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Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:56 am
by rock5
Nice. It looks like if fastLoginFastCharacterDelete = false then shift clicking the delete button will do nothing. Maybe you should move it to near the delete function and change

Code: Select all

			for i = 1, MaxCharacters do
				CharacterSelect_SelectCharacter( i, 1 )
				DeleteCharacter( CHARACTER_SELECT.selectedIndex, SecondaryPassword )

Code: Select all

			for i = 1, MaxCharacters do
				CharacterSelect_SelectCharacter( i, 1 )
				if fastLoginFastCharacterDelete then
					DeleteCharacter( CHARACTER_SELECT.selectedIndex, SecondaryPassword )
I guess that means if fastLoginFastCharacterDelete is false and you delete all, then it will then ask you one at a time if you want to delete each character, which would be cool if you don't want to delete them all. Does the delete dialog include the character name being deleted? If not we might need to add it so we know which is being deleted. Or does CharacterSelect_SelectCharacter change the character selected that you see? If so, that would be enough.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:57 pm
by Bot_romka
Little modified version fastLogin addon - Loginxml v3.1

Added function for Delete All Characters on accaunt.
Hold Shift and click Delete button for open ["DELETE_ALL_CHARACTERS"] dialog.
Thanks to rock5's. I changed the code. Now a function for delete all characters on account works correctly.

_Извините но я совершенно не умею писать по английски, только читать :oops:

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:45 pm
by Bot_romka
Code for auto set accounts group.

If you use one Wp for different accounts group. Put this code in onload Wp.

Code: Select all

		Accounts = { [1] = {
					{account=1,chars={}}, {account=2,chars={}}, {account=3,chars={}}, {account=4,chars={}},
					{account=5,chars={}}, {account=6,chars={}}, {account=7,chars={}},
					[2] = {
					{account=13,chars={}}, {account=14,chars={}}, {account=15,chars={}}, {account=16,chars={}},
					{account=17,chars={}}, {account=18,chars={}}, {account=19,chars={}},
					[3] = {
					{account=42,chars={}}, {account=43,chars={}}, {account=44,chars={}}, {account=45,chars={}},
					{account=46,chars={}}, {account=47,chars={}}, {account=48,chars={}},
					[4] = {
					{account=54,chars={}}, {account=55,chars={}}, {account=56,chars={}}, {account=57,chars={}},
					{account=58,chars={}}, {account=59,chars={}}, {account=60,chars={}},

		-- Set CharList
		local currAcc = RoMScript("LogID")
		for k,group in pairs(Accounts) do
			for i,account in pairs(group) do
				if account.account == currAcc then
					CharList = group

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:08 pm
by Bot_romka
Same modification of userfunction_LoginNextChar.lua
Use LoginNextChar(true) for login next char on Current channel. Its good for farming on different channel without changing channel for next char after login.

Code: Select all

function LoginNextChar(_Currentchannel)

	if _Currentchannel then
		local currChan = RoMScript("GetCurrentParallelID()")
		--printf("Current channel %d\n", currChan)
		ChangeChar(nextChar, nextAcc, currChan)
		ChangeChar(nextChar, nextAcc)

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:02 am
by rock5
Um... Multiple groups are already supported.
rock5 wrote:As of version 1.40 you can also use groups of accounts so that you can set one group for each client you run.

Code: Select all

	{account=2 , chars= {}},
	{account=6 , chars= {1,3,5,6,8}},
	{account=5 , chars= {2,3,4,6,7}},
	{account=7 , chars= {2,3,5,6,8}},
In this example you would have 2 clients running, 1 to do accounts 2 and 6 and the other to do accounts 5 and 7. Each client will stop when they reach the end of their own lists.
As for changing channel, you should be able to just run SetChannelForLogin before changing character.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:19 am
by Bot_romka
For login on current channel with use SetChannelForLogin

Code: Select all

		local currentChannel = RoMScript("GetCurrentParallelID()")
		printf("Current channel %d\n", currentChannel)

change button name

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:18 am
by Marcora

It's possible to add the name for each button (accountlogin) ? no account name

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:50 am
by rock5
You can switch to name only by Shift-Left Clicking the buttons. Or to make the change permanent change fastLoginButtonDisplay = "Account"in accountlogin.lua.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:29 pm
by Luigi280
I've got a problem and it probably has been asked before but i couldn't find it anywhere.
This addon just wont work for me, at all. It doesn't show the buttons on the login screen , it doesn't work when i call it in a wp, and doesn't even give me any kind of error.
I installed the addon in the interface folder: (C:\Program Files (x86)\GameforgeLive\Games\GBR_eng\Runes Of Magic\interface\Loginxml[3.1])
I edited accountlogin.lua and logindialog.lua many times using different setups and nothing.
I'm pretty sure that whatever I'm missing it's quite simple but it has been a few days and I just haven't had any luck finding it. :/

ohh and yes! my rombot has been updated and the files i downloaded for fastlogin are the ones on the 1st post.


Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:56 pm
by lisa
Luigi280 wrote:I installed the addon in the interface folder: (C:\Program Files (x86)\GameforgeLive\Games\GBR_eng\Runes Of Magic\interface\Loginxml[3.1])
I hope it doesn't have the [3.1] in the folder name, should just be

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\GameforgeLive\Games\GBR_eng\Runes Of Magic\interface\Loginxml

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:15 pm
by Luigi280
lisa wrote:
Luigi280 wrote:I installed the addon in the interface folder: (C:\Program Files (x86)\GameforgeLive\Games\GBR_eng\Runes Of Magic\interface\Loginxml[3.1])
I hope it doesn't have the [3.1] in the folder name, should just be

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\GameforgeLive\Games\GBR_eng\Runes Of Magic\interface\Loginxml
Hah! Niceee... Yep that was it. I just extracted the folder from the zip file and it had that name on it xD
Anyway, thanks a lot!

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:19 pm
by celtixx
can i use it for more clients at one time?

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:59 pm
by rock5
celtixx wrote:can i use it for more clients at one time?

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:24 pm
by rock5
Updated fastlogin to version 3.2

Now you can delete all characters by holding shift and clicking the Delete button. Thanks Bot_romka.

Added variable that keeps count of how many characters you have loaded. It's for use with the upcoming LoginNextChar/Login integration update. They are finished but it's getting late now and I need to get up early tomorrow so I'll post them tomorrow.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:59 pm
by kenzu38
Hey, rock. Tested the 3.1 and I noticed that if the account I'm using isn't listed in accountlogin.lua then returning to character selection doesn't load the characters of that account.

So maybe you can add to the code something like:

Code: Select all

if RoMScript("LogID") == nil or something then 
do the normal logout routine

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:29 pm
by rock5
I don't think that's it. I've noticed that, on the Nexon server, even if I used a login button it still doesn't show the characters when you log out. I did try to fix it but everything I tried failed.

I don't see it as a problem because, for botting, it makes no difference and when manually playing, it only takes moments to back all the way to the login screen and click the login button again. Certainly faster than the time you would have to wait if you did a normal logout.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:47 pm
by rock5
I just updated LoginNextChar . I've also updated the first post with all the new info (I also removed a lot of useless info).

Things to note:
  • - You can now have ChangeChar and LoginNextChar restart the client after a certain number of characters loaded to avoid the game crashing. Thx Lisa for the idea. (Requires the newly updated 'login' userfunction. ... 043#p48043)
    - I've added functions to help you take other actions when the CharList ends besides just ending.
Warning! I needed to add a 'wait' to ChangeChar so it behaved the same as ChangeCharRestart. This means that if you ever used

Code: Select all

without an argument for waitForLoadingScreen it will get stuck because the loading screen would have come and gone by the time ChangeChar finishes. I think most people have gotten used to using the argument to specify a max wait time so hopefully the disruption wont be too much. *crosses fingers*

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:16 pm
by kenzu38
rock5 wrote:I don't see it as a problem because, for botting, it makes no difference and when manually playing, it only takes moments to back all the way to the login screen and click the login button again. Certainly faster than the time you would have to wait if you did a normal logout.
Nah if I get back all the way to the login screen, since I'm using an unlisted account, I'll have to type username and password again so it makes it more troublesome.

It used to load the characters properly in 3.0 version even when I'm using unlisted account. Of course there was the ten second wait since it does the normal logout routine. Guess I'll just have to look at the earlier version's codes and see what changed that made the characters not load in the recent version.

EDIT: Btw, can you tell me where you put the code that removed the 10 second wait when logging out? Thanks.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:39 pm
by rock5
At the end of accountlogin.lua you will see these 3 lines

Code: Select all

function Logout()
Just delete that and it will use the original "Logout()" function.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:17 pm
by kenzu38
Ok, thanks.

I'm stuck looking for a solution though, what's the difference between an unlisted account and a listed one? I know listed accounts have LogID values but when I tried the code:

Code: Select all

if LogID ~= "" or LogID ~= " " or LogID ~= "nil" then
SendSystemChat("Has LogID")
SendSystemChat("No LogID")
It always prints Has LogID even when I'm logged into an unlisted account.