ols' to the games 'interface/addons' folder. Then restart the game.

Am i missing something?

I had the same problem. The code in "settings.lua" is not recognizing my "ingamefunctions.lua" version. I just made a temporary fix in "settings.lua" to make it work: edit "settings.lua" file and just comment the last 3 lines as it's shown below.
(if someone has a better solution, please let me know)

Code: Select all

	local igf_version = RoMScript("IGF_INSTALLED")
	if igf_version then
		bot.IgfAddon = true;
		-- Check version
		--if igf_version ~= 1 then -- Change this value to match the value in "ingamefunctions.lua".
		--	error(language[1006], 0)
The variable IGF_INSTALLED is set to 1 in "ingamefunctions.lua". In previous versions it was set to TRUE and I had no problems. Now it seems the RoMScript("IGF_INSTALLED") is returning a BOOL, which is not a number as it's defined in "ingamefunctions.lua" (bug?), and it fails when comparing.

Enjoy it.

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Golden Eggs 4 my Pet
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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#53 Post by Golden Eggs 4 my Pet » Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:21 pm


I know it's a temporary fix, but it works for me.


:D :D Golden Eggs 4 My Pet :D :D
:D :D Golden Eggs 4 My Pet :D :D

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#54 Post by dancerinthedark » Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:37 pm

I tried with temporary fix and I still have same problem when comes to "testing 'ingamefunctions' macro". Perphaps i'm doing something wrong. What exactly needs to be done?

Thanks, dd

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#55 Post by ark2003 » Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:35 pm

Thanks AleixF.
It also worked for me

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#56 Post by dancerinthedark » Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:03 am


i tryed to do what AleixF said and I still have the same problem. I've changed the settings.lua as instructed and still have same problem when trying to start bot, meny options keeps flashing up. I'm not sure that I've followed instructions correctly, thou. Can someone explain to me pls?
Thanks, and sorry for being annoying, i'm getting really frustrated

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#57 Post by ichmagbotsyay » Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:32 am

my bot still has a problem with targeting :(
i updated and reverted the rom folder and copied the new ingamefunctions to my addons
the MM window says it successfully found the NPC and continues, but ingame, nothing happens -.-

edit: and i obviously also restarted my game

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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#58 Post by kuripot » Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:59 am

ichmagbotsyay wrote:my bot still has a problem with targeting :(
i updated and reverted the rom folder and copied the new ingamefunctions to my addons
the MM window says it successfully found the NPC and continues, but ingame, nothing happens -.-

edit: and i obviously also restarted my game

same problem before.... so i try download fresh copy of micromacro and do svn update then copy ingame function then restart client then its work

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Re: camera view causes instadeath after teleport

#59 Post by rock5 » Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:07 am

Edamh wrote:I also have another question regarding latest patch. I've previously used

Code: Select all

	PathFiles= {
    [1] = "PathOne",
    [2] = "PathTwo",
    [3] = "PathThree"

to randomize the paths I use within a waypoint file. Now, this code segment fails with

Code: Select all

Moving to waypoint #1, (-15629, 39506)
Did not find any crashed game clients.
2:56pm - scripts\rom/bot.lua:766: Failed to compile and run Lua code for waypoin
t #1
I don't see an error. The problem can be anywhere in waypoint 1. Is that the whole contents of waypoint one?
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Re: *** PATCH 4.0.5 ****

#60 Post by ichmagbotsyay » Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:14 am

kuripot wrote:
ichmagbotsyay wrote:my bot still has a problem with targeting :(
i updated and reverted the rom folder and copied the new ingamefunctions to my addons
the MM window says it successfully found the NPC and continues, but ingame, nothing happens -.-

edit: and i obviously also restarted my game

same problem before.... so i try download fresh copy of micromacro and do svn update then copy ingame function then restart client then its work
just tried that and doesn't work :( bot still can't target NPCs

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