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Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:02 am
by rock5
I'd just be happy if you could add invisibility for that troublesome candle. Or teleport behind it so the mobs don't see you.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:30 am
by lisa
rock5 wrote:Or teleport behind it so the mobs don't see you.
LoL I had issues of teleporting inside the candle and then getting stuck when I was playing around early on. Now I tele directly above the candle within clicking range.
kanta wrote: And that's not even close to the complexity of what will be needed
I like to think that trying to do something differently is a way of learning, even if the end result isn't exactly what you need for this situation you might find later down the track you need to do something similar and you have already learnt how to do it =)

The project I am currently working on for AT is completely different to what you have done. Reason I am doing it is because it is a small environment and has made it a lot easier to troubleshoot the coding for the big picture which might be coming later. So I look at it as an easier way to fine tune code I need later on.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:46 am
by rock5
lisa wrote:Reason I am doing it is because it is a small environment and has made it a lot easier to troubleshoot the coding for the big picture which might be coming later
That's like me. I did a version of the egg script that uses the transport function. Looks very natural.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:49 am
by lisa
little extra info for the extraaction bar

Code: Select all

/script local duration, remaining = GetExtraActionCooldown(number of action hotkey); 
remaining is how long until you can use skill again, in seconds.

/script local icon = GetExtraActionInfo(number of action hotkey) 
thi12-2 		invisibility
thi_new35-1 	feign death
ran18-1 		snipe
kni15-2 		binding chains
_war24-2 	ghost cavalier transformation
thi_new45-4 	gass trap
drug_006		avure reguvination (full heal)
kni48-1			Protective Shield
number of action hotkey is 1,2,3,4 and so on.

So we can use the icons to determine what skill you get from the box thingy.
Just a matter of making a list of all of them so we know what the icon name is for the skills.

buff ID ----- skill
505282 Ghost Cavalier Transformation
505283 Protective Shield
505284 Azure Rejuvenation
505285 Poison Gas Trap

Code: Select all

--=== instant heal to full ===--
if player:hasBuff(505284) then -- Azure rejuvenation
for i = 1,7 do
local icon = RoMScript("GetExtraActionInfo("..i..")")
if icon ~= nil then
if string.find(icon,"drug") then
return -- stop the script as we found skill
I have been testing different teleport settings aswell, this has been working for me.

Code: Select all


Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:50 pm
by kanta
Thank you for the tips, code and moral support Lisa. I'll see what I can do with it. I understand about learning new ways to do things, I'm the same way. But I'm still at the point where 99% of everything is still new. There are some thing I can learn easily and well, coding isn't one of them. That's, unfortunately, influenced by my learning disability. Learning scripting, languages and such are much harder for me than it is for others.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:42 pm
by klassik1
on version 0.5 -- I get stuck on on a doorway. and, it does not loot on the treasure boxes.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:29 am
by kanta
Is it only 1 door you are getting stuck on? Which one if you can say? Does it ignore all boxes or just the Amethyst boxes?

Well, I hope I found the correct door. The one from the outer ring into the center area after the second candle is collected. Changed the WP a bit, hopefully it fixes the problem you were having.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:58 am
by kanta
Waypoint updated. Check first post for new version.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:10 pm
by rock5
I tried 0.6 yesterday. My level 60 did it ok. My level 58 still gets aggro. I think this is never going to work well enough doing it this way.

So I sat down yesterday and had a good think. We need to be able to do it in a more cheatier way (yes I did just make up that word :)) and I came up with an idea.

You know how Lisa did the snapshot of the map by going high up? I think she did it by teleporting through the roof. Why don't we just teleport through the roof, go in a straight line to the next candle well above the mobs, then teleport straight down to collect?

Sounds like an idea?

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:00 pm
by lisa
Getting through the roof is as easy as you might think ;)

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:06 pm
by rock5
Hm... Looks like you're right. The one time I did it I was dead. Were you dead too when you took that snapshot? I wonder if we could remove the roof using the models. That way we could use my idea.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:36 pm
by lisa
Nah I wasn't dead but their modeling isn't perfect, as in everything they do, so there are "gaps" where you can get through.

I don't really have the time to look for models unfortunately, anyone else got some spare time??

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:41 pm
by rock5
I'd do it but I don't know how. How do you find what model is for a particualr thing?

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:50 pm
by lisa
Unfortunately I don't have any software for looking at ros files, so it is basically trial and error for me.

Their system for filing models and seriously illogical and painful to try and work out lol

I would probably start looking in the same folder kanta had the doors in.


I am pretty sure you know how to look at the name of the model files atleast, I think you even posted the link to the programme I was using for it.

--=== edit ===--
Actually now I think on it more I would say the roof is in the same model as floors and walls, so not sure this would work unless you can edit the models as opposed to just nulify them.

Remember the house model I posted ages ago, was for all the walls, floors, stairs, roof for the bigger house all in 1 model file.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:42 am
by rock5
Looks like there is no one model for the roof. It's just a flat 2 dimensional "mesh" that is part of the main model which seems to be nopoint.ros or act_nopoint.ros.

I don't know if this software would let me edit it. It is the trial version.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:54 am
by lisa
yeah the only software I came across to edit .ros files was an architectural design programme that had a cost in the 1000's.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:18 am
by kanta
Well, I don't know about ros editing software, but I use Machinima Studio to look at the model files. No need to extract the fdb archives, it looks into them. Pretty slick program. If you're running the slim client though, you won't see the textures on the objects. I'll take a quick look.

Couldn't find a model for just the walls or ceiling. They made the majority of the area with one large model. Only thing I could do was figure out the meshes and textures but I don't think that will help. But I could be wrong, I dunno.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:47 am
by rock5
Yeh I found mesh 3 was the roof and 89 is some sort of crazy mesh that crisscrosses the whole map. Had to unselect it to see all the other models. I must have a slim version because I don't see the textures.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:43 am
by lisa
Mesh_3 is the roof and a few walls, looks like this without mesh_3

I made the whole model for the instance nul and so there is no floor,walls,roof and gave it a test run.

Even though the walls are gone it still kind of sticks when just flying, teleporting is the only way to go.

Mobs land on the ground which is below the floor, the objects either fall to ground or some point in between.

So good chance of getting candles without agro as distance to mob is greater, still need to follow the path as such so as not to "hit" the invisible walls.

When you first enter instance you fall down, I figure if we do a check for zoneID via memory and then use fly it will probably just hover in the air and not fall, so means not waiting for loading screen but just waiting for the zoneid to change. Might work, might not.

Re: Ancient Treasures waypoint

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:38 am
by kkulesza
lisa wrote:Even though the walls are gone it still kind of sticks when just flying
Yes it looks to me like those invisible walls are sever-sided walls. No model cheats will beat that imo :(
lisa wrote: When you first enter instance you fall down, I figure if we do a check for zoneID via memory and then use fly it will probably just hover in the air and not fall, so means not waiting for loading screen but just waiting for the zoneid to change. Might work, might not.
Another way to solve this problem is to teleport to "Luke Xavi's" coordinates after you fall down and use fly().

I was thinkin about completly opposite solution to the aggro problem.
Instead of flying/teleporting through the labirynth, maybe it is possible to teleport candlesticks and treasure chests to our character?
I saw a video on YT once( i can't fint the link, sorry), where some guy playing with cheatengine was teleporting npcs and mobs to one point and froze that point.
So teleporting candles and treasure chests to "Luke Xavi's" room would probably be possible. But i don't know if they would be clickable/usable.