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Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 5:37 pm
by Giram
So i have been trying to find solution to kill zurhidon negotiator.

My first problem is with 4 mobs in room. After i kill it i can't get my char to continue. The mob is not really dead. MM shows that it got 2 hp. i tried this:

Code: Select all

	player:update() target = player:getTarget();
	if target.Name == "Zurhidon Protector" and 10 > target.HP then
		printf("we should advance to next waypoint\n");
but that won't even enter if statement. Might be because of the name or my hp check.

Second problem is with negotiator. I can't cast my buffs like i do with other bosses and i think it's because of that space.

I haven't been able to test that yet. I would place those protectors to friend list after killing last one and after i kill all i will place those back to mobs list. I managed to get loot too. So not too far getting this working.

So if someone have some pointers for this i would like to hear them :)

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:17 pm
by lisa
Where abouts did you put the code?

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:21 pm
by Germangold
a new function like
changeProfileFriends instead of changeProfileOption would be nice

Code: Select all

changeProfileFriends("FOENAME", 1)
-- 1 to add
-- 0 to remove
after killing those 4 mobs the script should add them to the friendlist
then while fighting the boss only he gets targetes

its a long shot but would be worth it

this is the function changeProfileOption

Code: Select all

-- change profile options and print values in MM protocol
function changeProfileOption(_option, _value)

	if( settings.profile.options[_option] == nil ) then
		cprintf(, language[173], _option );	-- Unknown profile option

	local hf_old_value = settings.profile.options[_option];
	settings.profile.options[_option] = _value;

	cprintf(cli.lightblue, language[172], _option, hf_old_value, _value );	-- We change the option


Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:53 pm
by lisa
I've had this userfunction for a while, haven't used it in a few months though. Might be able to use something similar for what you want.

Code: Select all

function changeOptionMobs(_first,_second)
--examples	changeOptionMobs("Wolf Cub","Young Bear")
-- 		changeOptionMobs("Wolf Cub","")
--		changeOptionMobs("Wolf Cub")
--		changeOptionMobs()

	if( _first ) then name = trim(_first); 
	if( _second ) then name = trim(_second); 
	if _first ~= "" and _second ~= "" then 
		table.insert(settings.profile.mobs, _first);
		table.insert(settings.profile.mobs, _second);

		if _first ~= "" and _second == "" then table.insert(settings.profile.mobs, _first);

		if _first == "" then table.insert(settings.profile.mobs, "");
-- printf("only killing" .. _first .. "," .. _second .. "\n");

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:08 pm
by lisa
almost have this function ready for you, just having 1 snag I can't seem to get past.
Trying to remove the specific name from the tabel I have this

Code: Select all

		for k,v in pairs(settings.profile.friends) do
			if v == _name then
			table.remove(settings.profile.friends, k);
The prints are obviously to check if it was removed or not. For some reason I just can't get the remove to work =( been searching net for usage of table.remove and they all pretty say this should work. Any ideas?

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:43 pm
by lisa
Makes absolutely no sence to me, as far as I can tell it should be working, it just doesn't remove the name from the table.

Well it looks like this anyway, play with the remove if you want, the adding works perfectly.

Code: Select all

function changeOptionFriends(_name,_addremove)
--examples	changeOptionFriends("Friend") -- adds Friend
--examples	changeOptionFriends("Friend", "Add")
--examples	changeOptionFriends("Friend", "Remove")

	if _name == nil or _name == "" then
	printf("Need to specify name.\n")

	if _addremove == nil then _addremove = "add" end
	 addremove = string.lower(_addremove)

	if addremove ~= "add" and addremove ~= "remove" then
	printf("Wrong usage of arg#2, _addremove")

	if( _name ) then name = trim(_name); 

	if addremove == "add" then 
		table.insert(settings.profile.friends, name);
		for k,v in ipairs(settings.profile.friends) do
			printf(k.." "..v.."\n")

	if addremove == "remove" then 
		for k,v in ipairs(settings.profile.friends) do
			if v == name then
			printf("Removing friend "..v.."\n")
			printf(k.." "..v.."\n")


Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 4:04 am
by Giram
lisa wrote:Where abouts did you put the code?
I tried that code in my post in waypoint file and in onSkillCast but i can't move after i get first protector killed. It just keeps trying to attack while it lays on the floor.

So would i need to set those mobs in friend list after killing them just to continue to next one and before next one would place back to mobs list? I had that in my mind that i would enter those mobs to friend list after i get last one down and after killing negotiator then place those back to mobs list.

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:45 am
by Mushroomstamp
Wouldn't you need a "clearTarget" before the forced waypoint move? Or does that not work when a mob still has HP?

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:33 am
by lisa
Been a while since I have been in cyclops, so these ones you are talking about are the 4 you need to kill before the boss is actually activated? or you mean the 4 mobs that are fighting alongside the boss?

If it's the 4 mobs before the boss is active
So they have very little HP left, are they still red named or does it change to green so they can't be attacked anymore?

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:56 am
by Giram
lisa wrote:Been a while since I have been in cyclops, so these ones you are talking about are the 4 you need to kill before the boss is actually activated? or you mean the 4 mobs that are fighting alongside the boss?

If it's the 4 mobs before the boss is active
So they have very little HP left, are they still red named or does it change to green so they can't be attacked anymore?
Yes, thats the place. Those mobs seems to die. They will fall down to ground. I can't remember now if they can be selected manually but the bot can and mm shows that those got 2 hp. So the bot will try to hit those but can't do anything. I don't know would it eventually continue as it did 2 times go back but started again. Maybe i should have waited to see if it would have gone towards the next one. After last one is killed those will revive and join battle. When the last one is killed those needs to be ignored. They can't be harmed. Only by hitting boss those other mobs will die. After all 4 is died the battle is over.

But now i need to figure out how i can continue to next mob.

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:47 pm
by lisa
Well at some stage they will stop taking damage, if they get to the 2 HP and they are immune then they will stay at 2 HP. There is already a known mob who turns green below 90% and the code to deal with it is in player:fight(). You could use the same idea for the mobs.
Ok I'm going to stick my nose in cyclops and do some testing.

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:14 pm
by lisa
Hmm weird, when I hit them bot thinks I kill them
Engaging enemy [Zurhidon Protector] in combat.
Use 3: MAGE_FLAME => Zurhidon Protector (18804/18804)
Use 7: MAGE_FIREBALL => Zurhidon Protector (18804/18804)
Fight finished. Killed 1 Zurhidon Protector. (fight #1 / runtime 0 minutes)
We didn't move to the loot!? Root buff? Missing 'click to move' option?
Clearing target.
Moving to waypoint #0, (5322, 3315)
Paused. (Delete) to continue, (CTRL+L) exit to shell, (CTRL+C) quit
Stopping waypoint: Target acquired.
Engaging enemy [Zurhidon Protector] in combat.
Moving in | Suggested range: 200 | Distance: 224
Use 3: MAGE_FLAME => Zurhidon Protector (18804/18804)
Use 7: MAGE_FIREBALL => Zurhidon Protector (18804/18804)
Fight finished. Killed 2 Zurhidon Protector. (fight #2 / runtime 1 minutes)
We didn't move to the loot!? Root buff? Missing 'click to move' option?
Clearing target.
I switched gear so I didn't 1 shot the protectors and still it would say that they were dead
Engaging enemy [Zurhidon Protector] in combat.
Use 6: PRIEST_REGENERATE => Zurhidon Protector (18804/18804)
Use 3: MAGE_FLAME => Zurhidon Protector (18804/18804)
Use 7: MAGE_FIREBALL => Zurhidon Protector (8688/18804)
No more (usable) hp potions available at bagslot 1 to 240
Use 5: PRIEST_URGENT_HEAL => Zurhidon Protector (8688/18804)
Use 3: MAGE_FLAME => Zurhidon Protector (8473/18804)
=> * aborted *
Use 7: MAGE_FIREBALL => Zurhidon Protector (1/18804)
Fight finished. Killed 3 Zurhidon Protector. (fight #3 / runtime 4 minutes)
Clearing target.
Waiting on aggressive enemies.
Engaging enemy [Zurhidon Negotiator] in combat.
Not sure if I can recreate it not thinking they are dead, as it thinks it kills them everytime for me. It then attacked the boss and killed it.

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:24 pm
by botje
sorry to bumb this, but i have same problem >.<


Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:16 am
by botje
anyone? :(

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:31 pm
by lisa
If I find some time I'll go back for another look, it worked fine for me though =(

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:13 am
by botje
thanx, for me it does sometimes, but most of the time it just stands there >.<

ill just skip that room for now, but it does suck, i cant get my Moa core this way :(


Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:02 pm
by botje

Code: Select all

function checkaggro()
     if player.Battling then
     local clown = player:findEnemy(true)
     player.X = clown.X player.Z = clown.Z -- Temporarily change player coords so we can find nearest seal to mob
     local seal = player:findNearestNameOrId(102384)
     player:target(seal) -- kills the summoning portal and not the ghost clown.
     yrest(2000) -- give a couple of seconds for the clown to disappear.
     until not player.Battling
would something like rock's function help in anyway?


Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:23 pm
by botje
strangest thing happens...

when i add the zurhidon to my friendlist, it still attacks it >.<


Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:32 pm
by lisa
yeah even if a mob is on friend list the bot still defends itself from the mob.

Re: Cyplops stronghold and zurhidon negotiator

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:17 am
by botje

i been able to work around it, i got it working now.

this is what i do, before i enter the room, i set waypoint type to travel, then i walk past all 4 of those mobs, then in middle of room i stop, and use a AoE, killing them all, then set waypoint type to normal, the boss attacks, i use a function in my preskill section, that checks target and switches to the boss when needed.

and voila, :)
