Need some idea on how to manage a wandering Boss(Boddosh)

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Need some idea on how to manage a wandering Boss(Boddosh)

#1 Post by hagenleu » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:40 am

For those that hasn't managed Boddosh, the first boss in Cyclops Lair, this is the scenario:

A squared room, with a entrance south and another north.
The Boss has a fixed path, enter and move till half room, than exit and go north for a while, then come back; it take less of 2 minutes to do all the path.

There are the group of monster (5 fixed group, 4 at the corners, 1 at half room, with some (2-3) single wandering monsters from a group to another).

The only problem of this fight is that when engaging the boss, if some monster is still alive, he come to assist the boss, and because of his 8 second stun, and of my low level (and low, for a boss, HP) and class (priest!)) i can't survive to a fight with all together (in BOT mode of course, normally, when the boss is out of the room, all the adds are cleaned, and the fight with the solo boss is really simple).

The only way i've found to engage only the boss, is to clean the south side of the room, than wait him to the range limit of my rising tide, and when he is in range, pull him and then exit the room (from the south exits), in this way the northern adds come to assist, but come back cause the too long distance from their range of action.

Cause my low coder skill i don't know:
1) how to pull the mob when it is in range (but i can overcame this with with a player:rest(120) in the aggro range of the boss when he come to the middle of the room)
2) how to step back after the pull

Someone can give me an alternative idea on how to overcame this scenario, or can help me to develop the two steps above?


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Re: Need some idea on how to manage a wandering Boss(Boddosh

#2 Post by Giram » Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:25 pm

I have also wondered how boddosh could be killed easily.

I was thinking something like this: When entering room i think the first mobs are possible to kill and if we wait there scanning mobs just out of boddosh reach and when we see boddosh standing there we would rest for a while. I think we can get mobs location and if it won't change we know it is standing and we can start resting. The rest time would be as long as it takes boddosh to go out the room and then i would clean room and now it would be possible to easily fight it.

But then that pulling would be good too. When its near the rooms door we would pull it and run out. Mobs won't run too far but boddosh will follow long way. There was some function for wait agro (but i think it got like 5 sec timer) and then maybe we check target. If target is boddosh we load new path or something to run away and kill it. Then return and continue further.

Edit: Quick idea about pulling. Would something like that work?

Code: Select all

while (true) do
	settings.options.MAX_TARGET_DIST = 300;
	local target = player:getTarget();
	-- Should take few minutes max to get boddosh in range if we are in right place and range is right
	if(target.Name == "Boddosh") then
		-- Do we need break?



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Re: Need some idea on how to manage a wandering Boss(Boddosh

#3 Post by Germangold » Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:12 pm

i had the same problem
25k life


Code: Select all

player =;
bossfight.xml (profile)

Code: Select all

<option name="MAX_TARGET_DIST"    value="225" />
-- makes sure that after each FLAME Purgatory fire is casted twice to kill those mobs
 if( arg1.Name == "MAGE_FLAME" ) then
if not player:hasBuff("Sigil of Regeneration") then
		   keyboardPress(key.VK_9); --macro for sigil
		 if(80>player.HP/player.MaxHP*100) then
		   if(50>player.HP/player.MaxHP*100) then
AND MAGE_FLAME is my only dmg skill!

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Re: Need some idea on how to manage a wandering Boss(Boddosh

#4 Post by hagenleu » Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:35 pm

@ Giram

Used your code in the first waypoint!
It is ok for waiting Boddosh, and cast correctly Fireball when boddosh is at the correct distance.

However after the pull it start to loop in a strange way.

CLOPSboddosh.xml is the path to retreath a little:

Code: Select all

	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="3408" z="2692" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="3241" z="2624" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="3035" z="2532" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="2915" z="2448" y="47">
I paste some of the output of micromacro window.

Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL => Boddosh (335383/335383)
Loaded waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml
No return path with default naming CLOPSboddosh_return.xml found.
We use the normal waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml now.
Select new target Boddosh in distance 197
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL => Boddosh (332693/335383)
Loaded waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml
No return path with default naming CLOPSboddosh_return.xml found.
We use the normal waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml now.
Select new target Boddosh in distance 149
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL => Boddosh (332693/335383)
Loaded waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml
No return path with default naming CLOPSboddosh_return.xml found.
We use the normal waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml now.
Select new target Boddosh in distance 79
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL => Boddosh (332693/335383)
Loaded waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml
No return path with default naming CLOPSboddosh_return.xml found.
We use the normal waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml now.
Select new target Boddosh in distance 24
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL => Boddosh (332434/335383)
Loaded waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml
No return path with default naming CLOPSboddosh_return.xml found.
We use the normal waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml now.
Select new target Boddosh in distance 24
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL => Boddosh (329764/335383)
Loaded waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml
No return path with default naming CLOPSboddosh_return.xml found.
We use the normal waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml now.
Select new target Boddosh in distance 24
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL => Boddosh (329505/335383)
Loaded waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml
No return path with default naming CLOPSboddosh_return.xml found.
We use the normal waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml now.
Select new target Boddosh in distance 24
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL => Boddosh (329505/335383)
Loaded waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml
No return path with default naming CLOPSboddosh_return.xml found.
We use the normal waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml now.
Select new target Boddosh in distance 18
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL => Boddosh (329505/335383)
Loaded waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml
No return path with default naming CLOPSboddosh_return.xml found.
We use the normal waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml now.
Select new target Boddosh in distance 14
Use MACRO: MAGE_FIREBALL => Boddosh (329247/335383)
Loaded waypoint path CLOPSboddosh.xml

And so's as is still in the while loop

Any suggest?

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Re: Need some idea on how to manage a wandering Boss(Boddosh

#5 Post by Giram » Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:10 am

It seems to loop that while part so i think it need break. I first though that when we put loadpath there it would go away from that loop but i guess it stays in. Try this

Code: Select all

if(target.Name == "Boddosh") then

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Re: Need some idea on how to manage a wandering Boss(Boddosh

#6 Post by Giram » Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:44 pm

I was trying to do that pulling part my self but i noticed that i can't get it run away. It just starts fighting there and then it call mobs in room and i die.

What i could do that char would stop attacking and start running to other waypoint? It should stop attacking after pulling boss. This is my current experiment:

Code: Select all

<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="3601" z="2689" y="47" type="TRAVEL">
		while (true) do
			settings.options.MAX_TARGET_DIST = 250;
			local target = player:getTarget();
			if(target.Name == "Boddosh") then
			if(target.Name == "Agriza Warrior") then


	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="3538" z="2694" y="47" tag="runAway" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="3477" z="2694" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
It will run few waypoint and then i change type to normal to attack boddosh. If it would run there :)

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Re: Need some idea on how to manage a wandering Boss(Boddosh

#7 Post by hagenleu » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:11 pm

Sry but i was out for work and can't try your "experiment" till now.

What to's ok, work like a charm :P

Tnx very much Giram!!

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Re: Need some idea on how to manage a wandering Boss(Boddosh

#8 Post by Giram » Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:32 am

It's not working for me. It just stays there to fight and dies when mobs from the room comes. Are you using that loadPaths or

Code: Select all

To run away?

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Re: Need some idea on how to manage a wandering Boss(Boddosh

#9 Post by hagenleu » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:55 pm

Giram it's ok the code, work in the right way as you intended it, but, also for me, ineffective with a priest of 57 and 17k HP.
I can manage Boddosh but the adds kill me when 8 seconds stunned :(

For this fight i realize that is important the class of the pg, mage and rogue rules (as said by Germangold) but we can still utilize your code for low level-damage-hp pg if we organize the fight in the right way.

I take the time of the wandering of Boddosh and realize that he complete his round of patrol in 1 minute and 10 second.

We have to wait 13 second before start killing adds to be sure that boddosh is sufficiently far and can't be aggroed

With your code, we'll go to made multiple fight to clean the room, and then Boddosh.

First we position the pg in the right place, where he/she doesn't aggro any add but at the same time, can target Boddosh.

When he come in range, we have to wait 13 second before start kill adds to be sure that Boddosh after the short pause restart and is sufficiently far and can't be aggroed.

I first clean the group of adds on the left of the south entrance and immediately the other group near the big pot on the righ side of the half-room, then come back in the first position and wait Boddosh for the second time.

Like before we wait the right time and restart to clean completely the room, first the two adds on the north entrance of the room, and then the two on the left side, then come back for the third time in the wait position.

But this time we strike ;) when Boddosh is in range we can easily kill him without fear of the adds....

So Giram i tnx you again very much and appreciate if you can help me to optimize the code.

And this is the code, i used this time a 55 rougue/knight 20k HP 10k pattack (only for his treasure find skill), but is easily configurable for a caster like a priest, increasing the distance in the wait position (for the rogue is 180) to remedy the lack of hide...enjoi :)

Code: Select all

	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="3400" z="2698" type="travel">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="3431" z="2696" type="travel">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="3529" z="2701" >
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="3570" z="2700" y="47" type="TRAVEL">
      while (true) do
         settings.options.MAX_TARGET_DIST = 180;
         local target = player:getTarget();
         if(target.Name == "Boddosh") then
   <!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="3605" z="2772" y="47" tag="firstclean">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="3677" z="2619" y="47">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="3857" z="2627" y="47">   </waypoint>

	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="3431" z="2696" type="TRAVEL">
 	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="3570" z="2700" y="47" type="TRAVEL">
      while (true) do
         settings.options.MAX_TARGET_DIST = 180;
         local target = player:getTarget();
         if(target.Name == "Boddosh") then
   <!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="4010" z="2649" y="47" tag="secondclean">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="4012" z="2781" y="47">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="3865" z="2779" y="47">   </waypoint>
	<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="3431" z="2696" type="TRAVEL">
   <!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="3570" z="2700" y="47">       
         while (true) do
         settings.options.MAX_TARGET_DIST = 180;
         local target = player:getTarget();
         if(target.Name == "Boddosh") then
   <!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="3600" z="2700" y="47">

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