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Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:54 pm
by lisa
yeah I did all my testing on easy mode, I can live through a stomping on easy mode so if addon didn't work I could still keep going =)

Ok so looking at this in your profile

Code: Select all

	target = player:getTarget();
	if target.Id == 103857 or target.Id == 103169 then
		if sendMacro("madman.Time") >= 1 then 
With this addon in the runes of magic/interface/addon folder
stand alone addon to run when madman mallen leaps.
(24.74 KiB) Downloaded 351 times
Do that and the chance of dieing from the leap from madman should be reduced to very low, it works 100% of the time for me.

I use this WP.
simple dod WP that uses buffs before attacking boss. Uses invite last group addon.
(1.51 KiB) Downloaded 456 times
Obviously change the buffs in the onload section to suit your characters,

are the 3 day instruments lute and tamborine.

This works fine for soloing, if you are going to party it then might need to add in some checks for distance to party members before destroying group when out of instance, otherwise if some party members are still inside they will get booted out to resurection point near dalanis, which is a long walk back.

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:19 am
by s018mes
My bot works fine, except sometimes my guy dies during the leap. I have the madmen addon and it always works flawlessly.

My problem: sometimes when I cast Regenerate, even WITHOUT botting, and I am manually playing the instance, it trys to cast Regenerate on Okander! So when I am casting Regenerate while running away from his LEAP, my character stops and runs back towards Okander.

So, sometimes my character casts Regenerate during the leap event during botting.

Is my character trying to target Okander on the Regenerate spell even when not botting? Or what else is causing my character to do this weird thing?

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:38 am
by rock5
regenerate and other "friendly" spells shouldn't cast on mobs. When mobs are targeted it should cast on the player. Maybe Okander becomes like an npc when he jumps so regenerate tries to cast on him? Is he attackable when he jumps?

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:48 am
by lisa
the clear target should take care of that while botting.

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:06 pm
by s018mes
agreed, but it is still happening.

While botting, I see the character run upon the leap, and if during that round the bot chooses to cast regenerate during the running away, the character stops running and turns towards the leap after 2 seconds.

Is there a way to ensure that the bot does nothing during the Madmen leap event?

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:37 pm
by lisa
does your MM window print "running" because the yrest in the profile onskillcast code I posted will stop the bot from doing anything. Mind you if you are just healing others and not also the one fighting then the issue would be that you never target madman so the check for target won't work for a pure healer.
Could probably add in a check for the boss in object list.

So something like

Code: Select all

	local objectList = CObjectList();
	local objSize = objectList:size()
	for i = 0,objSize do 
		obj = objectList:getObject(i);
		if obj.Id == 103857 or obj.Id == 103169 then
		if sendMacro("madman.Time") >= 1 then 
Could probably add a zone check before doing the code so if you are botting elsewhere then you arn't constantly creating object tables.

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:31 pm
by s018mes
Excellent. Thanks for the advice. I have added it to my profile. I will let you know how it turns out. Also, yes it did have the yrest function already.

This project and your team has made ROM a blast for me.

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:05 pm
by lisa
that code worked fun but it did put more of a strain on PC, I am just using this for my healer atm.
My theory is if I was doing a zone check then that would be a sendMacro every time anyway so may aswell just do the sendmacro to check for the addon trigger.

Code: Select all

     if sendMacro("madman.Time") >= 1 then 

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:34 pm
by rock5
Just to remind you, code in timers can execute during yrests. Not saying that's the problem, just saying.

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:29 pm
by lisa
very true, so other code being done can affect how efficient it is.
There aren't any timers in the code for this though but the users may have other timers running elsewhere.

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:25 pm
by Pmaia
hello im trying to make this work i have download all lisa posts
but im missing about the MACRo
we need to make a ingame macro wish casts the skils
like /cast .....
/wait 1
etc or its nothing like this
couse if it was this the bot will not use any skill inside macro until the cooldownd dont be 0
i have noticed other thing is the /ILG destoy and /ILG inv seem dont work and bot get stuk saying something about changing the character id...
other way i have the macro from lisa on rom/interface/addons
i have edited my on skillcast profile for lisa´s code
but something is missing about that MACRO inside the skills from profile
thanks for any help to get that MACRO fix and the ILG seem do not work good
dont even try kill with this code couse MM says its missing EG:
dont know wy:|

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:46 pm
by lisa
Sounds like there are several things wrong with your coding Pmaia, how about you post what you have and I'll see if I can point out what is wrong with it.

Also make sure you have latest version of bot, the slashcommand function is farely new for using with /ILG

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:24 pm
by Pmaia
well i have your code waypoints at waypoints:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>

function bossbuff()
if player.Class1 == 2 and player.Class2 == 7 then
if player.Class1 == 4 and player.Class2 == 5 then -- mage/priest
<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="1644" z="-4921" y="752"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 2 --><waypoint x="1670" z="-5077" y="760"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 3 --><waypoint x="1688" z="-5162" y="759">
<!-- # 5 --><waypoint x="1886" z="2881" y="433"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 6 --><waypoint x="2044" z="2698" y="433"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 7 --><waypoint x="2177" z="2540" y="407"> bossbuff() </waypoint>
<!-- # 9 --><waypoint x="2228" z="2466" y="401"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="2188" z="2524" y="401">yrest(5000)</waypoint>
<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="2120" z="2607" y="432"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="1894" z="2874" y="433"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="1774" z="2883" y="433"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="1696" z="2891" y="445">
SlashCommand("ILG destroy");
SlashCommand("ILG inv");
SlashCommand("ILG inv");

quest at this code im mage and want to the bot uses the guitar so i try that codes below the mage section

second i have you macro for mad mallen on interface/addons from runes paste

somethings i think important at profiles from my acount
<!-- Combat options -->

<option name="AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR" value="20" />
<option name="WP_NO_STOP" value="false" />
<option name="COMBAT_TYPE" value="" /> <!-- leave empty or choose ranged/melee if not using class default -->
<option name="COMBAT_RANGED_PULL" value="" /> <!-- only important for melees -->
<option name="COMBAT_DISTANCE" value="160" />
<option name="MAX_FIGHT_TIME" value="8" /> <!-- Max time without damage before break -->
<option name="DOT_PERCENT" value="1" />
<option name="ANTI_KS" value="true" />
<option name="MAX_TARGET_DIST" value="180" />
mage skills i use:
<skill name="MAGE_FLAME" modifier="" hotkey="VK_1" priority="70" />
<skill name="MAGE_FIREBALL" modifier="" hotkey="VK_2" priority="110" />
<skill name="MAGE_PLASMA_ARROW" modifier="" hotkey="VK_3" priority="60" />


dont have sure if it was here were i put the macro codes for elemental weakeness and other pre bufss to atack the dod boss
and dont know how to make it couse if i create a macro it will use it 1 time and again just wen all the skills inside macro have losing the total count down

and have your code at onskillcast from the profile

target = player:getTarget();
if target.Id == 103857 or target.Id == 103169 then
if sendMacro("madman.Time") >= 1 then

i have MM at revision 644

and the error the macro does its just this
wen i try to atack te dod boss it crashes couse dont found the skills
and wen leave the dungeon
it try uses the ILG destoy
but get stuck on modifying some id

sory 4 the post be too long

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:50 pm
by Reymauro
For the invite character you should use the Invitebyfriend addon it works like a charm
you just need to use this

Code: Select all

while not RoMScript("UnitExists('party1')") do
sendMacro('InviteByName("FRIEND NAME")');
Invitebyfrienaddon see last post Here

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:00 pm
by lisa
nah I recoded ILG to also change difficulty mode and loot settings.
So modified ILG is for me ;)

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:32 pm
by Pmaia
that cant help about the skills before boss and the chaged adress wen get out the instance
theMM dont stops it just stay at your adress chaged :ad 11309130 eg...
and did not broke the pt and make it again

so all stops
this is not all the times just a litle many times!

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:28 pm
by s018mes

The clear target functions is working great for me.

Since that last patch, my bot no longer sells at NPC> I can't figure it out.

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:44 pm
by lisa
could 1 of a hundred things, try using the debug options to find out why.
add this to your profile.

Code: Select all

<option name="DEBUG_AUTOSELL"  value="true" />

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:46 pm
by lisa
Pmaia wrote:that cant help about the skills before boss and the chaged adress wen get out the instance
theMM dont stops it just stay at your adress chaged :ad 11309130 eg...
and did not broke the pt and make it again

so all stops
this is not all the times just a litle many times!
Hmm I thought I posted about using a function at WP just before boss and having it set up to use you major buff skills.

I also posted some code for partyhealer aswell which got rid of the changing zone issue. I am still fine tuning my latest version of partyhealer.

--=== edited ===--
Ahh ok you are refering to the post you made earlier, can you try to use code tags around any code, it is very difficult to work out what you are actually asking from that post. you can use [ code][ /code] without the space after [ or simply just click the Code button in the formating part of page, where all the bold, italic, underline stuff is.

Re: Memento farming - concept - Dalanis Dungeon

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:09 am
by Pmaia
the biggest problem was not the buff
but its the adrees chaged wen i teleport inside and outside dungeon
at waypoint 3 the MM sais your adress has been changed
and at the last waipoint iquals
and that stucks the MM many times cant boting 30m continuously couse it allways after eg:10kils it stops the MM and nothing more appens
any sugestion to force the bot continue or to avoid the adress change!?