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Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:31 pm
by eacable
d003232 wrote:
eacable wrote:ok I think I am blind and or just plain dumb... I cannot figure out how to stop my character from attacking mobs... I want to turn combat off 100% please... how do I do this?
Different ways. Set in your profile:

Code: Select all

<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_BELOW"  value="-1" />
<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_ABOVE"  value="-1" />
or use in your waypoint files type 'RUN':

Code: Select all

<waypoints type="RUN" >
	<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="-2206" z="-9648"></waypoint>
Only type = "RUN" will also avoid to fight back if you get aggro.
Using the first method I get the following error:

E:/micromacro/scripts/classes/player.lua:835: attempt to compare string with number

Using the second method did not change the bot at all it still targets the mob and trys to engage it.

So neither of those worked :(

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:32 pm
by akira2102
Im sorry -.-

Im so sorry -.-

It works. Thank u very much!!!!

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:44 pm
by d003232
eacable wrote:
d003232 wrote:
eacable wrote:ok I think I am blind and or just plain dumb... I cannot figure out how to stop my character from attacking mobs... I want to turn combat off 100% please... how do I do this?
Different ways. Set in your profile:

Code: Select all

<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_BELOW"  value="-1" />
<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_ABOVE"  value="-1" />
or use in your waypoint files type 'RUN':

Code: Select all

<waypoints type="RUN" >
	<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="-2206" z="-9648"></waypoint>
Only type = "RUN" will also avoid to fight back if you get aggro.
Using the first method I get the following error:

E:/micromacro/scripts/classes/player.lua:835: attempt to compare string with number

Using the second method did not change the bot at all it still targets the mob and trys to engage it.

So neither of those worked :(
OK, type RUN is only in one of the last SVN versions. And for the error with the first method I suppose a typo in your profile. See also here for posting more informations. Pls attach your profile to see whats the typo.

EDIT: I forgot to say that also type TRAVEL is possible to don't target, but fight back mobs if getting aggro. Thats allready in version 2.45 whereas RUN is only possible since SVN 111.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:37 pm
by eacable
So there is no typo that I can see but when I add the -1 to replace the 10 in the min/max level it errors as described. I am also adding in my waypoint file to see if anything there looks fishy.

Thanks for the help!!

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:30 pm
by amoschk
Hello, I can't seem to get this to work on the runup hosted singapore/malaysia server of ROM.
It keeps returning me error 299 when i try to start rom/createpath.lua
And it gives me "Unable to find static char base pointer in module" when i try to fix it using rom/update.lua

This only works for US/EU version ? or is there any way to edit it to work for the MY/SG runup version also ?
the current version is

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:06 am
by d003232
eacable wrote:So there is no typo that I can see but when I add the -1 to replace the 10 in the min/max level it errors as described. I am also adding in my waypoint file to see if anything there looks fishy.
I don't know whats the reason for that sudden problem with the '-1'. I uploaded a patch to SVN to make it work again. Even I don't under stand the probe. It happens only for the ABOVE value.

And your waypoint file should more look like:

Code: Select all

<waypoints type="TRAVEL" >
	<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="-2060" z="-8216">player:harvest();</waypoint>
	<!-- # 2 --><waypoint x="-2042" z="-8262"></waypoint>
	<!-- # 3 --><waypoint x="-2030" z="-8293"></waypoint>
	<!-- # 4 --><waypoint x="-1994" z="-8329"></waypoint>
	<!-- # 5 --><waypoint x="-1992" z="-8329">player:harvest();</waypoint>
	<!-- # 6 --><waypoint x="-1910" z="-8346"></waypoint>
The function '__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("TRAVEL");' is for a special situation and not needed in that case.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:22 am
by HanKo25
Returning to my first question your right, no need for enemy list.

Is there any command what could be used for gathering to not stop at wood?

My problem is that are places where the wood and herb are close and the bot tryes to find the herb but he is missing the clearing position and finds the wood instead the herb, after that because my skill for gathering wood is only lvl1 it stays there for 1 min or more.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:26 am
by d003232
HanKo25 wrote:Returning to my first question your right, no need for enemy list.

Is there any command what could be used for gathering to not stop at wood?

My problem is that are places where the wood and herb are close and the bot tryes to find the herb but he is missing the clearing position and finds the wood instead the herb, after that because my skill for gathering wood is only lvl1 it stays there for 1 min or more.
No there isn't. You should level up your wood skill, or move your waypoit a little ... or you could modify the 'database/nodes.xml' file (delete what you don't want to harverst. Save it before doing so!).

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:53 am
by AmonRa
mystikfox u upped a conflict to the SVN

Default.xml 66-67,90 and bot.lua 108-110


Re: RoM bot

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:09 am
by d003232
AmonRa wrote:mystikfox u upped a conflict to the SVN

Default.xml 66-67,90 and bot.lua 108-110

That means normaly you did changes by yourselfe at the files. If that doen't matter to you, just delete that files and do the SVN update again. The update will download the files again in the latest version.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:12 am
by Administrator
AmonRa wrote:mystikfox u upped a conflict to the SVN

Default.xml 66-67,90 and bot.lua 108-110

I didn't make any changes to those files in my most recent commit. What you are seeing isn't really an error; it's just letting you know that your SVN software isn't sure what changes to make with your current version. This might be due to multiple revisions to those files since you last updated. The best and easiest way to resolve this is just to delete those files and retry an SVN update (it will re-download the latest version of the files).

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:38 am
by AmonRa
ok good to know thx.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:37 pm
by tcflying
Administrator : can the bot work for rom sg?

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:24 pm
by Administrator
tcflying wrote:Administrator : can the bot work for rom sg?
I'm not sure. Try it and find out. If it doesn't work, you will need to find all of the addresses and offsets yourself.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:56 pm
by memcpy
Administrator wrote:
Is there a simple way to pull with a certain spell then not use it again unless no other skill can be used? I have a rogue/priest and I use rising tide as a pull, then I just use my mana for healing, but the bot likes to use a melee skill to open the combat then cast rising tide once or twice just using up mana when other skills are much better. When soloing I normally never use a potion, and the way the bot likes to go through them, they get pricey.
Set your combat type to "ranged" and set melee_distance to 50. This will make your character use long-ranged spells to pull, but rely primarily on melee combat. Set the priority of rising tide to something low (about 60) so that it will use melee skills over rising tide when in range.
you mean combat_distance right?

and this is not nicely handeld by the bot. i tried it with my R/P too and even if RISING_TIDE's priority is set to like "10" it casts 2-3 times during combat. there should be an option to flag first-strike or pulling skills. like for example scouts "snipe" or rogues "throw". you only want to use these at the beginning of the fight. and of course it needs to check if there is another mob already aggroed. so it uses them only if combatmode off and beginning of fight.


Re: RoM bot

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:29 pm
by d003232
memcpy wrote:
Administrator wrote:
Is there a simple way to pull with a certain spell then not use it again unless no other skill can be used? I have a rogue/priest and I use rising tide as a pull, then I just use my mana for healing, but the bot likes to use a melee skill to open the combat then cast rising tide once or twice just using up mana when other skills are much better. When soloing I normally never use a potion, and the way the bot likes to go through them, they get pricey.
Set your combat type to "ranged" and set melee_distance to 50. This will make your character use long-ranged spells to pull, but rely primarily on melee combat. Set the priority of rising tide to something low (about 60) so that it will use melee skills over rising tide when in range.
you mean combat_distance right?

and this is not nicely handeld by the bot. i tried it with my R/P too and even if RISING_TIDE's priority is set to like "10" it casts 2-3 times during combat. there should be an option to flag first-strike or pulling skills. like for example scouts "snipe" or rogues "throw". you only want to use these at the beginning of the fight. and of course it needs to check if there is another mob already aggroed. so it uses them only if combatmode off and beginning of fight.

You could set RISING_TIDE with the flag 'inbattle="false"' and give them the highest priority of your damage skills. Then it could only be used before being in combat. And I think you have to set your combat type as melee to force the bot to come in melee range. I don't tested it, but I suppose it could could work. At least he will use RISING_TIDE only one time.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:41 am
by memcpy
You could set RISING_TIDE with the flag 'inbattle="false"' and give them the highest priority of your damage skills. Then it could only be used before being in combat. And I think you have to set your combat type as melee to force the bot to come in melee range. I don't tested it, but I suppose it could could work. At least he will use RISING_TIDE only one time.
well that solution is sufficent but not optimal. i think we should really consider bringing in some kind of first-strike flag. i will code something as soon as i get home and post it here.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:25 am
by Administrator
memcpy: try setting toggleable="true" in database/skills.xml for those skills. Let me know how well it works. If it works well, then we can easily make some changes to allow you to set this up in your profile.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:30 am
by AmonRa
i got a problem

Code: Select all

Wed Aug 12 12:24:36 2009 : RoM Bot Version 2.45
Wed Aug 12 12:24:36 2009 : Language: english
Wed Aug 12 12:24:36 2009 : Using static char address 0x8D85E0, player address 0x412EF000

stack traceback:
	C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\micromacro\lib\lib.lua:536: in function 'startMacro'
	scripts\rom/bot.lua:568: in main chunk

----------TRACEBACK END----------

Wed Aug 12 12:24:36 2009 : .../XXX/Desktop/micromacro/scripts/rom/settings.lua:361: bad argument #1 to 'sprintf' (got nil)
Wed Aug 12 12:24:36 2009 : Execution error: Runtime error
Revision 147

i have delete all files at the rom folder and was redownload all files but the same problem i`m bad in lua and don`t know how to fix

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:40 am
by d003232
AmonRa wrote:i got a problem

Code: Select all

Wed Aug 12 12:24:36 2009 : RoM Bot Version 2.45
Wed Aug 12 12:24:36 2009 : Language: english
Wed Aug 12 12:24:36 2009 : Using static char address 0x8D85E0, player address 0x412EF000

stack traceback:
	C:\Users\EThaNol\Desktop\micromacro\lib\lib.lua:536: in function 'startMacro'
	scripts\rom/bot.lua:568: in main chunk

----------TRACEBACK END----------

Wed Aug 12 12:24:36 2009 : .../EThaNol/Desktop/micromacro/scripts/rom/settings.lua:361: bad argument #1 to 'sprintf' (got nil)
Wed Aug 12 12:24:36 2009 : Execution error: Runtime error
Revision 147

i have delete all files at the rom folder and was redownload all files but the same problem i`m bad in lua and don`t know how to fix
Please post your profile, you seems to have an error within your profile. Or make a SVN update. I hope the actual version will informe you about the error in your profile. :-)

Please use the 'code' tag for posting it!