Page 5 of 16

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:44 am
by abron1
i updated the bot a few days ago and now the party member won't go through the portal. it gets the command but targets the portal but won't go through.. it worked before the update and i have the latest bot and userfunction.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:20 am
by lisa
abron1 wrote: it worked before the update and i have the latest bot and userfunction.
You will need to be more specific, what are you doing to tell the party members to go through portal and which portal is it?
Exactly what is it that the party bots do?

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:11 am
by abron1
com"portal" is the command i use and i used to work in Dod but now it doesn't and i also Wa now its not killing the target i am kill and i have tried ant-ks both true and false and also tried to put icon on the target and they just follow me and won't kill. i was using them to help me get some set skills from Wa that i went they stopped... it worked for the first boss then after that the just followed me and didn't help me kill. they did mount and buff and used the npc, but killing and going through the portal wasn't working both party bots are wardens one is a wd/s the other is a wd/w. like i said before it targets the portal but won't go through then bot errors because it didn't see a load screen.

Code: Select all

<!-- Combat options -->
		<option name="COMBAT_TYPE"        	value="" />				<!-- leave empty or choose ranged/melee if not using class default -->
		<option name="COMBAT_RANGED_PULL" 	value="true" /> 		<!-- only important for melees -->
		<option name="COMBAT_DISTANCE"    	value="220" />
		<option name="COMBAT_STOP_DISTANCE" value="60" />
		<option name="MAX_FIGHT_TIME"     	value="5" />			<!-- Max time without damage before break -->
		<option name="DOT_PERCENT"        	value="30" />
		<option name="ANTI_KS"            	value="false" />
		<option name="MAX_TARGET_DIST"    	value="220" />
		<option name="PRIORITY_CASTING"		value="true" />		<!-- If you want to cast attack skills by 'priority' or 'sequencially' -->
		<option name="COUNT_AGGRO_ONLY"		value="true" />		<!-- If you want to count only aggro mobs within range of aoe skills  -->		

Code: Select all

<!-- Party Bot options  -->
		<option name="PARTY"            value="true" /> 
		<option name="PARTY_ICONS"         value="true" />       <!-- For party leader to place "I" Icon on the target Mob -->
		<option name="PARTY_INSTANCE"      value="true" />       <!-- For party bot to enable the killing of mobs with high HP  -->
		<option name="ICON_FIGHT"         value="true" />         <!-- For party bot to only attack mobs with "I" Icon -->
		<option name="PARTY_FOLLOW_NAME"   value="charname" />    <!-- For party bot name of character to follow -->
		<option name="HEAL_FIGHT"         value="true" />        <!-- For party bot if you want healer to also fight -->

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:20 pm
by CanceR
lisa wrote:ok it turned out more complicated than just an incorrect address.

Can you give this a try for me, in functions.lua around line 1360 you will see

Code: Select all

	local listAddress = memoryReadRepeat("intptr", getProc(), addresses.partyMemberList_address, {addresses.partyMemberList_offset1,addresses.partyMemberList_offset2} )
	local memberAddress = listAddress + (_number - 1) * 0x60
replace it with

Code: Select all

	local listAddress = memoryReadRepeat("uint", getProc(), 0xA02D10 ) + 0x134
	local memberAddress = listAddress  + (_number - 1) * 0x60
then test it again with the prints on first post of this topic.
hey Lisa, same problem occur as after previous patch: heal bot cant find party leader and does not want to heal, but can follow and does buff itself.
and above fix do not fix the issue

thanks in advance for your time

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:55 am
by lisa
CanceR wrote:and above fix do not fix the issue
SVN revert and update will fix the issue, mine updated addresses as it should and works fine after the patch.
abron1 wrote:like i said before it targets the portal but won't go through then bot errors because it didn't see a load screen.
It shouldn't be erroring, if it doesn't go through portal it should just do this print to party chat.
I didn't see a loadingscreen, please check I went through portal
What does the error message say ?

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:24 pm
by ellisdee
Im having some issue with the party lead, Not throwing Target Icon (1) on mobs.
Partyhealer heals as expected, and Partydps will defend (when hit), and attack if i manually set target.
<option name="PARTY" value="true" />
<option name="PARTY_ICONS" value="true" /> <!-- For party leader to place "I" Icon on the target Mob -->
<option name="PARTY_INSTANCE" value="true" /> <!-- For party bot to enable the killing of mobs with high HP -->
<option name="ICON_FIGHT" value="true" /> <!-- For party bot to only attack mobs with "I" Icon -->
<option name="PARTY_FOLLOW_NAME" value="" /> <!-- For party bot name of character to follow -->
<option name="HEAL_FIGHT" value="true" /> <!-- For party bot if you want healer to also fight -->
Rev. 746

Alternately, I absolutely love how Folders are now handled in the waypoint list! Great way to help organize ;)

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:43 am
by lisa
second post of this topic has some troubleshooting stuff to try.

make sure to test this one

Code: Select all

A few people have been posting issues with party stuff not working, it works fine for me though so still trying to work out the issue people are having.

Doing the tests on second post this topic is a good place to start.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:12 pm
by ellisdee
Here we go. Note that the profiles are 100% default at the moment, with only the "Party" options set in the above post.

Party lead:

Code: Select all

MicroMacro v1.02 beta 4
Welcome to rom bot! press END to quit
RoM Bot Version 3.29, Revision 746
Press the (End) key to stop/pause the script.
You can resume with the (Delete) key.
Choose your character that you want to play on:


Game Version is
RoM windows size is 1920x1138, upper left corner at 8,30
Loading profile Lead.xml
Testing 'ingamefunctions' macro. If it gets stuck here, please update the 'ingam
efunctions' by copying the 'ingamefunctions' folder from 'rom/devtools' to the g
ames 'interface/addons' folder.
MACRO Test: ok
No ranged skills specified in profile; Turning COMBAT_RANGED_PULL off.
Maximum range of range attack skills is less than COMBAT_DISTANCE 200. Reducing
COMBAT_DISTANCE setting to 100.
[DEBUG] CPU Frequency 3672.011
Loaded waypoint path commandline.xml
No return path with default naming commandline_return.xml found.
We use the normal waypoint path commandline.xml now.

        RomBot command line
Type in 'q' (without quotes) to quit.
Command> PartyTable() table.print(partymemberpawn)
Party member 1 has the name of Genericname_of_non_lead
table: 0493DA68
1:      table: 0493EA80
        free_debug1:    0
        MaxMP:  10527
        MaxHP:  35224
        PotionLastOnceUseTime:  0
        Mana:   10527
        LastDamage:     35.109
        ActualSpeed:    0
        Lootable:       false
        Race:   0
        ExpInsertPos:   0
        ExpTable:       table: 0493EAD0
        MaxEnergy:      0
        Attackable:     false
        Sleeping_time:  0
        Class3: -1
        Rage:   0
        Type:   1
        MaxMP2: 1
        Id:     1000
        Harvesting:     false
        Level3: 1
        Casting:        false
        MaxFocus:       0
        Stance: 0
        MP:     10527
        LastExp:        0
        Last_ignore_target_time:        0
        ExpUpdateInterval:      10
        Fighting:       false
        InventoryDoUpdate:      false
        Success_waypoints:      0
        fightStartTime: 0
        failed_casts_in_a_row:  0
        MaxMana:        10527
        LastSkill:      table: 0493EB48
        GlobalCooldown: 0
        Class1: 6
        BotStartTime_nr:        0
        Moving: false
        Speed:  50
        Swimming:       false
        MaxRage:        0
        InParty:        true
        Name:   Peanutbutterwolf
        TargetIcon:     true
        SkillQueue:     table: 0493EB20
        Buffs:  table: 0493EB70
                1:      table: 0493EB98
                        Name:   Love is in the Air
                        Id:     501753
                        Level:  0
                        TimeLeft:       156.72413635254
                        Count:  4
        HP:     35224
        free_flag3:     false
        Mounted:        false
        free_flag2:     false
        Guild:  <UNKNOWN>
        PotionLastManaEmptyTime:        0
        free_flag1:     false
        PhiriusHpUsed:  0
        PetPtr: 0
        mobs:   table: 0493EAF8
        LastTargetPtr:  0
        Fights: 0
        Alive:  true
        Focus:  0
        Unstick_counter:        0
        PotionLastUseTime:      0
        ranged_pull:    false
        ExpPerMin:      0
        Last_ignore_target_ptr: 0
        Returning:      false
        ExpTableMaxSize:        10
        PhiriusManaUsed:        0
        Current_waypoint_type:  3
        Death_counter:  0
        TimeTillLevel:  0
        free_counter1:  0
        Sleeping:       false
        level_detect_levelup:   0
        PotionLastHpEmptyTime:  0
        LastExpUpdateTime:      1359762271
        PotionLastManaOnceEmptyTime:    0
        DirectionY:     -0.39300271351115
        Direction:      -2.5059241078813
        free_counter3:  0
        BotStartTime:   1359762271
        PhiriusLastHpEmptyTime: 0
        PhiriusLastManaEmptyTime:       0
        InventoryLastUpdate:    1359762271
        Nature: 0
        PotionManaUsed: 0
        Level2: 50
        PhiriusLastUseTime:     0
        MP2:    1
        IgnoreTarget:   0
        Level:  58
        TargetPtr:      1201227264
        GUID:   4016
        PotionManaOnceUsed:     0
        LastDistImprove:        1359762271
        Cast_to_target: 0
        PotionHpUsed:   0
        PotionHpOnceUsed:       0
        Psi:    0
        free_counter2:  0
        Energy: 0
        Y:      92.135643005371
        X:      -14628.09375
        Class2: 5
        Z:      34530.6875
        PotionLastHpOnceEmptyTime:      0
        Battling:       false
        Address:        1201217024
        Aggressive:     false
2:      table: 0493FB88
        free_debug1:    0
        MaxMP:  5540
        MaxHP:  35282
        PotionLastOnceUseTime:  0
        Mana:   5540
        LastDamage:     0
        ActualSpeed:    0
        Lootable:       false
        Race:   1
        ExpInsertPos:   0
        ExpTable:       table: 0493FBD8
        MaxEnergy:      0
        Attackable:     false
        Sleeping_time:  0
        Class3: -1
        Rage:   0
        Type:   1
        MaxMP2: 100
        Id:     1003
        Harvesting:     false
        Level3: 1
        Casting:        false
        MaxFocus:       100
        Stance: 0
        MP:     5540
        LastExp:        0
        Last_ignore_target_time:        0
        ExpUpdateInterval:      10
        Fighting:       false
        InventoryDoUpdate:      false
        Success_waypoints:      0
        fightStartTime: 0
        failed_casts_in_a_row:  0
        MaxMana:        5540
        LastSkill:      table: 0493FC50
        GlobalCooldown: 0
        Class1: 7
        BotStartTime_nr:        0
        Moving: false
        Speed:  53.500003814697
        Swimming:       false
        MaxRage:        0
        InParty:        true
        Name:   Caffinated
        TargetIcon:     true
        SkillQueue:     table: 0493FC28
        Buffs:  table: 0493FC78
                1:      table: 0493FDE0
                        Name:   Briar Shield
                        Id:     503958
                        Level:  50
                        TimeLeft:       174.56092834473
                        Count:  1
        HP:     35282
        free_flag3:     false
        Mounted:        false
        free_flag2:     false
        Guild:  <UNKNOWN>
        PotionLastManaEmptyTime:        0
        free_flag1:     false
        PhiriusHpUsed:  0
        PetPtr: 0
        mobs:   table: 0493FC00
        LastTargetPtr:  0
        Fights: 0
        Alive:  true
        Focus:  100
        Unstick_counter:        0
        PotionLastUseTime:      0
        ranged_pull:    false
        ExpPerMin:      0
        Last_ignore_target_ptr: 0
        Returning:      false
        ExpTableMaxSize:        10
        PhiriusManaUsed:        0
        Current_waypoint_type:  3
        Death_counter:  0
        TimeTillLevel:  0
        free_counter1:  0
        Sleeping:       false
        level_detect_levelup:   0
        PotionLastHpEmptyTime:  0
        LastExpUpdateTime:      1359762271
        PotionLastManaOnceEmptyTime:    0
        DirectionY:     0
        Direction:      -2.3911011496926
        free_counter3:  0
        BotStartTime:   1359762271
        PhiriusLastHpEmptyTime: 0
        PhiriusLastManaEmptyTime:       0
        InventoryLastUpdate:    1359762271
        Nature: 0
        PotionManaUsed: 0
        Level2: 50
        PhiriusLastUseTime:     0
        MP2:    100
        IgnoreTarget:   0
        Level:  58
        TargetPtr:      0
        GUID:   4217
        PotionManaOnceUsed:     0
        LastDistImprove:        1359762271
        Cast_to_target: 0
        PotionHpUsed:   0
        PotionHpOnceUsed:       0
        Psi:    0
        free_counter2:  0
        Energy: 0
        Y:      91.99715423584
        X:      -14619.53515625
        Class2: 2
        Z:      34529.48828125
        PotionLastHpOnceEmptyTime:      0
        Battling:       false
        Address:        1201227264
        Aggressive:     false
Interesting. Tried this a couple times. Just returned a Blank line

Code: Select all

Command> print(getPartyLeaderName())

Command> getPartyLeaderName()
Command> print(getPartyLeaderName())


Code: Select all

Command> print(checkparty())
Party member 1 has the name of PartyDPS


Code: Select all

Command> eventParty()
Party Monitor started.
Command> PartyTable() table.print(partymemberpawn)
Party member 1 has the name of Peanutbutterwolf
table: 04A09340
1:      table: 04A0A308
        free_debug1:    0
        MaxMP:  5540
        MaxHP:  35282
        PotionLastOnceUseTime:  0
        Mana:   5540
        LastDamage:     0
        ActualSpeed:    0
        Lootable:       false
        Race:   1
        ExpInsertPos:   0
        ExpTable:       table: 04A0A358
        MaxEnergy:      0
        Attackable:     false
        Sleeping_time:  0
        Class3: -1
        Rage:   0
        Type:   1
        MaxMP2: 100
        Id:     1003
        Harvesting:     false
        Level3: 1
        Casting:        false
        MaxFocus:       100
        Stance: 0
        MP:     5540
        LastExp:        0
        Last_ignore_target_time:        0
        ExpUpdateInterval:      10
        Fighting:       false
        InventoryDoUpdate:      false
        Success_waypoints:      0
        fightStartTime: 0
        failed_casts_in_a_row:  0
        MaxMana:        5540
        LastSkill:      table: 04A0A3D0
        GlobalCooldown: 0
        Class1: 7
        BotStartTime_nr:        0
        Moving: false
        Speed:  53.500003814697
        Swimming:       false
        MaxRage:        0
        InParty:        true
        Name:   Caffinated
        TargetIcon:     true
        SkillQueue:     table: 04A0A3A8
        Buffs:  table: 04A0A3F8
                1:      table: 04A0A560
                        Name:   Briar Shield
                        Id:     503958
                        Level:  50
                        TimeLeft:       238.59155273438
                        Count:  1
        HP:     35282
        free_flag3:     false
        Mounted:        false
        free_flag2:     false
        Guild:  <UNKNOWN>
        PotionLastManaEmptyTime:        0
        free_flag1:     false
        PhiriusHpUsed:  0
        PetPtr: 0
        mobs:   table: 04A0A380
        LastTargetPtr:  0
        Fights: 0
        Alive:  true
        Focus:  100
        Unstick_counter:        0
        PotionLastUseTime:      0
        ranged_pull:    false
        ExpPerMin:      0
        Last_ignore_target_ptr: 0
        Returning:      false
        ExpTableMaxSize:        10
        PhiriusManaUsed:        0
        Current_waypoint_type:  3
        Death_counter:  0
        TimeTillLevel:  0
        free_counter1:  0
        Sleeping:       false
        level_detect_levelup:   0
        PotionLastHpEmptyTime:  0
        LastExpUpdateTime:      1359762207
        PotionLastManaOnceEmptyTime:    0
        DirectionY:     -0.28186065865182
        Direction:      -2.4042474866405
        free_counter3:  0
        BotStartTime:   1359762207
        PhiriusLastHpEmptyTime: 0
        PhiriusLastManaEmptyTime:       0
        InventoryLastUpdate:    1359762207
        Nature: 0
        PotionManaUsed: 0
        Level2: 50
        PhiriusLastUseTime:     0
        MP2:    100
        IgnoreTarget:   0
        Level:  58
        TargetPtr:      0
        GUID:   4217
        PotionManaOnceUsed:     0
        LastDistImprove:        1359762207
        Cast_to_target: 0
        PotionHpUsed:   0
        PotionHpOnceUsed:       0
        Psi:    0
        free_counter2:  0
        Energy: 0
        Y:      91.992881774902
        X:      -14620.454101563
        Class2: 2
        Z:      34530.92578125
        PotionLastHpOnceEmptyTime:      0
        Battling:       false
        Address:        1211414784
        Aggressive:     false
2:      table: 04A0B500
        free_debug1:    0
        MaxMP:  10527
        MaxHP:  35224
        PotionLastOnceUseTime:  0
        Mana:   10527
        LastDamage:     35.109
        ActualSpeed:    0
        Lootable:       false
        Race:   0
        ExpInsertPos:   0
        ExpTable:       table: 04A0B550
        MaxEnergy:      0
        Attackable:     false
        Sleeping_time:  0
        Class3: -1
        Rage:   0
        Type:   1
        MaxMP2: 1
        Id:     1000
        Harvesting:     false
        Level3: 1
        Casting:        false
        MaxFocus:       0
        Stance: 0
        MP:     10527
        LastExp:        0
        Last_ignore_target_time:        0
        ExpUpdateInterval:      10
        Fighting:       false
        InventoryDoUpdate:      false
        Success_waypoints:      0
        fightStartTime: 0
        failed_casts_in_a_row:  0
        MaxMana:        10527
        LastSkill:      table: 04A0B5C8
        GlobalCooldown: 0
        Class1: 6
        BotStartTime_nr:        0
        Moving: false
        Speed:  50
        Swimming:       false
        MaxRage:        0
        InParty:        true
        Name:   Peanutbutterwolf
        TargetIcon:     true
        SkillQueue:     table: 04A0B5A0
        Buffs:  table: 04A0B5F0
                1:      table: 04A0B618
                        Name:   Love is in the Air
                        Id:     501753
                        Level:  0
                        TimeLeft:       160.34483337402
                        Count:  4
        HP:     35224
        free_flag3:     false
        Mounted:        false
        free_flag2:     false
        Guild:  <UNKNOWN>
        PotionLastManaEmptyTime:        0
        free_flag1:     false
        PhiriusHpUsed:  0
        PetPtr: 0
        mobs:   table: 04A0B578
        LastTargetPtr:  0
        Fights: 0
        Alive:  true
        Focus:  0
        Unstick_counter:        0
        PotionLastUseTime:      0
        ranged_pull:    false
        ExpPerMin:      0
        Last_ignore_target_ptr: 0
        Returning:      false
        ExpTableMaxSize:        10
        PhiriusManaUsed:        0
        Current_waypoint_type:  3
        Death_counter:  0
        TimeTillLevel:  0
        free_counter1:  0
        Sleeping:       false
        level_detect_levelup:   0
        PotionLastHpEmptyTime:  0
        LastExpUpdateTime:      1359762207
        PotionLastManaOnceEmptyTime:    0
        DirectionY:     0
        Direction:      -2.4958210352829
        free_counter3:  0
        BotStartTime:   1359762207
        PhiriusLastHpEmptyTime: 0
        PhiriusLastManaEmptyTime:       0
        InventoryLastUpdate:    1359762207
        Nature: 0
        PotionManaUsed: 0
        Level2: 50
        PhiriusLastUseTime:     0
        MP2:    1
        IgnoreTarget:   0
        Level:  58
        TargetPtr:      1211414784
        GUID:   4016
        PotionManaOnceUsed:     0
        LastDistImprove:        1359762207
        Cast_to_target: 0
        PotionHpUsed:   0
        PotionHpOnceUsed:       0
        Psi:    0
        free_counter2:  0
        Energy: 0
        Y:      92.132125854492
        X:      -14628.09375
        Class2: 5
        Z:      34530.6875
        PotionLastHpOnceEmptyTime:      0
        Battling:       false
        Address:        1204641536
        Aggressive:     false
Not the other Party Leads name o.0

Code: Select all

Command> getPartyLeaderName()
Command> print(getPartyLeaderName())

Code: Select all

Command> print(checkparty())
Party member 1 has the name of Party Lead

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:42 pm
by lisa
seems like the only thing not working is the partyleader address.

Have a look in your addresses.lua for this

Code: Select all

partyLeader_address = 0xA01A00,
See if the address is the same as mine or not.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:34 pm
by ellisdee

Code: Select all

	partyLeader_address = 0xA01A00,
	partyMemberList_address = 0xA3E1F0,
	partyMemberList_offset = 0x68,
from: functions.lua

Code: Select all

function isInGame()
	-- Note: if not in game, addresses.isInGame + 0xBF4 is 1 when at the character selection screen.
	if memoryReadBytePtr(getProc(),addresses.loadingScreenPtr, addresses.loadingScreen_offset) == 0 and
	   memoryReadInt(getProc(), addresses.isInGame) == 1 then
		return true
		return false

-- Parse from |Hitem:33BF1|h|cff0000ff[eeppine ase]|r|h
-- hmm, i whonder if we could get more information out of it than id, color and name.
function parseItemLink(itemLink)
	if itemLink == "" or itemLink == nil then

	local s,e, id, color, name = string.find(itemLink, "|Hitem:(%x+).*|h|c(%x+)%[(.+)%]|r|h");
	id = id or "000000"; color = color or "000000";
	id    = tonumber(tostring(id), 16) or 0;
	color = tonumber(tostring(color), 16) or 0;
	name = name or "<invalid>";

	return id, color, name;

function GetPartyMemberName(_number)

	if type(_number) ~= "number" or _number < 1 then
		print("GetPartyMemberName(number): incorrect value for 'number'.")

	local listAddress = memoryReadRepeat("uint", getProc(), 0xA02D10 ) + 0x134
	local memberAddress = listAddress + (_number - 1) * 0x60

	-- Check if that number exists
	if memoryReadRepeat("byte", getProc(), memberAddress) ~= 1 then
		return nil
	if memoryReadRepeat("byte", getProc(), memberAddress + 0x1C) == 31 then
		memberAddress = memoryReadRepeat("uint", getProc(), memberAddress + 8 )
		local name = memoryReadString(getProc(), memberAddress)
			if( bot.ClientLanguage == "RU" ) then
				name = utf82oem_russian(name);
				name = utf8ToAscii_umlauts(name);   -- only convert umlauts
		return name
		local name = memoryReadString(getProc(), memberAddress + 8)
			if( bot.ClientLanguage == "RU" ) then
				name = utf82oem_russian(name);
				name = utf8ToAscii_umlauts(name);   -- only convert umlauts
		return name

function GetPartyMemberAddress(_number)
	return player:findNearestNameOrId(GetPartyMemberName(_number))

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:45 pm
by lisa
lisa wrote: SVN revert and update will fix the issue, mine updated addresses as it should and works fine after the patch.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:52 pm
by ellisdee
Revert and Update:

Code: Select all

MicroMacro v1.02 beta 4
SolarStrike Software
Opening bot.lua...
Starting script execution - Press CTRL+C to exit.
Press CTRL+L to cancel execution and load a new script.
Installing userfunctions.
We read the hotkey settings from your bindings.txt file C:\Users\User\My Docume
nts\Runes of Magic\bindings.txt instead of using the settings.xml file.

Welcome to rom bot! press END to quit
RoM Bot Version 3.29, Revision 746
Press the (End) key to stop/pause the script.
You can resume with the (Delete) key.
Choose your character that you want to play on:

(RoM window 1) -
(RoM window 2) -
Addresses seem off, trying to update.
Scanning for updated addresses...
Patched addresses.actionBarPtr   (value: 0xA3B694, at: 0x5ED9C8)
Patched addresses.actualSpeed_offset     (value: 0x788, at: 0x5FE68C)
Patched addresses.bankOpenPtr    (value: 0xA3B6D4, at: 0x68D0B2)
Patched addresses.boundStatusOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x84A983)
Patched addresses.camDistanceSave_offset         (value: 0x490, at: 0x62C4B0)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset1    (value: 0x454, at: 0x62C416)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset2    (value: 0x244, at: 0x43E489)
Patched addresses.camPtr_offset  (value: 0x47C, at: 0x5F01D5)
Patched addresses.camXUVec_offset        (value: 0x128, at: 0x44331B)
Patched addresses.camX_offset    (value: 0x104, at: 0x44323E)
Patched addresses.castingBarPtr  (value: 0xA3B790, at: 0x639111)
Patched addresses.charAlive_offset       (value: 0x228, at: 0x5EFE2B)
Patched addresses.charBattle_offset      (value: 0x742, at: 0x5F0B92)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoBase      (value: 0x9E31CC, at: 0x5EE81D)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoSize      (value: 0x424, at: 0x6B742D)
Patched addresses.charLastHitTime        (value: 0xA3D064, at: 0x80BBE6)
Patched addresses.charMaxExpTable_address        (value: 0xA33E34, at: 0x626C26)

Patched addresses.charPtrMounted_offset  (value: 0x7C, at: 0x866642)
Patched addresses.charPtr_offset         (value: 0x5A8, at: 0x5EDDA2)
Patched addresses.charStance_offset      (value: 0x7BC, at: 0x5EFEA5)
Patched addresses.coolDownOffset         (value: 0xE8, at: 0x6B4A1C)
Patched addresses.cursorBase     (value: 0xA3CD84, at: 0x5F81DF)
Patched addresses.durabilityOffset       (value: 0x18, at: 0x6B130B)
Patched addresses.editBoxHasFocus_address        (value: 0xA38B5C, at: 0x73160D)

Patched addresses.eggPetMaxExpTablePtr   (value: 0xA340DC, at: 0x7F3D91)
Patched addresses.functionMousePatchAddr         (value: 0x3B486C7, at: 0x62C9E6
Patched addresses.functionTargetPatchAddr        (value: 0xE8CD8B56, at: 0x5F394
Patched addresses.gameTimeAddress        (value: 0x9DEA74, at: 0x60D4A7)
Patched addresses.guildBankOpen_offset   (value: 0xBC, at: 0x857220)
Patched addresses.high9sBase     (value: 0x9FA950, at: 0x681934)
Patched addresses.hotkeysKey_offset      (value: 0x54, at: 0x7D5AAC)
Patched addresses.hotkeysPtr     (value: 0xA3CDA8, at: 0x7608EA)
Patched addresses.hotkeys_offset         (value: 0x28, at: 0x7D6364)
Patched addresses.idCardNPCOffset        (value: 0x364, at: 0x69ED37)
Patched addresses.idOffset       (value: 0xC, at: 0x83286C)
Patched addresses.inUseOffset    (value: 0x1C, at: 0x78419B)
Patched addresses.isInGame       (value: 0xA00944, at: 0x641745)
Patched addresses.itemCountOffset        (value: 0x10, at: 0x77BB72)
Patched addresses.loadingScreenPtr       (value: 0xA3CEB8, at: 0x5F7EC4)
Patched addresses.loadingScreen_offset   (value: 0xC, at: 0x7D7EEE)
Patched addresses.macroBody_offset       (value: 0x118, at: 0x7DD20F)
Patched addresses.maxDurabilityOffset    (value: 0x15, at: 0x6BC6A1)
Patched addresses.mousePtr_offset        (value: 0x754, at: 0x60B179)
Patched addresses.moveKeysPressed_offset         (value: 0xAA4, at: 0x5EE458)
Patched addresses.nameOffset     (value: 0xC, at: 0x69ED94)
Patched addresses.partyIconList_base     (value: 0xA3CF78, at: 0x661D42)
Patched addresses.partyLeader_address    (value: 0xA01A00, at: 0x65D498)
Patched addresses.partyMemberList_address        (value: 0xA3E1F0, at: 0x5EF8DF)

Patched addresses.pawnCastingElapsed_offset      (value: 0x264, at: 0x87354C)
Patched addresses.pawnCasting_offset     (value: 0x260, at: 0x873526)
Patched addresses.pawnClass1_offset      (value: 0x300, at: 0x5F103D)
Patched addresses.pawnClass2_offset      (value: 0x308, at: 0x5F1043)
Patched addresses.pawnDirXUVec_offset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x869306)
Patched addresses.pawnDirZUVec_offset    (value: 0x3C, at: 0x869311)
Patched addresses.pawnHP_offset  (value: 0x2CC, at: 0x80971A)
Patched addresses.pawnHarvesting_offset  (value: 0x164, at: 0x873FE5)
Patched addresses.pawnId_offset  (value: 0x14, at: 0x8659AA)
Patched addresses.pawnLastDamage_offset  (value: 0x2D0, at: 0x873898)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel2_offset      (value: 0x30C, at: 0x873AD1)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel_offset       (value: 0x304, at: 0x873ACB)
Patched addresses.pawnLootable_offset    (value: 0x38C, at: 0x5EE7D5)
Patched addresses.pawnMP_offset  (value: 0x2D8, at: 0x87397D)
Patched addresses.pawnMaxHP_offset       (value: 0x2D4, at: 0x8738E6)
Patched addresses.pawnMaxMP_offset       (value: 0x2DC, at: 0x87398A)
Patched addresses.pawnName_offset        (value: 0x294, at: 0x873662)
Patched addresses.pawnPetPtr_offset      (value: 0x284, at: 0x87CA83)
Patched addresses.pawnRace_offset        (value: 0x314, at: 0x80951A)
Patched addresses.pawnTargetPtr_offset   (value: 0x278, at: 0x6004BA)
Patched addresses.pawnType_offset        (value: 0x18, at: 0x881E21)
Patched addresses.pawnX_offset   (value: 0x28, at: 0x8692E6)
Patched addresses.ping_offset    (value: 0x7B8, at: 0x60A13A)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevelBase   (value: 0x9E0E74, at: 0x5EF227)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevel_offset        (value: 0x1508, at: 0x6BDDEA)
Patched addresses.psi    (value: 0x9E3198, at: 0x7B81A4)
Patched addresses.qualityBaseOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x61EDA4)
Patched addresses.qualityTierOffset      (value: 0x16, at: 0x61EDAA)
Patched addresses.questGroup_offset      (value: 0x4F0, at: 0x7761C5)
Patched addresses.realItemIdOffset       (value: 0x98, at: 0x6BA57D)
Patched addresses.requiredLevelOffset    (value: 0x58, at: 0x799551)
Patched addresses.skillsTableBase        (value: 0xA3E2A8, at: 0x818863)
Patched addresses.staticCooldownsBase    (value: 0x9E0064, at: 0x63D880)
Patched addresses.staticEquipBase        (value: 0x9DF084, at: 0x5F5799)
Patched addresses.staticGuildBankBase    (value: 0xA3E45C, at: 0x5EEB9E)
Patched addresses.staticTablePtr         (value: 0xA3E814, at: 0x868692)
Patched addresses.staticTableSize        (value: 0xA3E810, at: 0x637CEC)
Patched addresses.staticbase_char        (value: 0x9DD4DC, at: 0x5E6D34)
Patched addresses.staticbase_macro       (value: 0xA3CEEC, at: 0x762D6D)
Patched addresses.swimAddress    (value: 0xB483C7, at: 0x44DABA)
Patched addresses.tablesBase     (value: 0xA04FBC, at: 0x6AC63D)
Patched addresses.valueOffset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x7BE8FF)
Patched addresses.zoneId         (value: 0xA33DB8, at: 0x63CFD2)

Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMP2_offset'; now 0x2E0, was 0x2E0
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMaxMP2_offset'; now 0x2E4, was 0x2E4
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnY_offset'; now 0x2C, was 0x2C
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnZ_offset'; now 0x30, was 0x30
Assuming information for 'addresses.camYUVec_offset'; now 0x12C, was 0x12C
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZUVec_offset'; now 0x130, was 0x130
Assuming information for 'addresses.camY_offset'; now 0x108, was 0x108
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZ_offset'; now 0x10C, was 0x10C
Assuming information for 'addresses.eggPetBaseAddress'; now 0x9FAF60, was 0x9F9F
Assuming information for 'addresses.inventoryBagIds'; now 0x9F797C, was 0x9F6964

Assuming information for 'addresses.itemSetSkillsBase'; now 0x9FCB18, was 0x9FBB
Assuming information for 'addresses.moneyPtr'; now 0x9F0A7C, was 0x9EFA64
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBagBase'; now 0x9F8524, was 0x9F750C
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBankBase'; now 0x9F854C, was 0x9F7534
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentEggSlotBase'; now 0x9F859C, was 0x9F7584

Assuming information for 'addresses.staticInventory'; now 0x9EDAA8, was 0x9ECA90

Assuming information for 'addresses.staticBankbase'; now 0x9F0A84, was 0x9EFA6C
Assuming information for 'addresses.itemQueueCount'; now 0x9FAEB8, was 0x9F9EA0

Read bytes for functionTargetBytes at: 0x5F394F Bytes: 56 8B CD E8 F9 62 28 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX1Bytes at: 0x62C9E6 Bytes: C7 86 B4 03 00 00 00 00
00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX2Bytes at: 0x62C9F9 Bytes: 89 86 B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX3Bytes at: 0x62D1C4 Bytes: 89 8E B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY1Bytes at: 0x62CA07 Bytes: C7 86 B8 03 00 00 00 00
00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY2Bytes at: 0x62CA1A Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY3Bytes at: 0x62D1CA Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for swimAddressBytes at: 0x44DABA Bytes: C7 83 B4 00 00 00 03 00 00 0
update.lua seems to have worked, addresses.lua has been updated.
Game Version is
RoM windows size is 1920x1138, upper left corner at 550,47
Loading profile Partylead.xml
Testing 'ingamefunctions' macro. If it gets stuck here, please update the 'ingam
efunctions' by copying the 'ingamefunctions' folder from 'rom/devtools' to the g
ames 'interface/addons' folder.
MACRO Test: ok
No ranged skills specified in profile; Turning COMBAT_RANGED_PULL off.
Maximum range of range attack skills is less than COMBAT_DISTANCE 200. Reducing
COMBAT_DISTANCE setting to 100.
[DEBUG] CPU Frequency 3672.011
Loaded waypoint path commandline.xml
No return path with default naming commandline_return.xml found.
We use the normal waypoint path commandline.xml now.

        RomBot command line
Type in 'q' (without quotes) to quit.
Command> print(getPartyLeaderName())
^ PartyLead is at least returning an output ("pì°D" is not a character name)
However, Partylead still doesn't want to toss up the target raid (1) icon. Also possibly worth mentioning ,as i just noticed, Partydps/Partyhealer are not mounting and dismounting.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:15 am
by abron1
hey lisa is it possible for the lead to offer the party healer or dps a ride? because there is a add on to auto except rides and it would be faster because some times there are things in the way for the follower on a mount and it can get stuck but if the lead has a two seater mount he can ask the party member for a ride and they go npc or what ever.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:22 am
by lisa
I altered auto accept invites a while back to also accept mount invites, deleted the addon at some stage though.

sending invites to party members is easy enough, I have a macro that does it.
This is for my 6 seater mount ;)

Code: Select all

/script for i = 1,6 do InviteRideMount("party"..i) end
So with bot it would be

Code: Select all


Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:30 am
by ellisdee
You have a 6 seater!!!!!!.
Wild Jelly appears all over my face. :cry:

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:32 am
by lisa
ellisdee wrote:You have a 6 seater!!!!!!.
Wild Jelly appears all over my face. :cry:
rom4u server, only 299 dias ;)

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:38 am
by lisa
well I have tested on both 64 and 32bit machines and party stuff works as it should.

I don't understand why it isn't working for some.
ellisdee wrote:^ PartyLead is at least returning an output ("pì°D" is not a character name)
I checked the functions.lua you posted and it seems like it is the 746 version which should be working fine.
ellisdee wrote:Also possibly worth mentioning ,as i just noticed, Partydps/Partyhealer are not mounting and dismounting.
It only mounts or dismounts according to party leader, so if getPartyLeaderName is failing then so will the mounting code.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:59 pm
by ellisdee
Well, the only other thing i can think of is , im some how not understanding or setting the party options in each profile correctly.
Would you mind showing the optimal settings for a basic 3 man group

PartyLeader (waypoint runner)
<!-- Party Bot options --> PartyDPS
<!-- Party Bot options --> Partyhealer
<!-- Party Bot options -->

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 7:39 pm
by lisa
the tests on second post arn't affected by the profile options, so if the getPartyLeaderName is failing then it is failing, I just can't work out why.

Re: Party Bot (questions/answers)

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:45 am
by rock5
ellisdee wrote:Not the other Party Leads name o.0

Code: Select all

Command> getPartyLeaderName()
Command> print(getPartyLeaderName())
I notice that it's 4 characters. Is it possible the name is too long to fit here so it changes to an address that points to where the name is?

At the commandline try

Code: Select all

print(memoryReadStringPtr(getProc(), addresses.partyLeader_address,0))