Check AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR; if true, then recall/logout

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (
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Check AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR; if true, then recall/logout

#1 Post by ou81too » Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:27 am

Lately, there are mobs that have been bugged where the mobs have 2X-3X normal HP. To my undergeared character (with @ 2100HP), this bug makes these mobs almost elite. For example, the mob's normal HP is @ 4800HP; when bugged, the mobs have 9900HP.

The area I am farming have no elites. The check for AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR should never be true -- except when the mobs are bugged. When the mobs have 2X-3X normal HP, I want my character to recall/logout.

Is there a way to check before starting a fight if the check for AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR is true, and if true, then use recall then logout?

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Re: Check AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR; if true, then recall/logout

#2 Post by swietlowka » Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:03 am

I don't see a way to check if a mob is bugged... Are they anydiffrent by id or smt? I belive there no way to solve this.

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Re: Check AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR; if true, then recall/logout

#3 Post by ou81too » Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:21 am

swietlowka wrote:I don't see a way to check if a mob is bugged... Are they anydiffrent by id or smt? I belive there no way to solve this.
I'm not asking for a check to see if a mob is bugged. I'm asking how to check if AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR is true.

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Re: Check AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR; if true, then recall/logout

#4 Post by swietlowka » Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:21 am

there is no true value for AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR its a number like 4 and then its 4 times your life, i belive u could use sometnih like this, though i haven't tested it...

if( arg1.Name == "YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY SKILL HERE" ) then
if( "AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR" == 4) then
sendMacro("UseSkill(1,2)"); <-- Recall

Be aware that recall function need some time to be cast, also i would make the bot run away not recall and logout at once...

EDIT: If someone more reliable would look into this it would be nice :)
Last edited by swietlowka on Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Check AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR; if true, then recall/logout

#5 Post by swietlowka » Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:37 am

did that worked m8? cause it might be worth implementing in my script since those bugged creatures spawn randomly :P

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Re: Check AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR; if true, then recall/logout

#6 Post by VoidMain » Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:48 am

You don't need to do this, just adjust the value of AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR in your profile to a lower number, if it is 4 now, and you have 2100HP that means a mob should have more than 8400HP for it to be true ( 2100 x 4 ) and, if it is true, the bot will not attack it, with that being said, if you still want to do this because of aggro mobs you can do it like this:

Code: Select all

local target = player:getTarget();
if( target.HP == target.MaxHP and target.MaxHP > player.MaxHP * settings.profile.options.AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR ) then
Note that i'm not checking for any specific skill being casted, just checking that the target is full HP so it is the first attack.

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Re: Check AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR; if true, then recall/logout

#7 Post by swietlowka » Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:17 am

didnt know u can check for this in this section :D

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Re: Check AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR; if true, then recall/logout

#8 Post by ou81too » Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:44 pm

Thanks for the suggestions. I've been away from RoM recently. I thought with the new 3.0.3 patch that I would check these forums for RoM bot updates. I will try the recommended code:

Code: Select all

local target = player:getTarget();
if( target.HP == target.MaxHP and target.MaxHP > player.MaxHP * settings.profile.options.AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR ) then

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Re: Check AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR; if true, then recall/logout

#9 Post by Valleyguy » Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:26 am

Mostly using this thread as its relating to identification of Elites.

I found while trolling the forums on the US site someone else stumbled onto this info and I wanted to share it as you may want to alter the "Elite" and "Boss" code if indeed what this poster is saying is true....

Code: Select all

You get numbers as result:

If you target a mob:
1 = normal
2 = elite
3 = boss

If you target a player:
1 = male
2 = female

I ran around and did some testing, I guess you could say I ran around sexing things (I think there's probably laws against that).

Not Friendly:
0 = normal
1 = ? (nothing that I could find)
2 = elite
3 = boss

0 = NPC / Male player
1 = Female player
2 = ?
3 = ?
4 = Crown NPC
Also note the above problem with the servers "hickups" and making normal mobs have lvl 50 stats has been reported as being squashed in recent patch.

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