Page 16 of 46

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:56 pm
by Rickster
rock5 wrote:Done.
thanx :)
rock5 wrote:It does
ChangeChar(characterindex, account, channel)


characterindex - The character in the character selection screen. Values from 1 to 8.
account - The account number or name you want to login into as setup at the top of "accountlogin.lua".
channel - The channel you want to log into.
ah, i see. i was not aware of it, because its under the topic "fastLogin aka. loginxml" and i thought it can be used this way only when used with RoMScript().
Under the topic "userfunction_LoginNextChar.lua" it is only mentioned with two arguments.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:52 pm
by rock5
Rickster wrote:ah, i see. i was not aware of it, because its under the topic "fastLogin aka. loginxml" and i thought it can be used this way only when used with RoMScript().
Under the topic "userfunction_LoginNextChar.lua" it is only mentioned with two arguments.
It says under "userfunction_LoginNextChar.lua",

This function is just a convenient way to use the ChangeChar function above. With this function you don't need to encircle it with a RoMScript command
So you use it like you do with the RoMScript ChangeChar but without the RoMScript. So you would look to the above descriptions to know how to use it. I wasn't going to repeat everything. I thought that was pretty clear.

As to the example, like it says, it's just an example. In fact it's just an example of how you don't need the RoMScript part, not an example of how to use the function.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 2:31 pm
by freeload80
I`m traing to do this waypoint:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>
CharList = {

<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="5278" z="-2118" y="121"> player:target_NPC("Cedric");

waitForLoadingScreen ();



But whatever i do, after Login to next account, i get player address changed: , and that's it. Nothing happen after that.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 2:43 pm
by rock5
LoginNextChar already does a "waitForLoadingScreen()". So your waitForLoadingScreen() doesn't happen until after it finishes reloging. Just remove it.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 2:51 pm
by freeload80
It`s working now. thx :D

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:00 pm
by gloover
Hey rock,

the function "ChangeChar()" seems not to work, if the class dwarf is selected. Tested this on other class - works fine.
Especially if I want to relog on the same char:

Code: Select all

						local currChar = RoMScript("CHARACTER_SELECT.selectedIndex") -- Current character index
						ChangeChar(currChar) -- login to current character
The message "changing to character 1 on the same account" appears, but nothing happens :-(

Can you take a look an improove it by the time.


Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:23 pm
by rock5
I can't see any reason why that should be a problem. I just tried "ChangeChar()" on my Dwarf Warlock, with the command line, and it worked fine.

Are you sure there isn't some limitation in your own files?

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:08 pm
by gloover
Oh, damn - sorry rock, have found my mistake - have used the old profile.xml without warlock and champion skills - replacing with the new profile has solve this problem.

thx again.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:46 am
by langelot133
i don't understand why when i put


in my WP file it only print "changing to character 2 account 18" but does nothing after that it does'nt logout and doesn't log next character

with lognexttoon it was working but i need several account :/

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:10 am
by lisa
Sounds like the userfunction has been updated but not the addon.
Check first post of this topic for the latest files and update the addon =)

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:25 am
by langelot133
i did this, i updated both my loginxml and my userfunction_loginnextchar but it still doesn't work, i have "changing to character 2 account 18" on my micromacro window but it doesn't logout , i tried adding a logout function to the userfunction, but it still did'nt log On next char, in the end , i turned everything to the original form (the last update of the userfunction) and wait for a solution if someone got one :D

Edit: i've been looking inside the Userfunction and i haven't found any function to logout or login , the only function ChangeChar does only print messages that's why with my very low level of knowledge in lua i'm not able to find the answer

here's my waypoint (going from elven island to deer leg farm to powerlvl)

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints type="TRAVEL" >

 CharList = {
{account=17 , chars= {}},
   {account=18 , chars= {1,2,3,4,6,7,8}},
	{account=13 , chars= {1,2,3,4,5,6,8}},



	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="31954" z="3267" y="23">		player:target_NPC("Gamunhan");
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="32101" z="3363" y="14">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="32312" z="3346" y="28">		
	player:target_NPC("Daily Quest Manager");
		player:target_NPC("Daily Quest Manager");
		local bagid = {201843,201844,201845,201846,201847}
		for i=1,#bagid do
	<!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="32210" z="3346" y="44">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="31817" z="4052" y="26">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 18 --><waypoint x="31951" z="4470" y="26">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="31853" z="4580" y="25">		
	<!-- # 28 --><waypoint x="31945" z="4473" y="25">		
	<!-- # 31 --><waypoint x="32172" z="4429" y="54">		
	<!-- # 34 --><waypoint x="32301" z="4353" y="56">		
	<!-- # 38 --><waypoint x="31848" z="4583" y="25">		
	<!-- # 41 --><waypoint x="31909" z="4715" y="14">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 42 --><waypoint x="31795" z="5013" y="4">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 43 --><waypoint x="31536" z="5013" y="-3">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 44 --><waypoint x="30869" z="5156" y="-13">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 45 --><waypoint x="30694" z="5170" y="-11">		player:target_NPC("Magalan");
	<!-- # 51 --><waypoint x="30761" z="4963" y="-4">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 52 --><waypoint x="30903" z="4749" y="4">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 53 --><waypoint x="30724" z="4356" y="4">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 54 --><waypoint x="30849" z="3805" y="17">		player:target_NPC("Womukray");
	<!-- # 57 --><waypoint x="31022" z="3814" y="4">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 58 --><waypoint x="31429" z="3469" y="31">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 59 --><waypoint x="31595" z="3284" y="60">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 60 --><waypoint x="31778" z="3181" y="60">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 61 --><waypoint x="31630" z="2713" y="56">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 62 --><waypoint x="31480" z="2517" y="43">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 63 --><waypoint x="31401" z="2323" y="60">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 64 --><waypoint x="31133" z="2137" y="87">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 65 --><waypoint x="30461" z="2191" y="80">
	<!-- # 66 --><waypoint x="30192" z="2187" y="60">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 67 --><waypoint x="29788" z="2284" y="85">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 68 --><waypoint x="29284" z="2215" y="123">		player:target_NPC("Augsi");
	<!-- # 73 --><waypoint x="29930" z="2228" y="68">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 74 --><waypoint x="30464" z="2198" y="83">		player:target_NPC("Walogowbi");
	<!-- # 79 --><waypoint x="30296" z="2224" y="60">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 80 --><waypoint x="30041" z="2392" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 81 --><waypoint x="29673" z="2854" y="7">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 82 --><waypoint x="29418" z="3542" y="29">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 83 --><waypoint x="29129" z="4367" y="37">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 84 --><waypoint x="28851" z="4624" y="31">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 85 --><waypoint x="28393" z="4797" y="26">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 86 --><waypoint x="27831" z="4327" y="103">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 87 --><waypoint x="27967" z="4202" y="143">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 88 --><waypoint x="28326" z="4009" y="202">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 89 --><waypoint x="28514" z="3481" y="311">		player:target_NPC("Snoop the Stubborn");
	<!-- # 91 --><waypoint x="28154" z="3437" y="352">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 92 --><waypoint x="27909" z="3415" y="350">		player:target_NPC("Sidklaw");

	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="4407" z="-3620" y="118">		player:target_NPC("Elomediyah");
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="4664" z="-3533" y="66">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="4926" z="-3528" y="66">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="5137" z="-3773" y="75">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="5257" z="-3869" y="76">		player:target_NPC("Lyeve");

	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="2756" z="957" y="70">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="2327" z="1157" y="19">		player:target_NPC("Snoop the Stubborn");
	<!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="2454" z="1283" y="29">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="2647" z="1877" y="0">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="2682" z="2002" y="-1">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 18 --><waypoint x="2312" z="2339" y="7">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="2272" z="2556" y="-6">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 20 --><waypoint x="2122" z="3055" y="6">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="2018" z="3450" y="-2">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="1930" z="3572" y="-7">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 23 --><waypoint x="1780" z="3773" y="-8">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="1854" z="3956" y="-5">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="2150" z="4347" y="-5">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 26 --><waypoint x="2261" z="4628" y="4">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 27 --><waypoint x="2289" z="4909" y="2">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 28 --><waypoint x="2453" z="5077" y="-18">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 29 --><waypoint x="2606" z="5265" y="-3">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 30 --><waypoint x="2547" z="5754" y="-8">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 31 --><waypoint x="2548" z="6122" y="22">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 32 --><waypoint x="2625" z="6243" y="31">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 33 --><waypoint x="2772" z="6318" y="25">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 34 --><waypoint x="3210" z="6362" y="27">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 35 --><waypoint x="3553" z="6693" y="53">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 36 --><waypoint x="3687" z="6841" y="52">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 37 --><waypoint x="3907" z="6927" y="39">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 38 --><waypoint x="4113" z="7424" y="6">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 39 --><waypoint x="3898" z="7715" y="-17">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 40 --><waypoint x="3601" z="7817" y="-23">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 41 --><waypoint x="3309" z="8093" y="-14">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 42 --><waypoint x="3222" z="8552" y="15">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 43 --><waypoint x="3187" z="8748" y="0">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 44 --><waypoint x="2685" z="8807" y="-12">  player:dismount(); player:dismount(); player:dismount();		fly();
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="2675" z="8838" y="8">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="2651" z="8943" y="8">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="2570" z="9313" y="106">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="2514" z="9611" y="392">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="2423" z="10091" y="852">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="2063" z="11083" y="967">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="1914" z="11393" y="967">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="1930" z="11620" y="967">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="2224" z="12194" y="872">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="2317" z="12358" y="805">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="2430" z="12550" y="677">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="2900" z="13308" y="654">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="3561" z="14612" y="654">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="3898" z="16152" y="562">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="3955" z="16675" y="61">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="3963" z="16719" y="69">	flyoff(); yrest(1000) player:mount(); yrest(1000);
	<!-- # 62 --><waypoint x="2784" z="18201" y="-90">  
		loadPaths("Travel");	</waypoint>

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:43 am
by rock5
Did you restart the game after updating loginxml? That's the only thing I can think of at the moment.

Edit: The reson you don't see any logout in the 'LoginNextChar' userfunction is because it uses the 'ChangeChar' function to relog and that uses the 'ChangeChar' function in the loginxml addon.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:51 am
by langelot133
ok you were right i forgot to exit game and relaunch it, shame on me

thanks Rock'5 and Lisa for your help :D

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:14 pm
by abron1
been looking through all the 16 pages of this thread and i can't find how to pick the server your on i have to manully do it myself. i can log in each account but it stops at the server screen i pick the server then it does the rest.... thanks for the help and hope i didn't over look the answer to my problem.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:27 pm
by rock5
If you use different servers, I don't think it supports that. If you use the one server then you can check the tick box to remember it.

I've never had the issue. When playing the aussie server I have to change to the aussie server from the clientupdate window. Then the login buttons for it work. If I play the eu servers I only play on the one server. And of course rom4u uses a seperate game folder.

Maybe someone out there, that plays multiple servers, has figured out a workaround and will be willing to share.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:19 pm
by Bot_romka
Little modified version fastLogin addon.

Delete old version.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:17 am
by rock5
It's good that you are sharing modifications that you think will benefit users but a bit of a description would have help. Otherwise why would anyone try it?

I see you've added 4 buttons. You could have added more while you were at it. There have been requests for a lot more in the past. I currently have 40 buttons. If I ever released a new version it would probably have 40. I like that you reordered them. The order was a bit silly.

I see you did something to CharacterSelect_Delete() but then disabled it. Maybe it was something you did for your personal requirements.

I'm not sure what you did with charatcercreate.lua but if you managed to get it to auto create characters, there are many users who will love you for it.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:40 am
by Bot_romka
Little modified version fastLogin addon.

deleted old version/

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:29 am
by rock5
Cool. So let me see if I understand what it does.

1. It randomly generates a random name and auto selects the race you choose. Both useful for quickly creating disposable characters. Choosing the race is good because that way it starts where you expect it too. Along the same lines, it would be good if it also could select the class as some classes level easier than others and you could make waypoints customised for a certain class.

2. When you delete a character it doesn't ask you for your secondary password but immediately deletes it. I tested this and it worked well.

3. More buttons are always good. If I add any of your mods to my official version I'll probably add more.

Something I forgot to mention before is I'm not sure of the wisdom of this line.

Code: Select all

For starters, what if the server being played has only 1 channel? Or what if it has 3? Also I believe it only gets run at startup so when changing characters it doesn't necessarily get a random channel. Or I should say it does but not because of that code. My version tends to go to a random channel when changing character but I have mine set to "= 1". I think "fastLoginRegSel" only affects the first character you log in with. There is a function that returns the number of channels but I'm not sure if it would work that early in the startup sequence. It might though.

In logindialog.lua you repeat "Account17" a few times. The result of which the secondary password for accounts 17,18,19 and 20 wont work. Also you changed the CustomSecondaryPass variable to a global variable. That's a no-no.

ps. I don't think you have to worry about the delete feature. After all, you have 24 hours to undo a character delete, if you wish.

Re: rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:49 am
by Bot_romka
rock5 wrote:Also you changed the CustomSecondaryPass variable to a global variable. That's a no-no.

ps. I don't think you have to worry about the delete feature. After all, you have 24 hours to undo a character delete, if you wish.
1. I set to global because SecondaryPass used in "characterselect.lua" for delete character

2. I used patched "Client.exe" and characters deleted immediately without 24 hours wait undo delete.

p.s. see my last massage there new corect worked version.